Entra cholce Blnhel. yarisfy DIP~ISABY' STUART >1l.~O RICWhy nef serve a rice pudding #2 pkos. lU9c C1iaIan9d d 2 l&bs. 23c oOe PIPERS ~BREA.D fPEARS Baby Stuat 2 NO. 2 Y, tins 47< f Sarfleff variefy, for fine salads Wheatenc 22-oz. pkg. 23c* Nourishing breakfast food for ail Baklnil Powder toumet . 24c Goes furfher - bakes beffer Tea. Salado Brown Label, black 3/ lb 13 *W Jao.n Green 1/4b. 15c fin COOKIES DIANA lb. 20c PAUL. SCHULZE-chocoIate and mafshmallew Butter Squares lb. 26c PAUL SC1IW.ZE - rich in buffer and eggs EGGS OLDENALIE doz. 18C CLVRLO -Slc Quality doz. 25c ButteraoOLOINOLiow ILEVLUT-fine, fresh ffoyor î23c 1b. 5 MA.MA slleed il-oz. loaif 5< Coffees maxwell Noua Good fa the laSt Fruit Cakle orIental GRENNAN'S - a delici< Fruit Cake Wine fiaiv GRENNýANS -rih, bt Soap Flakes ivory Safe for the finesf SOAP PALMOLIVE For that schoolgirl cc Ilq4eQuality' *0. RoIled Oacts Pro-cc Soil three minute Tornato Juicê Made fram choice Ging'er Ale 2 A pale dry, sparkl Corn Vacuum packed Whéle kernel golden PRUNES santa Clri Serve uf Ieast une e 1. lb. ftin 27<. Olives LargeQueein fdrap Plomp. and meaty ib l.35c- Catsup Tomate 1, ous gold coke Wifh a floyer of fr vored 2 fb. 90< Syrup Cane and mai uffernut coke Makes pancakes1 15 oz. pkg. 19C Maraschino Ch..i wtolnn ArId d nest ooirn 3 bars for 17C :oplexion 8Sluingtl Litle Boy Blue 2 oz' bfl. 9C Malces clothes snow white OXYDOL 25 oz. pkg. 21c For quiclc, easy washings ARMOURtS-JUýf heat and serve TOFFE ,A v-STU ART lb. 30C Rum and butter - celophane wroppud OrongeudGo For the sold 2a ofruait cours" ELIEU Foods cooked 2 20Ooz13c pkgs. ts and serve 3 1334.ox. tins 25c cest tomatoos 12-OZ. bottUes,25c kling beverage j3 î2-cz. tins 44c n bantam tidbits i 1lb. package #Sc i* dish a day 1 15 oz. jar 33c t, fre.sh faste 44oz., bbaffle 17c frosh fomatees spe Full pint 25c faste better 'ries 2 ":25c sand desserts p.frult Segment No. 2 tins 45c ~tI CRISCO1b.tn19 sta,.ys fresh t tastlng und digestible (q I Phone 510-514 I ~<, yC~é 2