m wq orwr W I May your cup of g9ood4 cheer be. brimming over for 1934 and. all the years to corne. SHA WNEE CLEANERS 7'ailors and Furrierf 521i Four! h Street He.alth, -happiness* and good fortune. :May they ail be yo rs dunring 1934.- CYRILLE BEAUTYSHOP. 4 17 Fourtrh Street Here's hoping you hod ail aces dur- ing 19314. BARBER SHOP 1150 Jiimelte Av'enue M-ay everything good be yours during the.,coming *year!, PETER'S PANTRY> and Bowling Alley "s, Wi/mette Avenue Fuli your glass to 19.34 . . . may it, pro sper and mav Vou prospeCr w it h i t . FURNITURE CO. ; ~;Lin de,, il enti OIL WELL Bob V 'Mac. 5oi Main Street We hope you lead, the parade down Prosperity Avenue in 1934!, WILMETTE CAFE - -8 -----------A -- u r EI.. lust West of Bank Top o' the to you mornin'du commn' Ne I CULL] MOTO] ;72 AlMa il ,mônrnin' .e v e r y uing the ýw Year. [SON- R CO. St reel TION 4 21 Main Street ,rg 1f I934 The days ahead in 34re full of joy and cheer. Lt' sing the old days out, and t h en, salute a gay NEW YEAR 1 ICOFFEY'S AUTO REPAIR SHOP i207 Washington A venue Furrier and Ladies' Taller 1122. Central Av'enue i::ý-/