Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Dec 1933, p. 40

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of years at 1356 Asbland avenue, Wil- mette, while %Ir. Eitel is also a home owner in Wilmette. Mr. Steffen bring to bis new po- sition a wealth of experience gained in the .publisingaud advertising field. * As _an executiVe of a large Chicago *agency, bis knlowledge in this par- ticular field of hoteL promotion be- came* extensive. *lIn addition lhe was long .cônnected with. the publisbing field as. an executive in the organiza- tion 'of the Milwaukee Journal.> Aug- anenting tbese. qualifications, wbicbh were considered highly important for bis selection. to the important post as manager of one of Chicago'sout- standing hostelries, Mr. Steffen bias a broad knowledgeof merchandising and -development secured in his ac- tivities, in the manufacturing business. WVorking closely. with Emil and Kari Eitel, president and vice-presi- dent, respectively, of the Bismarck- Hotel company, the niew manager will c'ontinue the *policy and uphold the tradition wbjch bias given the Bis- mnlarck hotel an international reputa- * tion for outstanding service to the traveling public. * His association in an advisory capacity with the Bismarck sinice tbe erection of the niew building -places Iiiii a position wbere be is well know.,n not only to the staff of tbis most recently constructed loop hotel, btt also to mnany of the bhotel gulests, RUILD NEW HOME road n <lenicoe, and wihI ni. thé spring. Their daughteri, betb, elitertained eighit gitests« gday of last week at the. Ardeli rounid-up. ftImza- rburs- Shore, Kate Morrison -of ]Lafayette, 1lniil, was tbe guest over the week-end* and Christmas of tbhe Misses Mary, Isabel and Louiise Lovedale of 42 Kenilwortb avenue, Kenilwortb. AMary bas recent- ly returmxed from the St. Francis bos-. nital wbere she underwent an opera- WI Em 32 UNIVERITI allat nîicîr unHC ie esj arrq qrrîoî30~cnUgr.ai 'cokW the clu~b housé; Tuelis4it i/e arors, der4'cte'db <Y»<id.kourt qv o'0 Of the oulslanding shaos on the EInchavied Is/ami at A ':,uv P>ro '$flLss, />trforminfl for fg*7v ,,inioullis îwilh lcti 'Isuiwce's. af Ici' ,aki,11 ail origqial coniracic,î or o seiilyik Logan-Howard P. T. A. - next meeting Tluesday, -j.aniîary: 16, at *d .8o'l ilt'le Iborle of NMrs. Statiley -There wilI he. a round-table discussion. I The next meeting of the. Babies AssistingN Irendly will be at the home of Mrs. tion for the. ,TTE Charles Hilton; 1716 Walnut avenue, chovsen f romn Thursday, january Il. A., consisting j 31 sen, Mrs. 7317 The. Pte-School circle will hold its Earle Lyon. Stade ini the prrepara. Jacob- SMns 9i. and mus subject ilub e Jap)atls Searcbi for -Power andSertv .Nr. Sokolskv, in bis lectures as in blis books. it is said, gives tbe clear- est interpretation tbat.lbas yet been made of tbe situation. in China. and al'so tbe reason wbv Manchuria baàs beren and will continue to be for some vears "the tinder box of -Asia." He. s a,,peirsona forata to tbe leaders ani 'ng both' the J-apanese and the. Chinlesc. andl( i5 sai(t to le selnsationmal in -sotne of bis conclusionis. particularlv itli regard(. to. the potentialities of Ille present. situation for the! United States. Ulis conclusions are based oit h istorical and ecopoomîc data and .lbs, ol)servation. of tht. impasse whirl)]lias been growing,9 vearly more actite. U"l nitedl States ean piîfit tre- nemdoustv h yýproni t ing ~cm operatu mn h)ettweeti *japan amnd China jlusettle- pieit' of the Manchurian ib~rolemmm7.* .Mr. Sokolskv told tlht>. lustittntt-' of Politic5 reeently. "n if she dlets flot proinote thiat cooperation sle wl1 kose a frutful trade with japain and îlot Wun anM ýttlet for lier o< ifl H-e asserts that jaîman ntied<s z truaralntY that lier supplv (of fi muid and ra w imaterials for lprtoduelýt î; in shal never bc îmu;erled. and tl*at guarantvi lies in NMancluiriai. flic struggle in Maicliuria i for econoinme survival of thlese peoiples. hie declares. The. solution lie 1111(h,îmit i luteevinîlîmia - tiomi g)f apan fruin aiuoig tliv grvai p erwhich vo'uld blefet ilo 1mn.- tion. not even Chbina, but ciooperationi betxeeti China and japian, am<ed iv a; constructive role on the. part of the. Umiited States. Tickets mnay be ob tained in ad- var.ce at the temple office tlehi Glencoe 725) or from Mfrs. Bar,îett Faroli, .741 Prospect avenmue. ý(-Vin:l netka 609).: .Xcademy Alumni. HoId. Luneheon Friday Noon. l-tudreds (-f nortb shore alunini of Lake Forest acadeinî are plannling tu attend the school's animal holiday alumnnii father-and-son Itncheon at eKatlheritie, daugbiter of the. Charles Klotzes of 550 Ridge road, Kenil- -worth, is leaving the latter part of . next m-eek to resume ber studies, at the University o-f Minnesota. Il.

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