Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Dec 1933, p. 39

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424 Uinden iAve-, .uet eu - 92LTN31-4tpï 5R.APT.;" 2 IBEL1.MS. LECTR refrig.; facing residential street. Very reasonable. SMITH~ & GOSS, Inc.i 72à Elrn Street Winnetka 35004> 92LTN29-tfC1 4 ROOM ArART.MOLLl-i 0D FR. newly décor8.ted., central location. Reasoflable. Phone Wiinuette 2399 or 2427. 92LTN32-4tp *.FO RENT-URNISHIEO HOU$"S ROOM, 3BEIROOM97 2 BATHilS. Near Hubbard Woods sehools and transportation. O011i.burner. After Jan. 1, 6 months or year. Write B-136, Box 4, NWilmiette, Ili.. 98LTNà2-4t1> 102 poR *NTGAlRGEB LeitU ET1CRS~C INHET ed 'garage. î94 Walden Rd.Wifnetka. P-honie Winnfetka 3233. IO12LTýN34-lte ___-FOR SALE-HOUSES WARNING, You have 84-eli other conimodities rise .,i price but tlwrc axe stili oreerare bargains in, .Real Eetate. Don't wwit for the rise which you* yuurself ex- pec-t. Act eew! WVe offer a Winnetka bargainli l a good 5 room hbouse on a 90-foot lot, bût water hcat., Cal' actually be had at eveiil frs thal' today's 10w land value. Price $7e500. *Make oufier. SOUTII EV1ANSTON FORECLOSUR9 SNAP 'Modern.6erécini brick,. Dutch , CqloniL <i Nie èectiofl, with -oi lieat, 2 gjazedi porche- . Price $10,00- or will rent a t $"75. R. M. JOHNSTfON & CG. II1LTN34-IttL 180 FOR SA-.CMmE LOTS 4-GRAVE LOT IN ME2MORIAL PAR1.ý Cenretet>'. *,.trally located. ,Call Wiltnette 1491 for detajîs. 120ILTN33-t fp la. FO SAE-HOUSEHOLD 00005 i M eAHýGANY OVAL DlNXNLNG ABLÈ with 1 leaf, asbestes pad, anid 6 cane- iniset chairi te match. $10. Walflt c1binlet serviflg table, $3. UJMfl. 1680. 129L34-lti 13 1 OR UASDMSE1AEU .R EAUTIFULLY HAND M2) E AF. glial' dark blue backgroun'd Unusua, bargail'.-4 31 Elm St - Winnetka. PI' W'iniletka 82ý or 3675, ask for Waiida iSiLS 4-Il WHEEL CHAIR it I. h.> a. and la id along a straight line (rom and NTCEI E14 IENt i properly connected with an existix3g NTC 1 EEY IE t . elht (8>)iieli sanitary zsewer in the persons interested that the Presideit. center Une of Illinois Road at a point of the Board of Trustéles of the Village Ipr fie 5)(et, nortil of the south IUne of Sa o fIlnis, ha% Colty e. Cok, a Birchwood AvclîiUe, extended tw the point Sae pipîii, aig ed tluifitaAi of intersection of the southwester'y cast tron water supplY pp,*nhdi street Uine of Illinois 1toad and a fille tire hydrants, gate valve. valve basin, parallel with and twenty 1(20) (cet north fitttlngs and ail necess8.ry appurteIiancest cf the south. street line of Birchwood. thereto - be constructed ln BirehWood t Avenue. and thence %wes 1terly aiong said Avenue (rom a jCOnieiCtol witb an ex- Une parallel with and twreity (20) feet isting water supply pipe nine (9> feEýtN nrth of the south st reet Unew of Birch- northéasterly of the teniter lineof 1111- wodAvne-"hewut Une, extended nois Road to the iresterly une, exteuidedli iîorth, of Lot 10 lu iHubjert J. SehwalW5 n orth, -of Lot 10 In Hubert J. Schwa F ' c Suûbdivisionl in the Northéast Quarter of Subdiv'ision' of the Northeast Quarter M Seétli)ti 32,.'lTowns5hip 42 North- Range of Section.32, Townlshiip429 North, Range I 13 E~ast of the 3rd. Principal jerdian, 13 -East of the Srd Principal 'Merndiai', ~~~~~~~~~~and otherWise inmprovigte'an;al n.ôVrie iiroig the sanie, -ail ind the Viae poifl te same; auil in the Village of Wilmette, Cook Coul- ty and State of Illinois. h rifaiet> and State..cf Illinois, the, ordinane for the samie'being on file Ili the- Office for the. came being on file ini the office cf of te Vllae Clrk;andsaidvilagethé Village Clerk, and. said Village hav- havilig applied te :the Count>' Court 'et ing applled to the Count>' Court cof Cook Couflty for an assesmmnlt of the Cook Coul'ty for an assessment of the. cst of said lm provernent, accordiîig to cstcf said improvem'ent, accordiuig te ~~~~~~~~~~~the benefitada scsf'ltter-tebnftt, and an a.sssmeflt there- thébelefis, nd n ssestnnt.theemfor hâving been muade and returned to, for, haviflg bec' xnade, and returned to .alà Court, Document N*o. 288, final -aUidcourt,, Document No. 287, a final erigtheO wIbeeado te héaring thereon will be heard onlth eig t he15Lh day ardofnaua> .D.134 the0 15th day cf ,anuary, A. D. 1934, at 10 oeokA . ra ol hratra o'clek .,oasp M. or as soon thereafter bunesoteCurwilert. asl snsofteithe business of the Court wll permit. pesnsdsrii ayfl ojciosi Al personS desiinig may file objections prsi ourt eore s ay il datectininp ,in said Court before salid date and rua>'eCutbfr aUdt nmy p appear -on the hearilug and ,pake'their pear on the heirilig and make éi ~~~~~~~~~~Said ordinance provides for the pa>yMSi rinlc rvds > h 83 Saidordnane prvids fr th pa- uent cf said assesmnent lin tel' (10> mient of raid assessnient in ten (10). in- in,4;allmeints, with annufil interest there- . mallnel'ts, with annual intetrest there- on at the rate of six per cent. 1<6%) per onat the rate cf six per cent. (6%> annuru. P~ianfum.DATED at Wiimette, Illinois, th13 1')ATED alt intt. Illilois, this 26th day of December, A. D. 1933. 2thday cf Deceniber, A.1D. 1933. CALSN VN CHARLES N%. EVANS Persoli appeluted by the 1'erson i pl..ihted 1w th#- President cf the Board cf 'IM through thé classified W HETHER you're shopping for mnaterials or'services, youll find what you want in WILMETTE Iuat.V.t wiS lB L"s dat. Nô. Anount 10421 $500-00. 10423 500.00 10424 500-00 10425 500.00 10426 5.00 10427 5.00 10428 10.00 10429 5-00 10430 1~ 10432 50 10433 5.00 10442, 5.00 10443 5.00> 16444 5.00 10445 5.00 10446 5.00, 10454 5.00 10455 5.00 10456, 6-(C 10457 5.00 10458 10.00 10469 1.00 10460 10.00 10471 5.00 10472 5.00 10473 5.00 10474 5.00 10475 5.00e 10476 10.00 10477 10.00 10478 100 10479 100 10480 10.00 10481, 5.00 10482 > 5.00 10483 r5.00 104W8h 5.00 10488 10.00, 10489 25.00 10490 5.00 10491 5.00 10492 5.00 10496 5.00 10503 .Q 10504 5.00, 10505 5.00 10506 5.00 10507 5.00 10508 5.00 10509 . I1*.00 10510, 10.00 10511 10.00 10512 q 1 0.0a .105,13 5.00 10514 5.00 10516 50 *V s.,.. from 10549 10.00* 10550 5.00 10552 5-00 10553 5.00 10554 5.00 1055e 5.00 10556 5.00. 160557 10-00 10558 100 10559 100 1050 5.00 i061 5 .00 10562 5.00 10563 5.00 105164 5.00 JO& 5 5.00 10566 10.00 10567 10.00 10568 10.00 10569 10.0 10570 '25.00 10572 25.00 10573 25.00 10577 10.00 10578 l.O 10580 10.00 101581 10.00 10583 10.00 10584 10.00 10585 10.00 10586 10.00. 10587 10.00 16588 10.'00 10589 5.00 10590 à.00 1"!bi 5.0 r.and NMrs. Clem Boligaia childreil 419 Prairieý avenue, a spenditlg the,1olidays in ,Shelbyvi 1I1, wth rs.Boliuig's parents. Thi werc accornpaîlîed by.i. -B olh nther, Mrs. F. Chrisi1Uý, woi ),ct, vsitilighee ASK OR N ADTAKR >Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Prussing, 549 ASK OR A AD-AKEREarlston road, K<nuworth,, will give a buffet supper New Year's eve. Ld

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