Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Dec 1933, p. 38

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mam - wz a. -i a.ujbqu - -a . VC-auc U - ve wW tote lino. No black face type iised.26% disomt on ail cash advertiao.. State B~ank BIdg., Evanston. Gre. 3200 *mente when brouglat to our office at 1232 Central Ave, Wilmette, or 661p 65LTN.16-t(c * Uneoln Ave., Wlnnetka. 16%dibseemat on ai ad'vertisements ruai four consecutlve 1mai,..se SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE Deadirne for Insertons-' ? > 9tu P.' IL CforEN H L WIIIZTTE LIFS or ail tbree -paera; Wednesday 9 P. M.f No charge to employer.' WINNETK.& ITALK and. Thursday à P. IL.'for GLENCOE NEIL Efficient service for North S 1hore hmes Tlpoo:WlImette 48M0, Wlnnetlka.MO (Winnetka 500 ftfter 6 P. M.), References invstlga.ted. Greenleaf 4300 or sheldralke Sg7. WE HAVE WHAT WB AD)VERTISE _______________________________Pauline"s Emp. îAgencîes 421, Fourth, St., Wllmette I NOICES! 3 LAUDRYWillmtte 3171 TAKE. BY. MI3TAKFe-AT A RECEP> tion Bat,. Dec. 2, black velvet coat llnied ln 'white satin. :Pleasephiole Wlnnetka 964 and redeepu own-COU t., 1LTN34-1t( S LOUT Atd POUND LOST- IN WILMETTE. SAT. A. M. xiear Central *and llth St., brown suede purse. Reward for return of keys and, papers. Phone Kenliworth 2134. 3LTNrNJ4-Itc, LosT - DEC. 15, WELCH TERRIER, brown.wlth tanpaws andDose. Nanie 'Bridget." Chld's pet. Rleward., Phone Wlnhetka 1632. 3L34-ltp LOST - LARGE GRAY ýCAT WITH white teet-and. vest, -Rewa-rd. Phone- Winnetka 645.1 3LTN34-1tc- LOST - BROWN AND WHITE .'FOX terrier, maie, wlth long tail. Reward. Phone Wilmette 33,39. 3LTN34-ltc 13 BUILDING ANO 'CONTRACTINQ MODERNIZE YOUR HOME!l LET US MODERNIZE YOUR HOME. Basenent recreation rooms, additions, attic modernization, home repalring ln ail branches. No Jobi too amail. -i5LTN31-tfp 'O *U31NEBO SERVICE BECTRIC W E LDIN G, 1301LER weldlng, automotive machine ehop and parts jobbers. PvLIK.,BROS. PHONE KENILWORTH 280-820 ______________16L TN25.26tp CARPENTER AND CABINET MAKER; alterations, storm windows, repair work Ige. or smi. Free estimate. Price resu. B. .ANDERSON, Ph. WIl. 3379. EXP. LAUNDRE9SS WISHIES TO DO laundrY at home. Big famlly wash- Ing done reasonable'by dozen or flat rate. Flrst claes work. Cal for and deliver. Phone Highland Park 9294. 34L34-ltp EXP. LAUNDRtESS WANTS WORKý to do at home. Cail and. deliver. Shirts our speclalty.. North S3hore. ref. Ph. Wilinitte 1351. .34L34-ltp ELECTRIC CABINElT BATH,-cou- plete sclentlfic massage, ultira-vliet ray. If youi wishi to feel in perfect condition far thé new year take ad- *vantge. of this speial offer, 4 treat.- mente for $5. 627 Grove St., Evanston. (.e. 1642. 38LTN31-Itp 42 P»AINTINS AND DECORATINS Paint, Paper 5 Rms., $34.50 CEILINGB CALC., $1 UP SANITAS AND CANVASING WORK. "ie t 44 PETS COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES,, ALL. coloe. Will make wonderful giftz.. J. A. Blow, Waukegan, and C(ounty.% Line nds. Ph. Deerfield 134. - 45 PIANO TUNINr. i-s-U* À V n i xU V YVTJ' EXPERIENCED'HELP WE SPECIALIZE IN HIGH-GRADE domestie- help, ail nationalities. -N(; ehar= to employers.. References in~- v-e tgted., Underý State supervision., Reinhart's> Empi. Agency 748 Elm St. Winfletka 3391. 68LTN26-tfoe Want general, Germnan, best refs. Want general, célored, à years. rets. 'Want general,,colortd, 1 % years rets. Wanit general, colored, rets. Must have children. Want general, German best rets., Jolrnson's Empi. Agency 1444 Wilmette Ave. Wllmette 4144. 68L'rNU4-1tc. NOTICE This office W'111 be closeci Dec. 24th to SJan. 2nd. ,PAIJLINE'S EMP. AGENCY 421 Fourth St. Wllmette. 68LTN3'ý3-2th LEAVING TrowN, WOULD LIKE TO place my white mald. Honebt, good cook, reasonable wages. Phene Keil- worth 1260. 681,TN34-l) .ig SsiTruATrioN wANTrEO-tALE ACCOL!NTANT WILL OPEIN ANI) close books, prepare financial state- YFI. nients. Srnali sets kept, daily or>P ltp weekiy basis, low cost. Phone Wil- CHAUFFEUR Willing to work by houi' or week. Will furnish good reference. Phone, Wînl- nietka 11.87. 69LTN,'.4.1tp 70 UIT. WTD.-MALE AND FEMALE DOMESTIC HELP EXP. AND WELL RECOMMENDED SENExer ad recerequl-red. Caîl Present Mrs. Belding, Glencoe 541. handle. 7lL34-ltp sell out- WHITE GIRLL FOR GEN. HOUSE ss. Write work. No washlng and no cooklhg. 4 adulte ln family. 85 per week. .TN34-lte Winnetka 2797, 71L34-ltÉ ::::?..tP rS REALTY CO. Wlnnetka 1800 92LTN34-lte apt., unfurflluhed. flumphrey BIdg., Elm and Chestnut Sts. Also singie rooxn. Wlnetka 97, or 3328. I Home Made Pre Wlnnetk 3360 NI 73 HELP.WTro.-MALC ANO PEMAL* 20ý-*É COUPLES WANTEDP to register at thisoffie atter Jan. -2, 1934.' Expeiienced onlY. >Wages $76 to $100. PAULINE'S EMP. AGEXCY ,. 421 FOURTH STREET, WILMETTE. 113LTN33-Stc YOUNGMA WILL DRIVE PARTY to Florida 'in exchange for trans- portation. Good rets. Phone Win- netka 3444. 74L34-ltp 1932 BUICK SEDAN, MODiEL 87. Vogue P. P. 'tires. Bargain, at $696. i. heater, quick' sale. Cail Yates, 610 Ash St.,. Winnetk., 848.. 7T7LTN31-4tp ai AUTO aSEUVICu WINTER IS1 STILL AHEAD 0F YOU COMPLETE GARAGE SERVICE AUTO REPAIE PHONE WINNETKA 3,21. >DICK KRAUT, 718 East Elm St. Winnetka 81LTN34-1te 112 FOUR N T-ROOMS., [)O YOU. WANT A REALLY COM»%- fortable, pleasant rooni, warmi, iit and near transportation, with elec.triý- hot plate' Phone Winnetka 415. 82LTN34-Iti> QUIET, COMIFORTABtE RM., NIC'ELV furnished, with bath and shower, for 1 or 2. Private home near transporia- lion. IPbone Winnetka 2010. 82LTN.34-tfu LARGE RM. WITH PRÎVATE BATHI and shower. Garage. 1 block- to N. S. transp. . East# side, loe'.ti.on. lirkfst. optionial.,Phone Wilmette 8372.1 82LTN34-I te LIGMT AIRY, ROOM-AND BREAK- fast, $2.50, per week.. 3 blocks from transportationi. Phone Wilmette 3767. 82LTN31-4t]» CENTRAL. HOTEL, 629 MAIN "ST. Newly decorated roomns, hot and coid running water. $3.50 up, Phone IVil- mette 5381. . 82LTN34-1tt- SUNNY, NICELY FURNISHED ROO.M% in Hujibard Woods. Near schools and > 1 ...W. 1

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