end and begîn a year with a crackling action picture by scheduling -~Midship- mani Jack" for Sunday, December 31, and Monday,: january 1. Matinee per- f or mances both days. will give More fans an. opportunitY to see virile Bruce Cabot,' hero oôf "King. Kong," star in bis new-story wbich was flmed at the United States Naval academny at Annapolis. Midshipman jack," hailed as one of the most entertainiflg and zestful pro- ductions released this season, is enacted by a cast of sincere young Hollywood favorites including Bruce Cabot, Betty Furness, John Darrow, Frank Albert- son, Margaret Seéddon and Arthurý Lake. The picture visualizes, many features of the United States Naval academy and an exhilarating sea drill of sub- marine chasers and airpianes, climnax- ing with. a spectacular head-on crash between a plane and a ship. The story deals with the adventures of two cad ets in rivalry for the love of their coun- mandant's daugliter. Love Troubles Lawrer T hursday and Friday of this weel4 bri-iNg Wariier B3axter in one oi bis best roles,, tbat1 of' a brilliant. lawyer and .prplexed lover in, Peuitbouse,"dramà about a '"high life" 'niurder. C. ýHeuIr: Gordon, Myrna LOY, Pbillips Homief and other capable' stars coutributeper. iorinances tbat placeý this, picture anioi the best. Bill Boyd (star of "Thle V"olga Boa t mai") bas a part to bis iking ii "Flauling.:. Gold" 'at the Wiltnette thea ter Saturday, December 30.. h draina of the crude oil empire shows BON-d ini the iniidst of ecciterrent ani daniger, taming roaring-. gushers an battliug raging ofires. at > i porirays another rougb and ,readly ad venurr, whleMae Clarkis the gfi who causes.a ritbtve the boys. At the Saturday matinee only, th children will beltreated to a captivàtÎir short .subject,- "Alice in Wonderlaiid starriug Ruth Gilbert. This is said _ be 'a faithful reproduction of Lew~ CarroiE's story and to capture the.di liglbtfully imaginative. whisies of tl author. Philo Vance Rturn . a id 'id h.1 ag te is le- he Ut sIMJwI i 41.viueLKa. Frankie Darro stars at the Valencia House Friday and Saturday, Decembr theater regular shows todayr (Thurs- 29 and 30. day) in "Wild Boys of the Road," ex- The stor v of. the picture traces the celenlyactd raa of youth fui "de- developrnen: of a young immigrant presionoutasts', romhishumble beginnings as a miner This mori.i.ng (Thursday) at 10:.30 througb one of the most turbulent o'clock, the Valencia off ers a special periods of :récent times., It reveals the benefit performance under the auspices perserverance and the. unswering de- of the , Evanston ýKing's Daughters. votioin of a,,yôung mari to the rigbteous> Ken Maynard and bis horse Tarzani principlesý of bis adopted country. appear in "The Fiddlin' Buckaroo," a Against odds that are large enough to. westernfilm. A comedy and a, Mickey have beaten the ôrdinary mortal, this Mouse cartoon round. out the prograin. yugmn conquers others as be.con- Exploer& Face Death1 quers bis own sinail weaknesses to at- A picture everyone will want to see- tain bis ultimate goal. that's "S. 0. S., Iceberg'" at the Val1- lI the leading role, Prestosi Foster encia theater Friday and: Saturday, De- is to. establish himself in the front cemnber1 29 and 30. It's ýa story of a rank of screen performers. Zita Johanu battle againist death: a polar expedition bas the feminine lead opposite ,Foster. is trapped1 on a movin g iceberg drift- ing into openi sea, while the glacierý cracks* up f rom behind. An iceberg is ~ I 1 ie? rn sbt Uet illie an viatr nd 's boie ? .Et Udwillithe huatorbeangs y £T SSepp Rist, swimmer in icy waters, de- THEA Ry cide the question. El ASIfONÇ-PIIONE UNI. 8900 "Broadway to Hollywood," a finely- done life story of two vaudeville hoof - Tdy(hrd ers, will stir the Valencia audience ONEDAY ThrdY) Sunday, December 31. Frank MXorgan ~ N A NY jand Alice Brady star.'. & W eLe Se a. Evangton Girl in Filmn - ~ U ~ ~ V y 'V.he'west'..Nwill not tmonopoize' foot. D " novC S ball on New Vear's day, for the V,ýal- Pndjo Star I -encia is 'sbowing "Sa turday's Million's," uPso g a bright, fast-moviflg grid story, 0on Monday aind Tuesday, January 1 and 2. ON THE STAGE -An Evanston girl, Lucille Lund, is seen and ias the society reporter. Alice Brady in "STAEM UTHER" Tiracy stars, wn1eua i ..u. makes a "comeback." IMae W7est to Start Varsity New Year. The -L Barn Dance" radio stars entertaim f rom the stage of the Varsity theater-at every matiuee and evening performance today (Tbursday). Thé screen feature is "Stage Mother," with Alice Brady giving a splendid per- f nrmtrnce. Mguroffl uUva Francet Tons Mainee Prîce to 5:00 P. M Fr., Sat., Dec. 29-30 JACK PEARL (Baron Munchausen) Jimmiy DurantSi "MEtTME ---- ---- ---sty, 10110W' WANTS TO BE GOOD of "I'i> No lelen Vinsoil, who is invariablY cast The prodi in vamipish roIes, declares ber one an- West, with4 bition is ita play the part of a good of the mosi girl' i pictures,. if oniy f or once. Her The cast, i new vamp part is ini tbe Warnet Bros. ,hrotiphout, picture, "The Kennel Murder Case" jng M4ae. Warn.r axter--Myrne LOY in mIlic&sy mous-'2PUPPY Love. Sat., Dec. 30 iil Soyl-Mae Clarke.ln "FLAINOGOLD" l'Peul Revers. Jr.'--Comsdly Cartoon . News Satrda MoSu.. on.. Dec. 31-JanK 1 . ..*.,.Matines New Year's bDey %madw Returns as PHILO VANCE in 1TI'E K ENNEL. MURDER CASE' EXTRA-"IULLABY LAND" Watt Disney's cartoon. A in lecOlOr Nsi i L- Heaky