Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Dec 1933, p. 32

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nue, .Sturday, December 23, they were gowned alike in egg-shell vel- vet with trains five and one-baif yards long. They wore caps made of rosepoint lace one hundred years. old, f romn whichi tulle.veils six yards,,long. extended. They carried cascades of white lbrides roses. Mrs. Davis wore blue silk lace trimuned in silver and acorsage of gardenias. The brides had one attendant, Miss Hazel Kraft of Wilmette. Who, was in yellow chiffon and carried, arm bouquets of yellow and bronze chrysantbemumns. Dr. Frank Welling-, nu Booth -of Evanston, an uncle of Mr. Alexander, served.as best man. The bouse was decorated in ever- greens and palms and white bride's roses, with, a number of standards burning numnerous tapers. The cere- mony was performed, by candleligbt, at 8, o'clock* by Dr. Paul Wolfe of the First Pre$byterian cburch- of. Evanston.' The bride's table was graced witb an antique Sbeffield sil- rver basket flikd with whitte hrysan- themums. Mr. Alexander's father and two sisters were among the guests, and Senator and Mrs. Carl J. Henry of Butler.,Mo., were among those who came from out of town. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander are at > home~ in their apartment on Seward avenue in Eivanston while Mr. and Mrs. Liles are staying temporarily at the Auditorium until they find an apartment. minister to all nationalifes, ainong *which are nearly one hundred Mexicans. Much care is given to mothers and.children, particularly to boys and 'girls in scbool, wvbo corne to the settiement after school liours for recreation. When possible,.-lunch- cons are given them.' Mrs. Lineweaver wifl be the speaker at the -club) on Friday. janu- ary 5. describirig the work, of the Bird Memnorial. Mrs. George B. Knepper is in char of tbe sewing and Mrs. Les- lieL Perry is luncheon chairman. Ail women of Wilmùette, wbether or flot- they be club members, are in- vited to participateý in'the day's sew- ing which startsw at 10 in the morn- ing and cintinues on into the after- noon until about 3:30.ý Prôgramon Colonial Homes The Protestant Women's Service club wil meet on Wédnesday, Jan- uary 3, at 12:30 o'clock ini Marshbal Field's Wedgwood room. An il- ljusrated lecture on "Colonial Homes," will follow tbe luncheon.' Opening Home Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barrett, 615 Essex road, Kenilworth, wiIl open tlheir home to forty guests New Year's eve for a Dutch treat party. I 1Dan>ce ostess Saturday is tbe wedding day of Miss Alvena Reicbmann and John Alexander Sweeney. The ceremony at 10:30 o'clock in the morning at the St. Francis-Xavier cburch wiIl be followed by a. wedding breakfast for just the, immediate families at'the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs . Abert Reîcbmann of 600 Central avenue., The bride's sister, Miss Laura Lou Reich- naann, will be ber naaid of bonor, and the bridesmaids are to be Miss Ann Photo by Bloom Mrs. Harry A.. Kahn of, 635 Sheridan road, Glencoe, as, chair- inaà of wacys and, means, is taking active part ij» the, Serve aud Seli Honu? &onomics. day to be heId Tuiesday, January, 9, under the aus- pices of the Chicagqo sectin of the Natiopial Couincil of Jewish Wornepi. Mrs. Kahn is general chairn'an a s weIl of the project which offers dem- onstration booths for council menabers, a restaurant wbose f ood will be pre- pared by council members, and dinner entertainment. The GoId room of the Congress will be the locale of the Serve and Seil day which will benefit philan- tbropic organizations and activities. Mary Moud Bermingham Wiil Be Married,. Todagy I the home of ber niother, Mrs. Walter P. Berrningbam, at 718 Laurel avenue, Wilmette, at 5 o'clock this afternoon, Miss Mary Maud. Berming- bam will become the bride of Charles M. Horth. , lier. sister, Miss Catherine' Bermingbam, is ber rnaid of honor; another sister, Miss Gertrude, and two cousins, Miss Mary Anne* Berminghaam of River Forest and Miss Jeanne Pros- ser of Wilmette are the bridesmaids. Sevie r.T'Trth as hest man. is MNrls. joseph iB. iiason, secretary; Mrs. James T. Kolbert, treastirer; Mrs. Elnmo P. Hobman, prograni chairman. The latter's committee includes Mrs. G. H-. Tomlinson, Miss Cath.erine Crane, Mrs.- Mason, and Mrs. J. L. Campbell. The school represents six differcut organizations in Evanston, which have collaborated in puttinig on a prograni,1 offering northshore residents, oppor- tunity to hear well informed i on different phases of the international situation. It is entirely self-support- ing and, non-profit making in poli.cy. It is an:educational institution whiich is beginning its ninth season .iný 1934. The co-operative, organizations are as follows: Evanston Business and Professional Woman's club, witb. Miss, Katherine Crane and. Miss. Mild.red Hoit as dele- gates; The. League of Womenl Voters- Mrs. J. L. Campbell, Mrs. 1. Capron and Mrs. R. A. Page; International Relations department of the Evanston League of Women Voters-Mrs. U. S. Grant, and Mrs. G.- H. Tomlinson; .Women's Christian Temperance Union-Mrs.' William. Gilbert, and Mlrs. W. S. Farnsworth; Woman's Club-Mrs. J. C. Single- ton and Mrs. J. B. Frear; Zonta-Miss Clara Jacobson and Miss Helen Sanford; Central Council of Scbool Clubs- Mrs. John Massengale and Mrs. Alice Serbin. This season the school is presenting a particularly iflteresting program. AIl meetings will begin at 4 and al are open to the public without charge. The subjects which will be discussed, will be he general Genieva -situation:, the Cuban situation,; the outlook for Germany ýand Russia, and the "Fýlor- eign.Consequences of the, N.R.,A." Drever-Curless Wedding Day Set for January 6 Saturday, january 6, bas been 58VeU uy Lweive r dents1; drcssed in, costumes o.fthen tis snonth, sented With r club for fii .. thon sw'm. thei mr- is .sponso>reciny the *the church. tnt for loman's i ice, a dinner party. euts 'n's Mr. and* Mrs. John Powers, 307 ren Cumberland avenue*, Kenilworth, en .- of tertained eighteen dinner guests Cbristmaýs day.

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