Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Dec 1933, p. 28

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termittently for dancing "Waddy- Wadsworthi" and bis band, and the Northwestern Troubadours. Enter- tainment will include "The Two Graces," a versatile duet. thât il sing -and dance; the six Hollywood girls, wIao were outs-tanding attrac- tions of.the "Streets of Paris" at the Fair last summer; and Audre-y a nd Sev'erin. -internationally famous ex- pontents of modern dance. Dinner will be served at 10:30, and tbere wil also be breakfastlater. .Dancing, with breakfast following will, signal the. advent of the new yearý at thée Kenilworth club, Satur-. day evening. The following 'da vt.he club will have a tea dance from 4 until 7. Indian. Hill Country club is not watching the New Year in, but will hold open. bouse on Januarv 1. be- tween 7, and 10 oclock. Sunset Ridge is embarking upon anew venture. a dance on New Year's eve - t' the nmusic of Cope Har- vey's orchestra, with supper. serveci *at midnight. The club, un.der the active leadership of its new presi- dent, Daniel Asbley, and it$ chair- man of the bouse committee, Gross Williams, are *aking plans to keep * the clubhouse open this w inter for the fir§t thme in its history,. and de- velop interest in winter sports, hop-. * ing to use the lake made this summer, for skating. Skokie Countrv. club bas already * received manv reservations for itr, annual New' Year's eve. elphrztion. tu Me weuaurs,- accuang t10the announicement of the winter sports ,committee, which has planned, the aff air. Junior Leaguers to Open "PeTter Pan" January 20. The' Chicago Junior League Chul- -dren's theater is presenting its first performance of "Peter Pan" fourÉ consecutive Saturday mornings, Jan- uary 20, 27, February 3, and 10, at -10:30 o'cloçk. Ini the. cast- are sev- Photo hy GrInxted Dr. and Mrt. Rtiftis B; Stolp of 336 Wfarti'ick road. Kcniht'orth. ait- Proince tfl ici!nagciiielit oftheir dausglaer, Koiae-rin-c Graves, - t Deapic Dadson, son of' Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dodsoit of Evatîston. The betrothal n'as mode knouwnto fricnds of the voiing peo pic at a .sralI. tea, aiflhc Sto)p residence oit Christmas day. Bernie. Photc 11irs. A. LI. [Wiss of 1045 Lilideli aven uc ai otiiiccs -lthecflga.!'»wl . t of lier daughiter, Bessie., ta scoet St. Siif th, Jr., s~on of Mr. and M*rs. S. S. Sntith of 525 Lake avze;iie. Dinners Tonight Precede Harvard Clubs', Conjcert - ~A number of Winnietka dinneir par- ~TT*1 ties are prececling the concert tonight wilmette W'elf are (Tbursday) of the Harvard Instru- The Elects- Off icers mental club in tbe auditorium of Sko- TeWilinette center of the Infant kie school in Winnetka. The event is Welfare Society of Chicago, at jts of interest flot only to Harvard alum- December meeting, elected the fol- ni but to ail those enjoying music of lowing- members to serve as officers mandolin, banjo and vocal clubs; ý nd with its president, Mrs. Conrad Tr. a university orchestra.- Mr. and Mrs. Frykman: William A. Magie 11, of 469 Maple Mrs. W. A. Kendrick, first vice- avenue expected to, give a dinner for charmn;-,twelve and the Langdon Pearses will ~~~~~vcepresidentan ulct him , entertain eight guests at their home, Miss Ella Butz, second vc-rsdn 3 Golf lane, later taking themn on t6. and sewing chairman; Mrs. C. L. -b'oner 'The Walter T. Fishers Walliser, third vice-president and sta- of 949 c isers aea.fltgvn tion chairman; Mrs. William Bal- dinner, but are taking 'a party ofý six- hatchet, corresponding secretary; teen te the concert. Miss Mary Ran- Mrs. Knight Blanchard, social chair- dail, daugbter of the' Clarence B. man; Mrs. Staver Moulding, treas- Randails of 644 Walden!road, is hav- urer; Mrs. Bettin Stalling, legisiative ing a dinner at home before the con- chairman. cert, and Miss Mary Ritchie, daugh- Hn'apcpc for the fleceniber meet- ter of the. John Ritrbies of 565 Arbor greens 'decorated. the David J. Diavis home, 72.1 Elmwood avenue, for the holiday wedding whicb took place there last, Saturday. Gowned in emeralci green velvet made on long l1ines with long sleevcs, Miss Alice Davis, the niece of Dr. and Mrs. Da- vis and tbeý daughterof Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. -Davis of Bozeinan., Monit., was m arried'at 4 o'clock by the Rev. John G.. Hindley, to Dr. Arthur Cantwell, the son of Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Ganit- well of. Shawano,_ Wis. The bride was given! in marriage by ber uncle, Dr. Davis, Witli Mrs. H. Gyrafton* Carlisle of Evanston playing the Barcarolle f rom ..The Tales of Hoff nian"' for. the wedding march. Rhinestone clips on either shoulder of the soft velvet, and a shower bou- quet of gardenias. and Iiles,.of the valley were the only touches of white_ worn by Miss Davis. Hier attendant and maid. of honor, MissMary Sharp of Chicago , was in midnight blue, vel- vet, also 'Made, with long .3teeves. Miss Sharp* carried- yellow roses and blue sweet peas. In the absence of l>r. H. C. Clark of WcitKas-, who wvas unable to be present, Dr. Roger Cantwell served bis brother, as 'best man., A, reception flor the 'thirty gu.ests followed the ceremony, pink 'and, creani predominat ig in the color scheme for the tea table 'and'wedding cake. Among those wbo camne from ouôit-of-town were the bridegrorn's parents, bis two brothers (Dr. W. H. Cantwell, jr., and Dr. Roger Cant- well) and their wives,. and Mr. and Mrs, D. M. Walker of Racine, Wis. Dorland J. Davis, tbe son of Dr. and Mrs. David J. Davis, arrived home Saturday morning- from Johns Hop- kins in Baltimnore- for the wedding. After a brief, wedding- trip Dr. Cantwell and. bis bride will' reside in Shawano. Miss Mari on Ortseifen Giving New Year's Tea Miss Marion Ortseiien bas invited' about one hundred of her friends to an "at home" on New Year's day 75 ana guesis~ wi ii ci t. w year in and the old Hosteas to Alpha Phis Miss Jeanne Scarratt, 521 Kenil- worth avenue, Kenilworth, is enter- taining a group of ber sorority sis- ters, Alpha Phis, on Thursday of this week at a bridge luncheon. noon is Mrs. Charles D. iwer, wno bas takén for her subjeet, "Points in: Judging." Mrs. B. L. Davis is-te lead the discussion ou grdeniiig. Miss Marion Thayer, 121 Robsart road, Kenilworth, was bostess recently te fourteen of lier Alpha Phi sorority sisters at a luncheon and sbower for .Miss Mildred Thayer of Chicago who is- to be niarried on New Year's day to Clifford Beckman. Miss Thayer is a graduate of the University ofIinois. year out.

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