MOSTLY ALI ONW-F-A-KIND Cherry Lowboy, $62.50' value, just this one at....85.0 Cherry Chest of Drawers, $5750 value......... 841. Cherry Dressing Table, $59.50 value, reduced to ..:.851-M0 Cherr y N i g h t Stand, $26-00 value, special at.... .$19» Brass Table [<tamp, 3-candie type mica shade, $27.00 val- ue, special at......19JO, Brass a nd 0Ony x 3-Candie [<amp with gold, barrel shade, $2950 value for $18M5 SmaIl P e w t e r and Hobnail Glass [<amp to go at. 86$&M Dressing Table Be n Ch. with rush seat., $19.50 -value. re- duced to clear..... $16-U0 Dressing Table C h a i r with rush seat. $19.50 value, spe- cial at............. $16-W0 Floor L a m p, gold-plated and genonyx, 3-candie type,, georgette shade, $3350 value, special at........... $26-U Brans and Green Enaîpel 3- Candie [<a mp w i th gold shade, $39.50 value .. $32M5 àrasa Floor [<amp with Onyx Base, rose .shade, $29.50 'val- ue, reduced to .......814£09 Brass Bridge [amp with green georgette shade, $19.75 value, reduced to.. ......8$139s Maple Dining Room Table, ex- tension type, $3950 value, re-, duced to ........ ..847 5-Piece Satinwood Dinette Set. French type, $225.50 vale, reduced to.....150 L.ORD'S-T*hird Ploop Water J ugs, green or crystal. 19c, glasses to match«...Se Covered Cookie Jars, green or crystal glass, :now ...... 2k Handled Beer. Mugs, greeii or crystal, each..... .....9c Electrie Irons, 6, lb. sizé, nickel trim, $1. cord.........19e Electric Potato Ba ker, new special 81.09, cord.....le Electric Toaster,1 nickel-plated, with cord for........... $1 Electric Hot Plate complete with cord for........8 Aluminum 'Cookie: Press with 4 form plates, for. ..9 China Tea Pots, decorated, 6 and 8 c-up size ..... ....59eB IS-piece Glass Tea Sets in ' rose or green, SET,........ si Knitted Ironing B o a rd Paci and Muslin Cover for ..8 Cast Iron Chicken Fryer, Sil- verlite finish ........8$1.AU M i r r o Alutninum Percolator, 6 cup size, special .... $1.29 Bcd Pads, 39x76 twin beci. 81.19, 54x76 full size ..1.49 New Feather-Pillows, art tick- ing covers . ... : 8I.Zei each 70Oc8o Cotton Blankets in fancy patterns .. ...... 81.19 Patch Work Quîlts with solid color backs ........ $135 Heavy Service Bath Towels, 20x40 size ....... 5 FOR 9k. Oval Rag Rugs, 24x36, inches, Ur, 24x48 inches........9m LORD'S-rBasement Store> Broken line- - 6-inch round doilies to 18x54 scarfs, Point Venise, Tuscany, Petit Point, now 95c to 113.50, to clear e6 PRICE [<OR D'S-First F100? Grenadine, S w i s s and Voile Curtaining Values, to35c, yr ...... l..........1Ise Values to .50t,. yard. 25e GlaÉed Chintz, smart patterns,, 59c values, yrd....... Cretonnes, some sunfast Values to S5c, yard.....25e values> to 95ce yard.... Sé Glazed 'Chintz Draperies, just 15 ipairs ... ... ... PAIR $1 Ruffled ýCurtains, big variety. PAIR ........ $1 and 81.5 Drapery Remnants, bigz col- lection, good.,l1engths, look theni over 5/2 PRICE LORD'S-First Floot Tooth Paste in large size tubes. .Buy for the family. 50c values, wh ile thev Iast, tube ......... .......l17e [<ord's Hand Lotion, 8 oz. bot- tic, 50c value ........... 39c Fashion Fiac i a Tissues, 180, snowy white sheets to box, 3 boies for............49 ILORD'S-First Floan, >5 ffXq £ E V.5'-*5Ak.ýL 7 'I.'r ' aafa.f &, 'liv " L YA d-M 1 UIF£V.à& V 1 Check the' Savm for Yourself!0 14 GreenSoucie. with Bloch lier$5 14. Bloc& ~With Seal Coller aàf 197$5 14Esi Grey Boucle withl GrayI 1 5$5, 14 Brown Boucle. Jep Weas rf end Slceve$6 14 Green ~~Suedo with Kolinýs lar end Muf $91$7 14 Brown Boucle, Dye.d Browu rail Trim $79.75, $65 14 Brown Boucle with Kolins er 569.75 $55 14- Brown Sueéde, Kolinsky C. nd Cepee 157 9 16 Bloch Suede. Kolinsky Sc& Sicav. $89175 $75 6 Brown Boucle. Kolinsky Sceci Sîceve $79.75 $65 16Bloch Suede. KolinskyC nd Bond, $110.00 $95, 16 Bloch Boucle w eth Fox C. $98.50 $75 16 Bloch Boucle ýwith Fox C $7975$5 îa ~ ~~ Suede wi$hBaby I.lIof$50 iBBrown Suode. Jep Weasel 0 oler $7975$6 lBBrown Luxu rious Beever C $69.75 $55 18 Bloch Suode Cloth with L 00lIer$99.7S $75 18Brown Tweed with Raccoo. ler $4975 $35 18 Bloch Boucle, Dyed Brown sky Coller $125110 $95 20. Brown Tweed witli Raccoo l., $19J5 $35 20 Blacit Boucle with Fox 0 79.75 $65 35/ rown Boucle with Jap Mi'oller. $49.75 $35 38 Bloch Boucle wtk Top 5k C Oller $69.75 $55 B9/ rown, Bucle wi$h Beaver r 5ï9.7 $35. 40 Gray Tweed with RaccOo'lier $69-50$5 40 GeyWitb LuàxurlousR 0,ole 1.7 3 41 / Bloch B oucie with Armurc ollar :$49.15 5 Itor'a hiWi Wash Suits up to $1.50, sizes 2 to 6........1........ 79c Raincoats, brokent1 39 ...s zes, values to$39............8$1.79 SOùc and 75c Wool Hose, odds and ends, 3 PAIRS...... $1 Scarfs, wool or silk, $1 and $1.35 values......... .79ë Flannelette Pajamas in size 4 only............... .49c 2, and 3 piece Coat Sets, sizes 1Y2 to 6, $7.50 vals.., 83.95 up [<cather C o a t s, she.ep - lin ed, double- breasted, 8 té 18, $12.95 values, now. 88.95ï Cotton [<umberjacks, tan suede finish, si z es 8, 10 and 12 only ................9 Od d Tweed K nickers and. "4Longies"ý to clear .... $1.19 LOR'S-First Floc,, Quality Pigskin Gloves up to $2.50,to clear .........8115S Mocha Dress Gloves, $3.50 val- ues, reduced to........ $215 [<mcd Gloves...... 20% OFF Flannelette Pajamas now $1.85 to clear at...........8$1.29 Flannelette Pajatnas now $2.50 to clear at .... ... ... $1.95 Cotton H os e. neat patterns, extraordinary, 6 pra ....... $1 $1.95, $2.50, $3.50'S HI1RT S slightly .soiled.... -OFF Smart Mufflers, $1.95, $2.50 and $3.50, mw 81L49, 8.5 $2.65 Drastic Reductions on ail Win- ter Coats, 7 to 16 years. $12.95 Tallyho, now. .8.5 $16.50 Fleeces, now .... .$1295 Girls' Tallyho and Fleece coats with raccoon trimà. $16 O 0cats, now... $15 $19.75'coats. now. .., $15.$S mm.5 coats, now ...$75 GiÉeWbWol Dresses, 7 to 16 .years; crepes, lerseys and flannels in solid, colors 'and plaids, 1-piece, and jimper styles .... 5%. eioOFF [<ORD'S-Second Floor à?Piece Coat and Legging Sets, quality materials, sizes 1 to 6 years. Values to $7.95 ......4ffl Values to $10.95 ....... l Val ues to $16. ..... 215f [Leggings, odds and ends . of jersey and suede in dark col- ors, sizes 1 to 6 years, values to $3................ 79e [<ORD'S-Second Ploor Scanties, Redfern, Gossard and Nature's R i v a 1 corselettes and girdies; not aIl sizes ini every style, while they last 6PRICE. [<ORD'S-Second Floor Accesorla Vionnet 3-Waiv Scarfs. all-silk, smartly patterned, very spe- cial vralue at ............ ne Sharp Reductions on- ail Our Better NECKWEAR. $2.95 Neckwear..,.......$24 $2.25 Neckwear ......$1»0 $1.95 Neckwear .......1.70 Jewelry, ail types, metal and stone-siet. pieces,, great values at 2FOR ............p 5%. pieces 'Ribbon Rem nants, goodi lengths .... PENCE Fine usable. Iengths of -Lacé Remnants.,......%PRICE LORD'S-Firs.t Pl..? Ail Our Better Milhneryi ii- cluding Dobs'and Pinehuret asv alu es irin$5 to ....o......3 RC LORD'S-Second PI..? Slips, Gowns, Pajamas, Chem- ises and Dance Sets, counter- soiled. Ail sizes in lot but flot in every type. $1.95 to $10.95 values now....... OFF LORD'S-Scogd Pifer Womien's Capeskin, Pull - Ons that will was.h. 4- butt .on length, plain and novelty types, value to $4.50, to clear, pair ................$9 [<ORD'S-Pirit Floor S>Port.nma!r- LORD'S-Second FIoot Coasting I Houisewares- LýORIJ'S-Basement Store FOUNTAIN SQUAREPheWimt 30 'r-mone wiloiette 3