Allowa.....c.. On. W..k Only Pauline Mlanchester is t/he pian- isi for the, -Szigart String trio, wuc/i wl/Igive a jolint recital cit/ Helen Hcdqes. sopra no, ai t n netka Commnau, If ouse -M(ondal ~tp~J~irrnry29, t<nder the dl:- rcctiffli of Rutheda L. Preizel. iss Manchester's- personalitNy and brilliant pianistic ability have made lier .a popuilar concert pianist, and both press and public here'and abroad have given enviable comrnents regarding hier musi- cianship, lier talent for interpreting whatever composition she turns to, and lier reinarkably agile fingers. As a mernber. of the Swigart String trio she * will have opportunity to display her talent as a soloist and as accompanist, for nii the trios chQsen for the January 29th concert there are passages where the piano takes prominence, as weIl as those where the violin and 'cello as- suine major importance. Work Superbly Done * Miss Manchester's work with the *trio, of '%vhichi George Swigart is vio-. linist1 and Estelle Swigart 'cellist, îs superbly 'done, for the piano is inino. seise merely a background. Critics who hiave heard the Swigart trio have ex- pressed their keen pleasure i f ollow- iîig the give .and. take of the three in- strumentis, atd -the flujdity of the eni- sional engagements i of-town, and is at1 music at Ferry Hal This year she fias Lake, Forest, Woc and. Chicago. FOR YOUR OLD TIR.ES, ON: 1THE PURCHASE, 0F SUPER OLDFIELD TYPE LOOK, AT THESE PRICES, 4,75o 19 $7.55 $18 56 5.000-19 $8.10 - $2.02 [ $60 CIl cu SOl b, 11 un, Winnetkaj THE NEW II<K 4*5021. $7,10 Il $1.77 $5.13 $9.00 $2.25