Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Dec 1933, p. 20

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* apply to run cornpeting trucks. It is Ificonceivable that these raifroads, whlcb are arow paying hea-vY taxes, will be denied this privilege also. The RailwaY Express company hais * already notified the Illinois Commerce commission that it, ln self-4jefense, w!!! a-pply.to run trucks up and down theý north shore the day the Willett-Pen nsyl- va-nia- application is gra-nted. There ls no doubt other raiîroa-ds wil enter this rich. forth shore territorY with trucks If the Illinois Commerce1 commiio opens youjr doon now.' ConVenience and N4ecesity-"The whole. ba-sis a-nd thé only ba-sis the Illinois * Commerce commission ha-s for taking lhi action ls that your convýenience and your necessity. demand this service. Ma-ny prorninent members -of this asso- cdation have testilied that tbey are am".- Ply served now, and that they do hot need. any additional service> They have testifted, that -the danger., noise and vibration of- these huge through truck Un~es wIl! seriously damage their: home property. Not a single north ýshone res- Mdent, to my knowledge, ha-s testified that lie wA-nts this "service.',- Ma-nY lovely old towns have'had theilr residential character, ruined by huge truck lines ln New England, where the "Store to flor'a-nd Ali1a-r - mthode have been used for ma-ny years. Through Scheduled Truck LAne- T'his only applies to through truck lines that are scheduled like railroa-d trains to inake à stop at a certain heur anid minute at agiven fretght depot. These outside truck lines are a- railroad, only- they run by gasoline ln the city streets. Loca-l Truclçé-This ha-s nothing to do with the local truck ma-n who occasion- ally ha-uls something for you, or to thef centra-ct truck ma-n who works for seV- * eral stores, or to the store-owned deliv- ja-cent, towns, tney stil coula under- sel! the ra-ilroads. They would then net break down thre streets with twenty- ton box car trucks. The eltizens would be able to drive te the local stores or cross to the beadches wlth less danger. The Illinois Commerce commission is a-bout to dona-te foreverthe right to bau! a- constant stream ef through freight, no intended for your town, over your streets. Day and nigbt these huge, twenty-ton trucks will roar through a-nd> hammer down thre pavements. Wha- Others Have Done-Prominent citizens of the ,towth s1ore. bvhmo y i Write Today-Every citizen should do his par-t now. The Willett ca-se te closed and a decision rnay be rendered any trne. If You have flot alrea-dy written to the commission and sent a copy to this association, you should do J30 fow. Please write àa1 letter. to, B. F. Lind- heimer. chairman of, the Illinois Com-. m erce commission at Spri.ngfiejd, Ill.. and tell him exactly what you think. Please send a copy of your letter. to Gordon. Flie, treasurer of the North Shore Property Owners association. at '1 South State street, or to L. W. Bernf, secretary. 120 South LaSa-lie. street. Move the Marke rs-Another procedure that the north shore* is also unanimously in. favor of is the transfer of highway markers. and the rerouting of through traffic to Skokie Valley. Sheridan Roa4. - Sheridan road and other parallel streets with their hun- dreds of twists and turfs are no place for through, traffie. SModemr road engineers ail over 'the world have been. direceting through trafil areund rather- than througlî built-up areas. The through traffic needs this .as much as the residents, but It-ba-s learned te tollow markers. When it leaves markers, especially in a. maize of twisted roads, it goes in the wronk direction' and lo'aes timle. U. S. 41 to Be Mtoved-Although theE'e petitieris have not yet been taken to the Covernor, the pisblicity backed by the public demand has'caused the. State to install U. S. 41 markers in Skolie Valley. They have not yet been ne- rnoved from Sheridan road but likety Wi11 be soon. Why Not Also State 42?-Oniy a tech- nicality prevents the removal of State marker 42. If the sta-te authorities were as much interested in moving traffie into Skokie Valley as they are in siiak- ing a fortune in a drive out in the lake, P'orvest 'rr eaUJAAjlt passes LIAIuU5I thre mayor's door yard. -Skokie 'Valley Route- In thre open Skokie Valley a wide, straight, level, high speed road ha-s been built at your bacic doon., People fnom La-ke Forest save over fifteen minutes in, going that way to.. Chica-go. Why shouldn't aI! thr-ongh tratflc be diverted over this route? Add Millions in Value -One of the best real estate experts oin the forth shore. Ernee~t H. TVnns. higi of a filin road passes through the heart of a series' of north shore residence sections, namely, Evanston, Wilmette, Kenilworth, ard Woods, Glencoe, Ravinia, Highland Park, Lake Forest, 2. t hs oer hudrd intersections; it has overa.hundred and fifty curves and corners. some'of which are complicated, witb steep grades or sharp inýtersertions« bere thé view is obstructed by trees and. shrubs. à. 'the, bursts ùf sped of through drivers irritated by the f requent de-, lays of cross, traffic jams îi"s a cnnstant danger both to 'auto"drivers and to the, cbildren and: aduits crossing to the beaches and ýparks f rom the ,western part, of these. towns. 4.Ail modeM road engineers agree -ihrough'traffic should be routed around rather than through built-up areas. The tremendous strain is breaking down city streets and increasingý taxes, while it is depreciating the property. values in theseborne districts. 5. Under- decisions, of the State' courts, the 'State Highwvay department bas ample authority to re-locate the rnarkers on more appropriate. routes. .if any douht exists, it can, and. should be cleared up by statutory amendment, in accord ivithý the wishes of the cornmunities directly concerned. 6.* The cOntinued designation of Sheridan road as a. State Higbway and further e xpenditure* of state funds on- its, maintenance. will make more acute the problemi *of truck and bus. applications which are opposed by ail North Shore associations and, coffmiunities, NA ME ADDRESS to- the west. corTnplei.ely oLUA utofIev iew oUL 'Liax A5 ln Evanston and substitute a- view (if a high roa-d and long streams of autos. At night thene will be thre never-endingý stream of auto lights. The shore water will be to some extent stagnant. Witn, thousands ef Chicago people bathinà,on the east side of this sha-llow pool: and Evanston people on the west side, the water wjll ire condernned by healtir au- thonities ca-ny ina the bathing sea-sen. Thre outside of tins roa-d w!!! ire like thre eutside of thre old outer drive op- posite the canoe lagoon lna Lincoln park, net fit for bathing because it is tee deep and out beyond w.here there is sand. Thre bottorn is mud. 1 CITY OR TOWN 's that will be at your Uz,1ns have signed, they wili be ta-ken to the Governor. Milan E. Misura Dies; Set M4es .Held TuesdY. Milan E. Misura, 1121 Greenwood aveniue, died last Saturday of heart trouble at the age of 29 years. His health had been faiing for the past two years.1 He had been gravely iii for seven weeks prior to his death. jeu an K Et2~lnUa.. int * . wa s 1 VC If a wli 1- *earnlned for two -heurs by Jige Jat Calva 1. the chlef conse! of the WillettI Route 67 i koki -lc ana.---- e ii.n tn tien. The usual ie west wçre buili. tiens ls te drap connectlng witlr et this associat alley,, mueh. ef the next meeting, so flCst R. Lazel, jr., 172 Myrt!e street, Winnetka. -o0 *Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Knauer, 166 Abingdon, avenue, entertained at a family, dinner party at their home, ýChristmas eve. and eau I

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