w ato 44vzctry uvr Uak P ark. iTne gaine was played at Oak Park. On the saine night the New Trier lightweights dropped their first league game to Oak, Park, 35 to 27, but the New Trier f reshman-sophomore teain trinmed the.west siders, 18 to 16. The lightweights are coached by Paul Delam- porte. and the f reshinan-sophomore team by IR. S. Reain. "Duke" Scott, center, agaiti1led 'the, scoring for the. New :Trier heavy- weîghts. He dropped in. eight field CIyl. Gi*te goals f or a total of sixteen points. Against Hyde Park a week tarlier he made five field goals to lead the scoring for New Trier. ter, made fine points for Oak Park. It looked like anybody's bail game. in the first haif, with the teams neyer separated by more than one or two points. New Trier led, 6 to 5 at the end. of the quarter and .12 to Il at the haif. New TrxerGeta Bu&y In the third quarter Scott and some of tht other New Trier boys began sinking more-of their shots. Oak Park was held to only ont point in this quar- ter, while New.. Trier was running its tta . e.I f resh- elghteen Points. i1ach collecteci a total of seven. For Oak Park, Anderson,. center, also. scored seven points. Plày Proviiso Jana. 12 New 'trier took a 4 to 0 lead, in the first quarter, but at -the half the Oak Park boys were only one. point behind, 10 to 9. Then the New T1'rier players decided to win the' eaine, in the third quarter, just as the heavyweights did. While Oak Park was held scoreless, the New'rrier score went up, to 16. Tfwo:points, in the last quarter were suffilient to -Win the gaine for New Trier. beThe Suburban league schedÙ!e wilI beresumed. on -Friday,. January 12, when -Proviso Township High school of Maywood plays New Trier at, Win- netka. Sisterhood Groups to 1-bld "Reciprocity Day" Ail Sisterhood members and their friends have been invited to attend "Reciprocitv Day" whicb will be held at Temple Mizpah Chicago, Wednes- day, January 3, under the auspices of the North Side Sisterhoods in wbich the Sisterhood of North Shore Con:: gregat ion Israel in Glencoe organiza- tien is included. The prograin hich will start at 2 sent. Mrs. Ani Cuper in 'à dramatic reading to be given at the temple at' 2:15 o'clock. COLLEGE -MAGAZINE EDITOR- Thet Loyola Quarterly,- literary mag- ainie of, Loyola. university made i ts first appearance for the cuirrent year on Wednesday of last week. Thomas E. Dr. LOCK SHOP 1222 CGntMlAv. wILMBTTRB 3212 Two siperb golf courses .. . pure çlrinking water, free from sulphur. complete cmmniy ih publi library, church.es,. schoLs movies, forum, tourist club and .k. .". . Hard surface roads to ail principal points. Junction U. S. No. 4.41, Fia. 2. 21,aad 55.. LAKESIDE INN GRAND )VIUEW HOTEL' 150 ROOMS .. . 125 BATHS AMEIIRCAN PLAN Eqipedthou~ot with ste ltautoo eat e pn kelarje close. Excellent food. boee stoshere. uin- mgPSboating. is4ing, bowlaàag, ordiemt a auad na Adjusied Rates Upon Rquei ARCHIE HURLBURTMASALL Maageen WiIIow Road, West of Skokie RIpd., Winnetka PHONES WINNETICA 855-WILMETTE 900 - ,w (dl d.poesus..*a)