GINGER ALE Hydrox TOMATrO JUICE L ibbyj' *TLsz.25c e e s 6 13¼Z. 9 POLK'S FANCY IMLORIDA Crapfrut. .. . lOc ROBERTS$ JUSTRITE Boiled Ham LB.15c Roberts' Justrite Baked Ham.. ............b1. 29c Roberts' Braunschweiger Smoked Laver Sausage. . b. 19c Swift's Brookfield Spread, American, Brick or. Pimento....3i4-b pkgs. 20c Uneeda Baker'. Champion Flake Butter Crackrs ......1-lb. pkg. 17e Uneeda Baker', Cheese Bites....... 2-7-oz. plcgs. 25c Uneeda Baker's Pretzelettes......... 2-8-oz. plcgs. 25e Scott Towels ..................pkg. ic Del Maiz Niblets Corn on, the Cob without the Cob................ 1-oz. eau Ise Pecan Met... .................. .b. 25C Sultana Queen Olives............ ...... qt. jar 29e Encore Stuffed Olives..w........... ..... 6-oz. jar 19e Rye Bread for every taste i making those sandwiches Swedish Rye Bread, sliced or uniced . ... 16.ooe. bal 6c Plain Rye, dark, sliced or unsliced....... 16-oz. loal 7c Caaway Rye, clark, siiced or unsliced ... . 16.oz. Içaf 7c Germe,, Style Rye Bread, cellophane wrapped, sliced .................. ............ 24.oz. loaf 9c Plain Rye, light ,.............. ......... 24-oz. loaf 9c Caraway Rye,'sllod........... ....... 24-oz. lonE 9cý FANCY. NORTHERN Turkeys L.25C Bethlehem. Whficfl is another v-e ry good reason why the nieans of coin- munication should be kept free of gov- minment control. And also. leads one to speculate on how many people living 2,000 years f rom iiow% will have. ever hieard of Hitler. Senlator James Hamilton Le wis. who was elected to represent Illinois ini the United, States senate when! we had a United States senate. bhas re-: turned froin'a tour of the west, wvhere he bas been admitiistering oratorical sh ots in the ai to the 'peepul," of that section. Mr. Lewis, avers that prosperity bas been broughit back and that -it. Yvi stick around for, at least a, generation. That .is a long time, Senator, a v ery long time. Especially when we recaîl that we were toldin 1928> that the occasional visitor was here to rtniain.permanent- ly. Prosperity shatters the reputa- tions.of:more prophets.than any other one thing. The most confused, bemused and abused individual in this land of the. New Deal is thet national chef, to whom falîs the* duty of prepar- ing thie alpha- betical soup" for public consump-a tion. o sooner ( does Fe succeeda - ini achieviiig an delectable con- -~ .~ coctiQfl from the prescribed i n -M ordrstogredients, than s he receives rest add a pinch of thîs or 'a dash of that, flot. before thought of. Having become proficient f in mixing NRA, AAA, HOLC, PWA, FHLB, CWA, TVA and ail the others in correct proportions to produceàan ambrosial brew it for the gçods, he is now. instructed to include SRC. P which'is said 'to mean Surplus Relief'ý corporation. Now lie bas to figure that recipe out ail over again. ure4ai aio i4r1Vi IICLI1L ÂLVig<1t church, where it is- hoped that the, crowd may be- accommodated. The meetings will be open to the pub- lic and without charge. As is customary, the lectures will be devoted' to current national and international questions and their rela- tions, to the United States., This year's tentative progran includes a wide rang e of suibjects.' Those, ai- rea.dy on the programi are as follows:i i. he Europeanpol itical situation, presenting various phases. of the G'(er- man, Russian and-Italian conditions,, etc. 2. -Our relations to: Cuba, and lier rea.ctions to President Roosevelt's policy. 1'3. Echoes from, Gene va, the Con- ference and the possibility of a new world. policy. 4. Foreign consequences of our'new National Recovery Administration. Preent Cuban situation Prof. Isaac J. Cox, head'of the bis- tory department at Northwestern tiniversity, and Prof., Chester L-loyd Jones of the school of commerce. at the University of Wisconsin, will present various phases Of the Cuban situation. They wýill attempt tod is- cuss informally, the rising tide of radicalism, the 'trade problenis, and the different political factions i n Cuba. Professor Jones was formerly a member of the American Legation at Havana, Cuba. Clark Eichelberger, recently made national director of the League of .Nations' association, just back from a summer spent in Geneva, will speak witii John Tonilinson of Evanston, ai- so home froni a summer at Geneva, on the most recent developtuents, in -e league and the outlook, for the future. The two remnaîning speakers, and he chairmen for the meetings will be Lnnouncéd as soont as plans are com- Pleted. Those assisting Mrs. Hlob- nan in the, prograin are Mrs. G. H. Eomilinson, Miss Catherine Crane, MIrs. Joseph Masýon, and Mrs.J.L Campbell of Evanstôn. LU. hostess to a.snl ru.o friends IAnnouncement thàt the art treas- at dinner New Yer's day. I tres of Edith Rockefeller McCormick are to be eold at public auction displayed. Those treasures might in- pobably be bought gp by the proie- proper surroundings t reveal their tariat in single units, and inefiectiveiy beauty. .1 j j i