~app~ ~tu rt toe.our friends andpatrons NEW. YEAR'S SPECIALS -Fi day and Saturday 'AsI OAST off BEF Bet Cu&s, tia aud 7th Ribet19 POT St ô 7 REEF, bààt, .. 17 jPORIK LOIN1 ROAST, -lb. ..... LEG Off LAMB, 2O lb. .......... f CHICKENS, IL ... . . . ]FJESH PORK TENDERLOIN, lM. 33C SEOKES OUTT5. lb ...........2 3 Order Now for New Year's Old Heidelbeg Beer $MO5 Per Case TWiluiette Optirnist club observed Chritmat agaimi this year' by ciitetanîn- a. large group of under- priviilegrd Wilimctte boys. The feast was hed in the. Serv~icc Clo!? roopm at the Shawnee Country club Tuesda._% of lost îvc'k. Santa Clan.s alto tuas t'ery much in evidence. Mathew Francis Photo DINNER FOR EIGHTEEN Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bull, 524 Maple avenue, gave a farnily dinner party for eighteen guests at their horne Christmas day. Among those wbom they entertained were: Mr. Bull's brother and faniily, the Charles R. Bufls of Kenilworth, and their three daughters, Mrs. John Newey of Ravinia, and her family, Mrs. Wallace Behnke and family of Wilmette, and Miss Barbara Bull. The next Chest clinic wiIl be held on january 15 from 1 to 3 o'clock. This clinic is in charge of Dr. J ulius Novak of the Chicago Tuberculosis institute. The Infant Welfare clinic will meet Wednesday afternoon from 2 O'clock, to 4. Louis S. Bekr Dies; Maonic Services Here Lou t is homcerl10st Thursda trte Lou t is S.oBeker, T105 Fifth stet age of 64 years. Mr. Becker, a for- mer members of the Village board, hlad lived in Wilmette for the past 21 years. He was born in Chicago. A few years ago M~fr. Becker served as a Cook counity deputy sheriff. His ,health had been failing for some time prior to his death. THE CURTAIN DROPS.:O.. Thne Curtain R ises on a New' Year ot Dr. Christie with Mrs. Gladys Boise, R. N., Neiv Trier.High school nurse, assisting. This clinic is being suspended during the Christmnas holi- days. Fred Burroughs of East Orange, N. J., who appeared in the Prince- ton Triangle play Tuesday at the Auditorium, was a dinner .guest of the Gordon Cutiers of 207 Woodstock avenue, Kenilworth, who is a class- commranudery in Cnicago. F'or years he took an active intercst in the Masonic orphanage in Chicago. Surviving him are bis widow, Mrs.- Lydia Becker,, two sîsters, Mrs. Frank Staab of Wilmette and Mrs.1 Elsie Knapp of Chicago, and -one' brother, Frankk Becker of Chicago. The funeral'services were held last Saturday aftern'oon at the Wilimette Masonic temple, 1010 Central ave- nue, under the auspices of the local Masonic lodge. Burial took place at. Rosehill reeîterv. rhoMs: Wiunaee ZUand Z9Jj p L lu No. :Lm' I I A, i