Thet4e Priees Effective Bec. 28, 1933-*.* 38, 1934 Delinery A HAPPY NEW TEAR TO EVERYSODY. B1ig, firm, meaty ones. In two Pint saetins. AML_ im Buffets 3 for 49C 35ëe Hafibut tealk So good vwhen baked i n milk, and s'erved with baked29 potatoes.. lb. Vinnan Haddie Smnoked, here's a real. treat for a cold day. 'lb. 23C We are in the .midst of- many , ay, Parties to be Pl# 'nned forthreang ho.ldays. Luncheons, dinners, buffet suppers and teas. Larders should be well stocèked with nuis, relishes, wafers soups an d candies. There >are many. good buys featured: this week-all of them tasty tid-bits that wiIl fit in with Party menus. Talov Piokled Fruit A truly remarkable buy end a most delecta-. hibe relish with cod eats. jr65c, ZOoz. 3 c A few Bratadieti, 40-oz. jar 89d Whàtý is more inviing t han tdie. rom a of saoycol.. ona cold,' frosty morming, or eve29.g 3 Ibs.-850 SftrilInSteak At a ridiculously lowprice. A;doillar buys a huge tender*g juicy steak for six, IL A Try, them withsurat 'aninasedpotatoca. W22 O Veal Roast Boneless, a most ec liiuis sliced cold, too. Large,,.1 Valencia jpice, very sweet and ful carve eo 3 doz. 4 9C le HotHoasAsawagun Shiver and shriek asn much as. she liiced, Coilege Inn TOMATO JUIVEa luist the pure juice. No seasonhng. Makes- a splendid base for soupa or jellied al- 2 oia VlorldaOcauges. The seeds are no drawback if you use a jtuicr. 2doz,44IO Texas seedless, no eed inansthi They j1.11 bs.1 9 in a jiff. im 7 WILMEI"IE 402 Linden Ave. Wllmette 150-151 718 EIm St. Winnetka. il 3959 Broadway Bueklnghag 8Hn ROGERS PARK 1508 Jarvis Rogers parlk 0118 Delirur to Yom Carrying . . D Carpenter -TEXAS FIGB Serve them as a relish or with crisp flakes ,orbreakfast. They are most Jarsz acceptable2 Jar 9 1 either way. 32-oz. jars, 49c Ordurs Bren ght Aie Along the t. Y.ur Door North Shore. p 1