the annual community Christmas Carol sing was conducted by the WiI- mette Playground and Recreation board with. the co-operation of the Wilmette, churches and civic organ- izations. .T.he gathering was the largest of its kind since the revival of the serv- ice a few years ago. It was originally, announced that Cliniton B. Cochran, Village :trustee adchairman of the public service committet, would, be the speaker but, because of illness, be was unable to beprésent> and another Village trustee. Harry C. Kinne,' substituted for bim. He. ended bis addiess of welcome in behaîf, of the Village: board, by making a plea for homes for the Lake Bluff orpbans whohad flot. been assigned homes,.for Christ- mas entertainment. He was intro- duced by Mrs. Harriet L. ]Leach, charma ofthe.Recreation board. Although a departure. was made frorn the custoin of holding the serv- ice on Christmas Eve in order flot to interfere with the cburch, services, the change of date did not affect the attendance, which, according to Daniel M. Davis,,director of recrea- tion. exceeded that of any yçar dur- inig the time- the service hias beeni under the direct ion of the Recreatiomî board. Mllsic for the )c-.asIon wvas furn- ished by a high scho-Ai band dirteted by Miss Janet E. WVright and the caroling was led by George 'Berscl, 1715 Wlairn.+ nià Ice Pond Tuesday Night Flooding of the Wilmette ice pond w as started Tuesdày evening by the Playground and Recreation board. The board had had a crew of CWA workers on duty at the pond silice December 16, ground for fiooding but .warm weather pre- výentcd their. preparing ice suitable. for skating on Christmnas day. If-1v ever, the cold wave that started Christmias day made it possible for G. B. A. Heller, referee Hoffrnann Florists: (16) C. Warble C. ,Boyle R. Leonard E. Schmlitt [R. Huck. H. Johnson M. Johnson. Northbrook Sports- mien (15) R. I'ereau C. Thorsen A. Pifer W.Deltman G. Scott Heller. referee Lynarn Texacos (28> IR. Maclean T. Saxton R. *Horn J. Waldner G. Saxton B3. Richards. E. Hai'dt 'Tea ni lIeague,: C. . O. (20) R. Oelerlch W., Lynchý J. Bagnali P. Oelerieb R. Meter J. Harrison J. O'Neil 1 elier, refere ý . --1 s4tandings in Nortih Sh ire. LYnani Texacos. Greemrleaf Cab Cô. Hoffmann Florists Huif Boliers Cary-leen C. Y. o Don Baxter LaborAtories Northbrook Sportsmen Mas.ýt ers (35) W. 0'Neil C. H-ili L. Langdon J. 0'Neil J. Moore E.Berol G.Judwfr C.S. (37 ) F.Hellnman R. Sweet E. Hardt R. Gauger G. Saxton Won 3 9. i I G AOME, leller, referee Hiler. refere Methodists (27) V. « arney J. Wainer R. Welch F. Lundberg C. Waidner F. Waidner Lost Pct. 0 1.000 o0 1.00~ 1 .500 1 .500 i .500 2 .3 2 .00o (1.000 Bai (9 Tr. Varney R. Smith H. Stone J. Cullen B. Robinson flattery (28> 1H. Weld R. Johnson L. Roth L. Larson F.Schmidt C. floth R., HucI< C. Boyle . T ignail E. Schitt C. arble Heller, reterce ~ A" Y. P. C. (19) M. Knelp T. Schinlei' J. Miler R. Steffens A. Bauer L. fIoss !III T. 1*c Joh.nson. refereie Teami standings in 'B" .1 league:. won Lost Wlnbergs 3 0 Y. P.C. 2 Wilmette Confectionevy 2.1 St. Francis 2 1 Hloffmann Florist.u 0 :3 Twlsters (73) R.Torrey F4. Kreusch Hl. Herbon D. Roberts P. Emrlch J. Gaither St. Francis <28) J. Krafthefer James O'NeiI J. Leachner D. Oelerlch J.McGuire J. Dillon J. Gleason .Tc.hnson, retere Terriers (28) Ail Stars (41) Rl. Christenyon F. Aschbacher< F.,- Christetison à* . Green .1."S1atyto)n J. Stein R. Smith F.Kaspar J. Lechner J. Chamnbers J1. Randal Jo4hnson. refere opklns Pet. 1.00o .667 .667 .060 .000 Ha Chas (9) .1H. Clark .A. Anderson R. Weldorf H. 1Bonnen R. Williams Johnson, refere C'rickets (21) ýH. .Sefert. B. Regan B. Specht R. Lonergan Ti AI Tý w Teani standings in. "C" league: Won Lo.ýt ,wisters . 3 .4) Il Stars 3 0 t.Francis2 O jillies 0 2. ricket.s '0 3 [a 0hs Pet.1 1.0001 ooo,0 MENS $VOLLEY B AIA.LEAOU E 'Methodist -(6, 15, 9 Y. P. C. (15, 10, 15) Hl. Ringlholm A. .Baucy, V. E. Hendrickson T. Schiniler A. Hacker H.. Peters J. Sltrumpl P., Bohnen L. Burhans . R. H-offnmaan Gathrcol, e ere Hoff mann Floristîs (15, le0, 10, 7) Jak Ho TTffmnna 15)tis ,»asketball' icague for men wUilrneet each other tomorrow evening, Friday, )December 29, at the Hloward gym- Snasium, at 8 o'clock, to determine the rundisputed league leaders. The tivo teams are Lynam Texacos and, Greenleaf Cab Company of Evans- ton. The Lynam team had to . stage a sensational last minute rally to reain. its unclouded title last Friday ev'en- ing, December 22, wben the C. Y. 0. team had led it for almost thte en- tire game. 'The Lynam team mcm-. bers were trailing the C. Y. O. .team, which. had been one or two baskets ahead for almost the entire length of the game until. the last four min- utes, of, play when -the ýLynam five began to -click and, came fro m behind t1o win the game 28 to 20.. Members of the, Recreation staff termed it the most interesting. game of the season.. In addition to the, Lynam Texaco- Cab, Co. game, ,whic.h is to bc played at 8 o'clock, titvo uother gaines will be plaved tomorrow even- ing. At 7 o'clock Hôffuiiàni Florists will meet Cayr-Leen quintet and at 9 o'clock, the Cý. Y. O. .teamn which oi- fered such stiff opposition> to the LY- nam> team - ast week will. meet the Northbrook Sportsmen. Cames Next Wédnei&ay On Wednesday evening, january 3,' other gaines ivili bc played in .t he North Shore league as foilovs: 7 p. mn. Hoffmann Florists v-s. Gèrcen- leaf Cab Company. 8 P. im. Lynani Texacos v;Nri brook Sportsmnen. 9 P. nM. Don Baxter Laborar.>ries vi Huff Boilers. Ail the gaies w~iII be tlvc t t ie Howvardgmain.Te imIa.- mission charges ivili'be ch a7r ý'I 1 «ar the'holiday gaines. GIRLs'IPP LETBALL Garnes(pay Lea.11) Gae paedMndy D-enl1 l 1933: ý5 Kds 2 Brises (25)Kas< MX Lauer A. Kristof J. Scringeour F. Toseani. D. Voilman .E. Zop J. MeConneïî . R. Io.sea n C. }ristof' D. Riggle, refere*c z i 9 i which will be class -memibers id Miss SiIva the class, although .exceeds fifty--meii ieing prepared nounced by kecrea rated for the under whose ausp tely1 after the conducted.- 'es the ciass , 's starts, td4asb.' n a et to Frank bwho puts s. of sprint, a 100 yard Brownies (26) E. Paterson 1. Christenso> M.LaUer D.Vollman J. Scrlmhgeour J. Meconnieil Riggle, referee C. D. A. (5) M. Bruchhau-ser F. SchrnitL M. Schneider D.. Stancoe S. eil ]B. Schaefer 1' 1~ t i I j I