Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Dec 1933, p. 8

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The music for the morning 'worship service tbls Sunday will be as followa: Organ Prelude: "Largo" (Concerto Grosso) .. .. Handel -Jesns, JoY of Man's Desiring".. Bach Anithem by the Choir: "Hocly Art Thou" Handel Offertory . Solo- by Miss Florence Farrar Organ Poatlnde: "Alléluia".Dubois Thé New Year's eve service will bégin Sunday evening at, 9:30 o'ciock. The Sacramont of the Lord's Supper will bé adnilnisteried, at that timé. This service of fellowshlp Invites ail who are fleeking to maire the spirit of Jésus real la thé lîfe of today. At 10:45 the New Yoar's Eéve Festival service will begin. The themé of, the'mlnistes addréss wil .hé "'Me Unitraveled Way." This service will last unt Il Mldntght. Pive minutes before miditight, the chu reh i wll be darkenéd and a beautiful synîbolic can- dbe service of five hundred lights will wélcomé the new year.' The music for New Year'l' eve will be as flcs Orgrui Music: m Av e Maria" ................. Schubert "Bellas of St. Anne de Beaupr"- Russell "Toccatta" (Pifth Symiphony). .Widor Chor Music: "God So Loved the World"..Stainer "Gloria" (Twelfth Mass)- .Mozart "Send ont Thy Light". ...Gounod -Bhesséd Art Thou"' ~ Moeé "Sanctus"..........Gounod "Hallelujahi Chorus" (Messah)- Handél Invite your friends and neighbors to share ln the New Year's ove services. Aftér mldnight, a social hour wlll be held ln the Assembly hall. The High School chapter of the Ep- worth leaoveand he Vmnz Peoffle's *rusay j8fAnuary i , "ju*e execuLi comnrlttee will meet at 2 o'chock. Thé business meeting will ho held at 3 o'clock. Dinner wilho served at 6:30 by thre Sixth divisýion. Dinner will ho foýilowed by the "Church i Nlt Pro- graru." Thé, "Church Night Program", series begins Thursdar. January 4. and will lait for twelve weeks. Dinner will hé served, at 6:30. Following .Uth dinner, there Wjlfl-hbe >arléf aevotlial service. Perc"lLage01 cofirilett 'Sl s0a.., r5'v lsh ln tie diocese of Chicago. The -rector has. for sale church'calen- dars for 1984 wlth the church, seasous and al holy days ln colors.. Thé, folhowing girls -recelvéd. choir awards at the.Christmnas manger serv- ices for .excellent attendance, at 'choir rehearsals and church s ervice: Vrgîia Biser for perfect aàttençlance;, Phoebe MacLean, Betty Htabey. Prances Wel- bôÔrn and Paml Ricks Wlth but one ab- oénçe each; Marjorié Arnold, Marlon, Biser, Nancy Drake, Anna Grace Jor- jorian, Aravile Jorjorian, Martha Louise Leach:, Beatrice Leale Helen LUnd ' Er- tly Jane Mickey,. Carol Specht, Ruthr Stanwood and Jacqueiné Wlllis, and special awards to Miss.Alice Edmonds, choir leader, and to Miss Eleanor Rlcks and Miss Margaret Johnston*. organists. FiPrst Presbyvterian, Ninth stréét at Greenleaf avenue James T. Véireklaséir, minister. At our worship service at Il o'chock Sunday morning, thé min ister willl preach onr the theme, "Lest We Forget," a meditation fitting for retrospect over the past year, and a. forward look Into. the new year, We. Invite y6u to, wor- ship with us, Our Sunday school will mieet at 9 :30 o'cbock.. We invite you to join us ini this school, cf the Bible.. Our, Bible class meets for Bible 5o'clock. We lnv:ite you to 9. *-i.,,,- out, fl **a 15A8O -- t.sfl a , une Lf choir; solo, "Opon the Gates of the Tom- ple"-Cuapp, Maxwell Ruat; po-stlude, "Marchi in B Flat"-Faulkes; Miss Ernia Rounds Is pianlat and director. There wilh be no Christian Endeaevor society mneeting hecause of the.Watèh Nlght service. A. Watch-Night service wil he héld Sunday'evening, heginning at 10 o'clock, and ending at 12 o'clock. The first hour wil be spent in a social way, with a prograrn, of solos, songe. réadings, in- "On the Upswing wi th G od" willI be the min ister's New Year's message at the il o'clock service next Sunday morning. The musical program for thils service willlbe: Prelude: "Craie Song" froin the Christmae Oratorio ............... Bachi Anthem: " 4Fear Not, O Israel",. .Spicicer Offertory: Christnas Pastorale on the *Chorale "lFrom HI-lih Heaven" . Bach Quartette.: "Ring out, Wid Bell"- Gounod Pôstinde: Fantasy on_ the tune ."O Sanctiasuima" ........ Lux Dr. Frederlcek F. Shannon, :pastor of Central churchi. Orchestra hall. *Chicago, *111 delver a New, Year's5 mesqsage at the. Wilmette Sunday EFvening club which meets In this churchi at 7 :30 p. m. The Cozy. Corner cixcle. will meet Thursday,, January 4. at the home of Mrs. C. L. Darling, 15M8 Highland ave- nue*, Mrs. Glen S. Roberts, Miss Agnes Wason, Ms Robert Gordon, and Mrs. Caroline.Johnson will be the assisting, ho§tesses. The iiéxt meeting of Abracadalra willl ho hehd Friday. January 5, at thehome of Mr. and Mrs. J,. W. Fisher, Jr~., 8Z6 Greonwood avenue. Rogular week-day activiCtes are. scheduled as folhows: Tuesday-3 :30 p. ml, Brownies; 7 :30 p. m,, Troop No. 2, Boy Scouts. Wednesday-7 :.30 p. ml,, Troop) No..il, Boy Scouts. Thursday-3 :30 p. n., Girls' chofir re- hearsal; 4 p. m., Boys' choir rehearsal; 7:15 p. m., Senior choir rehearsal. Friday-3 :45 p. mG,>Girl Scouts: 7 :30 p. m., Wekeacafila Camp Fire Gýirls. Saturday-9 :30 a. m., Çub Pack No.c 63; 10:30 a. mu., Girls' chioir rehearsal; Il a. ni., Boys' choir rehelarsal. 9 :15 a. m. First service and sermion. 9:30 a. m. Sunday schooli and Bible classes. Il a. ni. Second service and qerm~on.. 8 P. M.. New Year's Evesie and Communion. 7 :30: p. r.Confessional sel-vice. 10 a. ,rl. Monday * New Yeâr's day service and Communion lu Gernin. 9 :30 a, mi. Coufessional service. Announcements for Communion Fr1- day afternoou and evenlng at the par- sonaoee. me race goes on hoflliy. "I "1sl a day, for repentance, patience_ courage and good resolutions. "Le0t us begin the new year by making a resolution that Jesns shall be Oiur ALL in the new year of our fleetlng life Just as He has in the past. Then it wilI prove a happy year for us. We can go to Hlmn for comfort and deliverance in ail our sorrows,ý for a peaceful, blesed end, If thîs yeïar shouid, be -oui, hast.* "*To His almight*y and loving hands we can safely entrust our lives and the future of our beloved country. He la and.always shall roimain the Mighty God, the E.verlasting Father,.the Prince of Peace ,. ?. . Jesus -Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." English Lu theran Seventh street at Grfeenleaf wilmette 'Aý House of Woriship' The Rev. David R. Kabele, pastor. Sanday*Services Sunday sehool ..........9-45 a.m. Morning worship ........ .11 a. m. The Junior Luther beague Will have a Christmas' party on Thursday evening of this- wee k at the, church. Ail the Young people of ýhigh school age are eordialiy invitedl. Choir rehear-sal Friday evening at 7:30 We rejolice over the fine group of new members received, Into the. congregation last. Sunday,. and'the fine attendance, at our Christmas services, Ahready, ,4ev-ý eral otiiers have expressed their desire Io unite with the church and will do sjo at the first opportunity. From aIl in - dications this comlng year will be the. best year of growth and spirituai devél- opment. T1he churelh extends to ail, Best Wishes for a Happy and Blessed New' Year. Kenilwortlz Union Kenilworth avenue and Warwick road Dr. Herbërt L. Wiliett, minister. Stnday. Decemnber 24, Dr. Willett's, -subject will be "The River «f>Ti ne." The.Women's Guild will n44t meet uùntil January 8.: The Sùnday schoonl will nmeet as usual at 9.:45 o'c1ock. Ail children between the ages or three ande the high schooil are cordially invlted. The Kenilworth Young People's Sun - day 1Evening club wili flot meet until January 7. Mrs 2145 C Y ear be a Bleàsed. One for all. formu, but T . eCué colhsIs 1rglr oue Couti I~~~~~~~~~~ Th hri ero bsisrglrnd for ej omiseof bing bttor learS are made up of days, Mrs. Walter F' Shattuck,* 755 laya are but lttle parts of Greenwood avenue, Glencoe, has her Smayi hé ouly a mental sister, Miss Theresa Neuberger, of la mental form bas a curi-StL ty.- It flierre iké & river6 S. Lus, as ber-guest for the holi- man it la bis own birtbdaydys

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