Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Dec 1933, p. 5

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raolaover 'I -ustees Approve The pres ideniit's letter definitely stated that the request then being made of the retiring trustees was on behait of himiself and the holdover trus tees. No mention was made of anv, intention to hl a ratifNiing caucuis. lU.pon concluding the.reading of theý stat ement the. president- passed the typevwritten copy, to the Village Clerk witlî instructions to inchîde it as a part of the minutes of the meeting. A request for a copy of the state- mient for- publication, made to ithle V\ill-, lage Clerk Wedncisday morning. l)rotiglit ' the information that it wvas in the liands of the presidenit.*Thiere-, upon arepresentative of. \iiLMETTE Li,I made the saine reque st of Pres- ident Dubbs. and %vas informcd that, folloving a iconference ivith.the Vil- lagre Attorney,, the statemient hiad heen ivithdrawvn from the minutes of the session and vas therefore not availal)le to anyl.ody. Théi acion of President Dulbbs :in placing his, candidates in the field four montis in advance of the election is, ài.i said, looked uipon by miany as a notification to o'ther groups that there nMust l)e no interference with the. present setup of the Village of-, ficial fanmily. 2Q37 Wilmeit Men Now on CWA Projeets Here There are nio% employed ini Wil- mette on the CWA reemploviment l)rojects 237 \worker. This itnmber will be increased as ivork can he. fouind for themi. Among the inumber are many lalorers, but also several recruited from the unemployed of the white collar class, including engineers, draughtsmen, architects, administra- .tive lhelp and stenographers. 'A, force of tree experts wil soon be added > for the purpose >of tri.mming, tree% in the village. Most'of' the crews have been engaged in taking up and, relayving the brick pavemenits. which lias mnade a decided improyemnent i. the streets. MNrs. john William'Iliff, 1115 ýGreen- WOOd avenue., is in the Evanston hios,- room navng the iargest per capita sale, and the individuals selling the greatest number of seals will be made' at the Christmas pageant to be presented by the Kenilworth pupils Friday afternoon. Ani H-M o.r "hlonorable mention- will b)e marked on the report card (if every pupil frcm hie fifth to the eighth grades, inclusive, who has, sold $10 worthi of the seals or mor1e.. Pupils ini the, lower grades, up to.and including the fourth, , who sold as much as' $5, worth of the seal1s also w ill receive the H-M marking wvhen, the next report cardis go out. 'l'le record of Christmas seal saesh the Josepih Sears pupilsý has been out- standing over a period of several years,- and the pupils have won numerous prizes given by the Chicago Tub)erculo- sis institu te for thieir good %vork. The North Shiore alurmnae of Kap- pa Kappa Gamnma sorority gave their Christmas luncheonl and bridge' Iast M ondav at the. residence of Mrs. Robert C. Bennett, 590 .South avenue, Glencoe. o MAKE CHFiRI1S TMAS. MAGIC Make your C hrstmas -troc a thing of beauty, with' bright colored lights. the Postoffice I DELIVERY I1,070 DELIVERYI CHRJSTMAS SPCILS The, Commwiity Fruit. Market offert another great sale These- Chistmas Specials assure& you the finest possible fruits& and vegetables>for your table. Pineapi4e--Sweet, Juiciy ORANGES I e oaeh LEMONS Siankiat, Juicy le eaoh POTATOZS Selected Ruspet Idaho per peck29e CELERY.. Kalamjazoo. Mich. Crisp and.l Tender GRlmAPRFIRUIT Tx or Florida-Snedles 5,MZ5C APE Rome Beauty For Cooking or Raking 5 lbe. 25e ONIONS, *YeIIow Dry 1L0-1b. bag for 1L9 , Table, Christmas, Trees .25ceaéh Hoily Wreaths * Iix and sift the dry Ingredlents. Beat the e@ff, a44 aiik sand fat. Make * a weilinl the conter of theO dry Ingredients, pour ln llquId materlaJ~, and * stir vlgorouidy mitil the Ingredlents are eombined. Bake ln o, qu1ck o'%'os ,ï '(425 F.) for about 24 ilutes. SGOLDEN GIANT POPCORN MEAL "ýNow-cornbteads wwUh the appetizirng frtgronce oi f.eshly popped corn. i AT ALL INÏDEPIENDENT GIIOCEÉIES We aLso are able. t. supply you with table decorations of loose hoily, nmistetoe ad table Christmuas trees at very. attractive prices..

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