HERE FOR CHRISTMAS Mildred Fowier of Wellesley Huifs, Mass-, who attends the Katheritie Gibbs schooi in Bostonl, arrived Oat- urday to sPend Christmias with le Roy Osgoods of 423 Essex ,road Kenilworth. Her sister, Betty. came fr nô m t c l e e o S d a T er mother,. Mrs. Harriet. Fowler.lias been the Osgoods' guest sinçec ar!v REURNING FOR.HOLIDAYS Miss Beth. McIIraith, a freshman at Connecticut coliege, New London, arrived _home iast Satutdayv for the Christmas holidays. Her sister. '1Miss Janet McIlraith, who is a student. at '<The:,Radiant Cross>"* given- by the eigbth grades in the- Howard school auditorium losi IPriday af ternoon a <d Rnop-Macnciee iLnch prodc ig, a d a a n y re eson on M o nd y a t r, o u as a 0 e it t i s i d e laskered we ho directed the berg, V a., w ill. be hom e toda v for prouct,,,and ta the miembers of thecasi. Weeks of rehieàarshad made each on,sure of his part, and had given, the Christmnas recess. Te r h s m o t h , p s t a t h a c i o n C s t u e s a n d s c n e r u ' r e c f f e c îv' ~ .P h o to b y m a th e w F r a n e js d a u g h t e r s o f M r . a n d M r s . E v a n ' J . McIlraith, -1127 Chestnut 'avenue. Dick Haas was-convincing as Johann, humbly to offer bis plant at the altar; kered and sponsored by the L~ogan- the boy whose unseifishness in offering for as be, kneels the cross overhfad H*oward. Parent4Teeier. association. HOME FROM IOWA U). 1~i pecius plntat healtr au e b'M~tes radiant. The proceeds wili be used by the pupils Jack Jordon of 1612 Washingo the cosnt catheal tshineso Before the play beganl Christmas car- of the eîghth grades to produce more -avenue arrived home iast Tueda ols were sung by the Girls' and Boys' plays during the year. Thé back drop front the University of Iowa to pass thefist ine i mny eas.Mary Glee club, witb Mrs. Agnes Clark di- fthcaeda scene was painted by h hol'dayvs with his familv, the' May Crawford was good as Johann's recting, and janice VanInwagen accont- pupils in the Stolp school, under the Thomas F. Jordons. He motored back siser, in, hogieshe cst-off panying. Then four scarlet-clad heralds direction of Miss Frances, DonneIly. with four college friends wbo are o braele. Te prets erewel aced(Dick Penberthy; Bob Cedarberg, Bud Louise Myers and Lorene Richards had their way to Rochester, N. Y. Jack Sutherland and Frederic Mende) en- charge of the costume making. is a freshntan at the university, hav- by Marcia Smith and Bill Hayt. James tered the stage andciplayed "Sulent The first matinée,(on Friday) was ing9 graduated front New Trier hast McIlrath also did good work as the Night" and "0, Little Town of Beth- so1 we l attended that it was necessarv, June. This fail he was a member of traveler wbo informs johann of the 1ehem.'" They were directed by H. W. to give another performance on. M onday the freshman football teant. possible intrinsic value of his plant. or fennt acm dt hs iýh Jan Brbtt a Hana, ndBily The pay was wrtten b>' Ray' Fas- could not get ini on Friday. .HOSTESS TO AUXILIÀRY W att and Jean Robetson asM es. Louis Brock, 601 R idge ave- dre aded riedliessasJohann's William Miliard of Geneva, N. Y,, Alice Jarrett of Beveri>' HUis, Ca nue,. Kenilworth, entertained thé neighbors. is- arriving todav to spend 'the bhl- fornterly-.-of 534 Essex road. Keriilul- i~anstonft rsteincuh The scenle in the cathedral was espe- .as wt his daughter's family, the wortb., will spend part of the bolidays cebè meits reg uar earhDe ciahi>' effective, witb altar-boys, ligbted W. hitaker Baers, 2115 Beecbwood with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Moor e ebfernom eeting n unchon. hor caniesandchor-bys ingng hrit- vene. The Baers will also have as of 418 Fifteentb street, and part ofh fenonswn wsdn o mas çarois. The religious atntospbere their guest Mrs. Baer's aunt, Mrs. the tinte visiting her brother and chn ariy rsalBrSot'sfsiste, G. was kept tbroughout, as peope frontC .Pe fConnN .fmlv h ebr areta hi eft recently after a. three miotiths' ail alks of life broughit offerings to-o-hneiNisCetr visit with the Brocks. the aitar,.each one-hoping that bis gift Mrs. Alfred McDougal, 325 AI,- -o--_________ wvouhd be the one whicb would cause the botsford road, Kenilworth, was lunch- Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Folansblee, R. H. Palenske, 226 Tenth street, cross to iight. The climax was reached eon hostess to ber bridge club Wed- 2831 Blackhawk road, are gfiving a returned recentiy front a business trip as the boy, Johann, entered, iast of ail, nescjay, December 13. . dinner party on Christntas day. tto Montreal, Canada., ~.1 BRO~. SE Psl i C~ sT~-rîo~*. -