t( Ic New Trier }Iigh. sçIool's feavy- ý;uhtnnd ieltweiuht basketball I ýVeigni an.'. .. . .. iorwaru, tnree. DU jo d )VIb, wIAI.Jws înto tr e r i ano>ine aimuic.I cais go to Oak Park Friday nighit ijured in practice, was* unable to The latter car, also going north and ~~~fae thsweft ie th ssie p1ay his guard position, which was driven by Fred Jones, chauffeur forT .chool ini the opeflifg gaesote taken over by Ed Horn. Coach Clyde F. R. Kilner, 430 Sheridan road, hadT Suburaii lagueschëdle.,Grater reports that Horn played well, stopped to make a left turn jutoa a Oak Park's heavies lost to River- although he did flot take part in tthe driveway when the accident occurred. side, 26 ta 24, last Friday. L.aie Tecli, coiWith, Miss Cumimings were three .onsidered one of the strofglgeais Teewr i idvda trs other girls, ail students at the czon-, if heChcao ubicHih cholamnong the Hyde Park heavies. Noneil vent, jean Brady of Preston, Iowa, eague, also won f rom Oak Park b of thc, Hyde Park players was able Jane McKinlock of 4630 Dover street, he lop-sided score of 49 to 18, ear- t cr oeta he ons Chicago, and Martha. Garvy, 6000 ler ini theseaSofi. ________ Sheridan roadf, Chicago.>Ail of the Defeat Hyde Park Better Movies -n a girls except Miss Garvyýý received, \ft~er. losing to Senn of Chicago bruises and laceratians and, were two weeks aga, the New Trier heavy - Film Council Is. Told. treated at the Evanston hospital. Le ights came back,> last Saturday The Better Films counicil of WNil- Iý Jones, driver of theother car, was, . ight. ta win 'from. another Chicago mnette, of which Mrs. 'Robert Halli-7 unhurt. teain, Hyde Park, .22 ta 16.. well is chairman,, met at, her home* e While the Newv Trier hea%-ies were Monday evening, December 18, foriMethylen'e]Blue Sa'e impovig heir record. last- Satur- its monthly meeting. -Monxd a tm day,, the lighits. slipped a notch4 by >,ýThe group, whose mebr r Early Tuesday imorning Dr. R. G. Iosing, ta Hyde Park, ,25 ta ,16. after chiairmen of other clubs and groups,L Connor, 522 Greenleaf avenue, <Vîi- winining froin ýSenn the previaus week. nîeet to discuss the pictures t emte a tedn to bisdia The defeat by Hy'de Park wvasflot Saso ,,n at the Wilmeýitte. theater for duties at Mercy hospital, Chicao discouragîng as it might, have beenteesigm th Temebr when twa automobile mechanics> who in viewv of the fact 'that the Chicago- are highly interested in having 001<y had teen avercome by manoxide gas an.. have won eight consecutive the bestfilins for' showing at the 1e~bôgth.Temnwr h~ ams' and are picked 'as leading con- week-end, so that the children may adore Krause and Byron DeFee. e!drs for the i lihtweight.champion- be assured of suitable entertaiinifeuit. Bath had been worked on by an in- ship) of the city league. Failure ýofAlte a eda atMna~ halator squad and neither had' Fl-*ynnt, stellar forward on* the New meeting f rom Mrs. Thomas Winter, I breathed naturally for a period af Trier lightweight ýteain, ta connect associated with~ Public Relations, Mo twa hours and twenty minutes. Dr. for a single point. Was o ne of. the. tion Picture Producers in Hollywood, Connor and an assistant, Dr. Norvert prncpa rasnsfor Hyde Park' hc ae euéo pcue t Barwasser, administered ta the two Victr%".be shown in 1934, and her enthusias- mnen, thraugh injection inita the veins, Wilson Scoring Ace . tic conunents,, it was stated. may as- a restarative known as methylene Wilson. playing guard, led the scor- sure parents that better and more blue, while the inhalator squad gave igfor New Trier With a total of significanit pictures are on the wvay. artificial respiration. Bath men were sevn pit.H an h il resuscitated and are now on the way goals and aine free thraw. Miller, sul>- Sisterhood Play Contest Ita recovery. Methylene .blue, .t is stitute forward, made one field goal De lie sJau y said> isolates the carbon monoxide in and hre fre trow fo a otalof eadineIs a-nar the blood and thus permits artificially and hreefre thrws fr atota cf Monday, January 1, marks the ded-ppidye ta prfrmth wr five points. urwstelai( line for entries in the play contest spon- of restoration. Rossin, a gurwstelaigsred hy the program comimittee of thej. lin raetsno.heH- point-getter for the Hyde Park lights.sro o f North WShoare ssetsongrega-er He ad toal f eghtpoits 11tion Israel. AIl entries miust be in the' xInan Brasserts, fortnerly of Kenila-* three field goals and twa free throws. hands of the program committee at that, worth, will spend his Christmnas vaca-. Godan enter, made seven points..tm ti none.Th ue a-to ri Harvard visiting his broth- After taking a 7 ta 5 lead in the ertn h ots r:e and family,th AeadrBas first- quarter. New Trier was1 held 1. Play must be typewritten oa. one serts in Chicago. William's parents. sçorelessun the second quarter, ,ind at sd f ae ol.ar 1tl in England. haî tîe Hde arkwas ha,< 2. Name of author inust lie ii a ta 7.* This lead was increased ta 15 sealed envelope with nain de plume NW O eW g lLS tôI tthe end of th1e third quai written an outside of envelope and also1W OreW m m Ls teand the final score wa n manuscriptfo reference. 0P uds. a M(arch of the BoY Scouts .. ROlfe Grant SUis The Veil of Song . Il...; ... eller Marlan Petersen The Curlous StorY . ........... Rogers T h e G l a n t s . . . . . . . . . C r a w o r d Charles de La Chapelle Waltz... ................. Scubert_ Barbara Wakeley Watchman's Song ...........Grtelg Solfëggeetto ................ .... Bach, Robert Ost.erman TO the Rising Sun . .Torjussen Barbara Burch In a. Boat .............. ... Zeckwer country Dance........ ... MaFayden, Jean Pettibone. First Nocturne... ......... Chopin Lôtiùs Land ........ . ..... Scott Sous Bos...... Staub, Ruth Ostermann Mr. Ostermann plq yed several violiîi selections aceompanied by Mrs. Oti mnann. M0 m a S Special HolidayOfr To close out our prems stock of 3.2 heer we offer t eg remtly Thç will be Miss Sylvia T1regînlus ui wego., who is a gues' for dance at Shawnee Country club Saturday nighit. the tan, ait, il,. :.. o3 The. Tuesday -bridge clubl was en- tèrtainedthis w eek by Mes. Warren Pease Of 321 Leiceter raôad, Ketiil- Worth. Theron Gifford, a student at thei 1.nvritY of Michigan, is spending thiersliaY wîth bis parents, Mr. and, Mrs. R W. Gifford, of 132 Win- netka avenue, Kenilworth. & TeannCo 733 MAIN STREET ý 1 jý -, this,