Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Dec 1933, p. 53

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Baker., 785 Locust, near Towver Rd. 77L,33-ltp 81 AUTO SERVICIE WINTER m5 STILL AHItAD 0F'YOU COMPLETE GARAGE SERVICE AUTO REPAIR PHONE WINNETKA 3721 DICK KRAUT 718 EastElm St. Winnetka NICELY FURNISHED, QUIET. COM- fortableroom wlth bath and. shower, for gentleman. In private bhme ne*r tratigportàtion. Phone Wnnetka 2010. 82LTN22-c DOWNSTAIRS FRIONT ROOM, WIT-Ij dreÈsing room and lavatory. Simmons inner-spring twln beds. Meals op- tional. Near tçansp., Ph. Winn. 2577. 82L33-ltp DO YOU WANT A REALLY COIM- fortable, pleas;ant. room, warm, light and flear transportation, with electrit hot plate? Phone Wînnetka 415. 82LTN33-Itp LARGE Rm. WITH PRIVATE BATH and shower. Garage. 1 block to N. S. transp. East stide location. Brkf.,t.,(-ptionial. Phone Wilmette 3372. 82LTN33-ltp FOR RENT - NICELY FURNISHED room, near business.- and transporta- tion with garage. Reasonable. 633 Park Ave., Wiimette. 82LTN33-ltp ROOM FOR RENT .&3(UTHWEST CORNER 0F ELM AND Birch Sts., Winnetka. S2LT.'N33-ltpï FOR RENT-SIMALL ROOM !N WELL furnished home, near transp. Refs.. required. Phone Wilmette 143. 8?LTN33-Itc NICELY FUR-NIS*{E MODERN RMi., suitable for 1 or 2. 1 block frors transp. Reasonable. Ph. Glencoe 1715. 82L33-ltp) LIGHT, AIRY ROOM AND BREAK- fast, $2.50 per week. 3 blocks fromn transportation. Phone Wilmette 3787. 82LTN31-4tî' 83 WANTrED TO RENT-ROOMB, .YOUNG MAN, ÈMPLOYED IN WIL- *mette desires room in private'family. Breakfast optional.-Garage. State price. Write B-134, Box 40. wilmette. 8iLTN33-Itp se OARD AND NOON HOM E-LIKE RM. AND GOQU FOOD- Reas. Kenilworth Inn. Kenil._5491. 725 Elm Stree.t vv aneiCa.3b 92LTN29-tfe THE CHIMNEYS 34, and 5 room homes; 1 furnishea. NOT EXEIV -6 AND UP 160 Center St. Winnetka 3470 92L33-tp ATTRAC-TIVE 3 à. ICIBNETTE apt., unfur-nishqBd. Humüphrey Bldg., Elin andCbest ut. Sts. Alo singlie room. Winnetka L 97 or 3328. 92LTN31-tfc 97 FOR lt!VT-KoUasU TH-IS W'EiK WE HAVE SOME 0UTSTAN"DING LOW RENTALS 2 Hou.ses-4,bedrmxs., t bath.. $50). i Hus-3bedrms., 2 baths.....50 2 Hlou.es-;5 bedrmis., 3 bath-.....135 Ail iii excellent location, close to transportation. AND Mà%ANY OTHERS GRACE* E. GRANT Cè.LE NGABLES GLI'ýNC0e 844 7. ROOMS, HOT WATERI HEAT, 2 baths, garage. 3 biks. from N. ýW. station, w~est on Elm St. Phone Win- 11etka 2435. 97LTN33-ltp. pu FOit emrEN-FuRNisHaD HouSe" 7 ROOMS 3 BEDROïOMS, 2, BATHS. Near Hubbard Woods schools ana transportation.. 011 burner. After Jan. 1, 6 months or. year. Write B-133, Box 40, Wilmette, 111. 98LTNq32-4tp !Il FoR SALE-HOUSES START THE NEW 'YEA R IN* YOUR .OWN HOME AND IN- vest 3your money w~here Il *111 be safe. A speclafoffering in a mxodern E»g- lish brick, placed on a large wooded lot. A perfel2t setting and an ideal location for children. 7 rooms, 3 baths, large tule shower staîl, tile floor in breakfast room, recessed radiators, ilI heat, 2-car..garage, walls and roof insulated against heat and cold. $8,000 cash will buy this desirable property at a price of $26,000. Cal Mr. Dodson for further particulars. QUINLAN & TYSON, Inc. 1571 Sherman Ave. Uni. 2604 11LTN33-ltc BU Y A FARM TWO FARMS IN HIGH C1ASS gentlemen's farm district. 2 miles to good transportation. .100 and 130aü icres, respectively. Asking. $200 per acre. Also -have . other farffs and, estates priced acc.ording. to location. GRACE E. GRANT GLENGABLES. GLENCOE 844 97LT32-ltp tao FOR SALE-HOUSImH OLD 00009 BEDRALI FURN., STANDARD) EN- cyclopedia, children's books,. white enamel 2-oven rangehée box, crib,, work bench, garden tools,' antique, table, etc., 397 Suniget. Wlnnetkà 1446~ 129LTN 33-î1tp ELECTRIC RANGE, NEW 4-B URNER,' cost $225. Sacrifice, cash or terms. Fireplace set and Irons,* pokers, com-i pflete. Cost $85. Sacrifice, cash- or terin. 119/à Central Avenue, Wil-. mette. Store. 129L33-ltp COMBINATION GAS AND COOK stove, 900d condition, reasonable. Ph. Wilmette 1428. . 129LTN33-ltc LIGHT COIDORED, DOWN FILLED chaise lounge ln good condition. Ph. Wilmette 2046. 129LTN33-ltc 131 FOR 8ALE-M1SBCELAN COUS WHEEL CHAIR VERY REASONABLE PHONE WILMETTE 1491 13ILTN33-tfp FOR StALE - E.5EVTI -TAIN equipmnent, Lionel. Standard freight and passenger cars. Special large radius curves. -Phone Glencoe.îW-8. 131LTN-3-ltp 2 JUNIOR' GIRL S' 2-WHEEL BI- cycles. Very goodcondition. $5 each. Phone.Wilmette 1276. 131ÏLTN3-ltp LARGEST SIZE AM. RADIATOR CO. Vecto heater' with blue, fiame oW bÜrner comrplete. Bargain. Also kitch- e» heater and Quaker room heater. 418 Linden Ave. Ph. Wihnette 278. --,-31LTN33-ltp USED WORLD' BOOK FOR SALE. Godcondition. Boys, and Girls'. Book ho,517 Davis St., Evalnstoni. 131LTN33-ltp LIONEL ELI&CTRIC TRAIN, BUDDY L truck, child'stable and, chairs, tet- ter, etc. Reasonabie. Ph.ý Wil. 2588. 131LTN33-ltp la V#". 70 uU-MI*CZLLANOUUM WANTED - BOYS'ý AND. GIRLS' BI- cycles, sidewalk bikes, tricycles, and parts,.-For cash or trade. Glencoe Bicycle Shop. Phone Glencoe 5C. 132L3i4tp MOTOR AND MOTOR-DRIVEN TOOLS. Must be in perfect condition, and priced low. Winnetka 2572. 132L33-Itp Wihnette Men on Board of Waa'Mu Production Two Wilmette students have been awarded major positions on the board of directors of the Waa-Mu show, annual all-university musical comedy production of Northwestern university. .Lawrence Dennian, son of B. J. Denman, 21 Linden avenue, bas been named promotion co-taanager of the show, white Eci Dierks, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Dierks, 123 Ninth street, has been appointed assistant music chairman. Mr. Deniman is a. senior in the col- lege of liberal arts. H 1e is a member of Séabbard and Blade, honorary milit'ary fraternity,. Ph i Kappa, Psi, and bas served on the Circus board of the university. Last year he was also in the cast of "Scrap Book," ail- Thomas Sullivan, 336 Gregory avle- nue, returned Friday from Cripple Creek Colo., wbere he visited bis son,, Raymond, who bas been mining there since August 1, and will return to spend Christmas with bis parents. 0o M~rs, WWillis Uitteli, 2121 Beechwood av enue, was bostess to ber bridge club at luncheon Tuesday of Iast ,weelc. Il SHO P through .thie'classified UTHETHER you're to place want-ads ci I .W.ILMETTE 4300 ASK FOR AN.'AP-TAKER . 1 .

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