Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Dec 1933, p. 52

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26cents a line. Advertismnenta run ln aIl three papers, Rates- " fljj CÂ8~OE DOLLAI. Average of five. words to the lUne. No black face ty"p used. 20% disenat on ail cash advertlae- menta when brôught to our office at 1232 Central Ave., Wllriette, or 561 Lincoln Ave., Wlnaietka. 14% dispoint on al' £dvertisenients iun tour eonseutive Issues. Deadlie forInsera6ns- ij'd.advertluexnents wil b. é ,WILMETTE LIF». or ail three papée; Wednosday 9 P. lé.. for W114NE11KA TALK and :Thursday 5 -P.. M. for GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones:, Wilmette 4300, Wixinetka. 2000 ,(Winnetka, 500> after 6 P. M.), Greenleaf 4300 or Sheldrake 5887.i DOG LOST LAST THURSDAY-HALF grown Engiish setter, black andi white with large black spot on back, brown mnuzzle and paws. Named Sale. Had no coliar. 'Reward and no ques- tions asked. Notify Winnetka* 3473. 3L33-ltp LOST-FEMALE WIRE-HAIRED FOX terrier, Name 'SNIFF" Lleense No. 1099. Iteward. E. D' Lillienfilid, 816 Michigan Ild. Wilmette 645.. LOST--GOLD BAR DROP, SUN.,,DEC. 17. in, N. Trier Gymi or along E-ssex Rd. Reward. Phone Winnetka 3882. 7 .ANTIQUES P~URNITURE, GLASS, CHINA,l Jewelry, hook rugs, doli cradles and toys for sale or exehange. Antique furniture refinished anid re- paired. Hook rugs made to order and mentied. ATTIC ANTIQUE SHOP 462 Adams St. . Glencoe 168 7L33-ltp AND CONTRACTING lrTl>xYTT7T -jesonibi iwW priees. w C Anve Unt morethan100 honies on the north, shore andi know our business! F. H. GATHERCOAL 1511 Highland Ave. Wllmette, Ill. Phone Wllmette 225 15LTN3S1-tfp la BUSINESS SERVICE ELECTRIC W EL DI NG, BOILER welding, automîotive miachine shop anti parts jobbers. PAVLIK BROSi' 544 oo - SHOPPe iwrih4226 etLTN32-4tp COLLETTE SOEURS DEKSIGNIERS -AND MAKERS 0F, Gowns-Wraps-Suits...oats Made to Order-Restyled-or Altereti 833 Eim- St. Winnetka 1011 22LTN32-4tip 89 HOME MAGDE lFOOD pRooDUCTs GIIFT BOXECS Homie Made Preserves Wlnnetka 3350 34 LOLUNDUY EXP. LAUNDRESS WANTS WORk to do at home. Call and deliver. ShIrts our sPeclalty. North Shore ret. Ph. Wlmette 1351. 34LTNIO-4tp ELECTRIC CBINET BAT~H, COM- plete scientlflc massage, ultra-violet ray. If you wish . to feel ln perfect condition for the new year take ad- vantage of this special offer, 4 treat- nients for $5. 627 Grove St., Evanston.1 L1VIN-Wiliiette 1258 42LTNS31tp CEILINGS CAL. $1 UP %NTIQUE WALLS WASHED, starched, $2.50 up; rmn. papered, $2.50 up; kitchen painted, $5 up; bathrm. enarneled, -$5. WILL DO ANYI ..XPRr..nl PIANO TU riglg or grand;, a 9uaLranteed. 16 yrs. H. C. Tbomlaa 517 Ridge 699-RE. FOR SALE -- BEATJTIFtJL 1AND tailored Tuxedo, Including ,hirt, l'est andi tie, size 38, like new. Very rýeason- able. Phone Wilmlette 2758. FOR SALE-JAP MINK COAT TRIMN- med in fox, slghtly worn. Bargain price,$25. Phone Wilmette 4301., 59LTN33-ltp YOUTH'S TUXEDO., 16-18.SIZE. BOYS' overcoats and suits, reasoniable.. In good .condition--outgrown.: Winnetka 2183. 59LT33-ltp ,ai B-UStINES OPPOftRuNiTiE WELL. EST. DELICATESSEN Stock and fixtures paid 'for. Present owner physically unabile to handie. Needs wornan partner, or will sel out- jright. Opportunity for catereas. Write, t-122, Box 40, Wilmette, 111. 611,33-itp 05 LOANS We are ln the market for Real Estate moiçrtgage. loans, Prompt service.. KNUDTSON MORTGAGE & LOAN 1167 WiImette Ave. Wilmette 1167. 65LTN30-4tp LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES Contidentila. service, legai rates. MOTOR LOrAN CO. State Bank Bldg., Evanston., Gre. 3200 65L'rN36-tfc 68 SITUATION WANTED-FgMà%tJ EXPERIENCED HELP 111.t . $zv 68LTN25-tf<. NOTICE This office wlll be closed Dec. 24th tho Jan. 2nd. PAULINE'S EMP. AGENCY 421,Fourth St. Wlîte 68LTNZS-2te Want general, GeÉrman, best r efs. Want general, col ored, 5 years refs. Want generai, coloreti, 11/2 year.s refis. Want general, colored, refis. Must hiave (hildren. Want general, German be.st refi. WANTED - WOR ýNDI- cleaning or ironir mette _________ I1-ttp work 1RELIABLE WH l. Y. houanework, wljnd( Park Washed or any o 0-4tp Phone Wllmette3 1 E1sta blished i5 years- 799 Elm St. Winn. 1047 DOMESTIC HEU> >-Maie ain d Feniale. .Ail1 Nationialities. Let us assist yo)u in 'Securing the besî hep for your, ho4me-at *T reasonable -Wages. -your service-You'lî like it."1 I-HA- .14 W. WASHINGTON; CHICAGOCENTRAL 98*00 70LTN33-ltc KENILWORTH WELF'ARE COMMIT- tee.cani furnish -unemployed men and womnen, for houseworkp outside work, also skilied labor of certain kirids. Please caîl Mrs. H. B. Taylor, chair- man of Empioyunent Committee, Ken- Yl jHELP.WANTrED -F£MA L£ __ WANTED AT ONCE. 4 cooks ..... 4second niaids ...$1241J 3general niaidis$1 10 generai maid,.....$12 2 nursenîaids ..... $12-$15 1 nursemaid ........1 -Office closed. Dec. 24th to Jan. 2nd. PAULINE's EMip. AGE.NCy 421 Fourth st. WNillmettf. 2141. - 71tTN33-lte G.overness know Frýenchi anti Muslc $100) Couple, Cok--Chauffeur ... 75-8125 Cook anti General..........15, 25 Girls, Gener-alUj.ousew(),k . $8-11) Mfany other positions open-cail o r.Write, S-H-A-Y, 14 W. WASiIIN TON ~HICAGOCENTRAL 9800 A ---71LTN"33-ltc WANT ATRJANUARYJ1S'TI Cook ..... l General ......$12-$15 Second zmaid ............$14 Couples ........$80 to $1100 Closed Dec. 24th to Jan. 2nd. eAINE'S EMP. AGENCY 421 Fourth St. Wilimet'te21. ln person. ALL EMPLOYMENT SlIVCE 663 Vernon Ave.> Glencue .251 -71LTN13-tî'c EXPERIENCED, WHITE, GNERA housework maiti, under 45 yrs. Goo.1 cook. Adult famiily of 4- Refs. re- (uiret. Phone Wilimette 8 71LTýN33-ît' I'OUNG WIIE GR O TK~ care of iSmaîl boy afternoons arînd Saturdays. Go home nlights. Easî Winnetka. Phone Winnetkt N'08' 71L33-Itip WHITE MAID O N1i ek, o getîng ~ L~. 2 ur. sed,, 6 wv. w..: .,$200 ýe, r etin Packard Sedan ...... .. 29,5 retka 689. IBUîck Sedan 2.......... 95. 68L33ltp Bulck 2-dr. Sedan .. ... .... 300 &Y OR HjOUR,, Buick 4-dr. Sed., 6i w. w. .... ...... 445 mne Wil. 4167. Your Presefit Car AccePted ais Cash 68L33-Itp NORTH SHORE BUICK-PONIAcCO(-. CD-MALE 2 Block South of ~N WNTS'Davis on Maple. "ning, kichenù UNlversity 56 NS.rets. Cars Shown n Service Station at Night. 69LTN33-ltp ý77LTN33-ltc 3 L03T AND--POUND la Il ýll;:

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