selves at the short end of a 21-10~ cQewheîî the hialf ended. In' the second hiaif, though, Kenil-- ,worth hit its stride and scorcd I1 p)oints to 3 for the 'iidîalis', whose forward wall went to pieces while th.e guards. Wright and: OIson. worked' (Ieseraelyand saveil the, gaine for, Indian Hill. Matson-Friedebe.rg. Weddilng, Is on Dec. 23 Miss Anne Elizabeth Mtsnof\Vil - mette and Kurt Ferdinand Friedeberg, Will be niarried this Saturday after- floofl at .4 o clock at the hotte of the hride's parents.;M. Nl rs.I .eslie E. Ma\ftson. ,616> Fifteenth street. 'The ceremrony wil be performed hy the Re%. Oscar Thomas Oison of the \Vil- miette Parish etditchurch i imthe preseiîce- ofý only relatives; and a few close friends. After. Christmas M r. and rS. Friedeherg wil e at home in Mouti i Cletens. Mich. 1Out-of-town, guests for the wedding] 'm-ill be Don Hecox and Miss Alice A Pattetson of Marshallt0wn. Iowa-rela- tives of the bie Mr. Friedeberg is the son 'of Mr. and Mrs. Alhert Friede- herg of Magdebuxrg, Geormany. HOLD CHRISTMAS DINNER. The Wilmettc Teachers' club., com- posed of ail teachers ini the Wilmette public 'schools, lield its annual Christ- mais dinner T1uesday night at the Georgian- hotel in Evanston. Miss Ruth Skown, first grade teacher at the Howard sc1hool, is presjident of the club. Arrangements for the, dinner were ni. charge of the social comnmittee, headed h%, M iss Annette Kelley, kindergarten teacher at the Laurel school. Selectionis l)y a reader and the siniging o Çhrist- niýas carols featured the progr am. INSPECTS WATER PLANT John E. Norton,> supervising engin- cer of the Reconstruction Finance corporation, Washington, 1). C.,.liasi heeni in Wilnîiette for the past several davs. checking up on the waterwork -from a Bi ank Suppose you want to borrow-aniy amount from $50 to $1i,000'ormore.. .Why fot borow.itfrom ig bnk Set your lban up on a one-year basis ... 0 OU wiliý have twelve months. to make ready for paymnent.. Bak your note, with'collateral . or the signtrso two friend...Most of the boans we make are secured. bsigna tures. And what wilit cost? Here is the price tag on typical transactions: $300. You want .... $300.00 The charge .. 27.58: The note. . .... 327.58 Youget.. ..300*00 Youpay....327.58 $500.00ý 36.90 500.00 536.90 PO1000 68.82 19068.82. 1,000.00 1,068.82 7The abovre illustrates boans backed by personal en-.. dorsement - comaker loans, they.. are called. The charge is even less if secured by marketable collateral. There ise no accruing intereest, by'the month or, otherwise, no exrtras, or other charges whatsoever. during the term for which the loan is set up. If you pay your boan ahead of time we adjust the charge to the months it took you to pay out. 105' Christmas nolirays. -- Edward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jo- seph H. Solomon, 1025 Ashland ave- liue, returned Friday f rom Ann Arbor wrehe attends thle University -of Michigan. -CHICAGO A million dollar Bank -doing SMALL thïngs BI