May 1 have a littie space in your columils for a word of appreciation? Ina residential conimunity that bas held tenaciously to its village atmos- phere, there is bound to develop certain châracteristic cu1sýoMs and obsetvances Ahat with recurring years' become tra- ditions. Suob is the ann ual .C0hristmas concert at our New Trier TIownship Hligh school. TFo somle of us wlio have*attended as patcp= s. or audience, or both, for a nwnbr ofyears,'it bas become as mnuch a part. of> tbe observance of the Christ- nis holiday our own famuly testvites.It is just ful of thrills that neyer lose their, power. The large group of, young people singing and playing beautiful Christmas music,, much of1 which bas been. loved for générations, their lovély young voices skilfully to Co- operate and coordinate is a marvelous thingin itself. The beauty of that bank of youth in white, gray and green, with thé dirk coats of the boys 'in contrast, placed against the artistically arranged backcground of Christma.s.trees, wreaths and lighted candles, brings 170 the eye a beauty not 170 be surpassed. The1 demoeracy of it is -also very worth- while. It is put on by a public school. The boy and girl who can and will sing Or play is eligible to take part irrespec- tive of social strata, church affiliation or racial or national héritage. Tu many the religions atmospbere is inost appealing. Simply, beautifully, reverently the whole prograni is given. 'lhere is the dignity of a cathédral, anda thie uplift and inspiration of a large group in a unity of spirit at life's high g' levels. il Christmas mnusic is alwàys lovely; t there is no nobler music wrjtteli. But M Christnmas music as played, . sung and s4 interpreted by. the New Trier High ia school under the outstandinig leadership e: fi the music department is a thing that e3 .inks, into oüur hearts and blecomes a part of Our best selves. ... ll And right here 1I smust also pay a ï,. tribute 170 the music departrnents in our h granunar schools.that are placing more01 and more empliasis each year on teacli- Ci: inig the pupils Christrnas carols. * operation of our officiaIs witl N ort western university authorities ang the recently appointed -P"our Mil Limit committee" should nip this de velopment in the bud. AN APPEAL' To, the people, of Wilmette: The Wilmette Welfare board is il, need of your h4elp, to provide Christ*, mas, food for residents of the villagt who, by force of circuniances, arc unnable to provie this cheer for their families. At Thanksgivinig time a most generous response was inade by a number' of organizations and public -spirited citizens 'to f111 the neeed which could'not be provid'ed through the County Welfare department. Food or, funds wilI be accepted in any quantity. Whole baskets will be delivered as directed or assigned to the most- needy ones under the close supervision ,of the WVilmette Welfare board. Miîscetaneous .,quant'ities of food witl be assembled at the Welfare board h'eadquarters at No. 1 Electric place, . just nort.h. of Central avenue. rhose wishing 170 give mnoney for this purpose may do so. These funds will be rnost carefully spent at quantity prices to obtain the utrnost amouint of good quality for distribution. Following Christmnas there wvilI stiti be urgent need for your contributions. Thle long depression lias laid a héavy hand upon mnany of our citîxens who in previ.ous. tues were prosperous nd productive.. Their savings are gone and even théir homes. They Fae the future with hope, although bey are flot able to cope with the rieseft. Many have been self reliant ;o. long that they hesitate to approach, :e regular avenues of relief, so they aid their familles have struggled to ýxist in one way or anotiie r, alivays vith the hope that they witl niot needj oniake a. move against wvhich their' îirits rebel. ht is easy to Say whatý Se would do under snch conditionis, it it is a real probleni to mneet when Me is faced %vith these uinfortunate to uggest publiciixfrte oIw 1 amn sure thiat the childrii who will beilefit through your getnerosity in giving so mucli editorial space. to this matter are. deeply grateful- to you. 1 arn wondering 'if. you couldý find space. to give -publicity to, a few further facts. The Wilmette grammar scliO*ols are badly in. need. of orchestral ini- st*ruments. There are- childreu beg- ging, tgo be. perrm.itted to juin the orchestra whose parents ,.are, finan- cially unable to get these instruments for theni.'1 The school budget cau- flot provideý for this expense and, the inst.rumen.ts now available have been supplied alrnost entirely front pro- ceeds of the-annual spring concerts. ehassome. famuly lias a discarded. Ilute, clarinet,. horn, violin, or other instrumient that. might be donated, to this c ause. Perhaps sOrne one more, fortuijate than these chuldren miiglit be .willing to doit'ate aitaniotint of. nii0iiev sufficient to bulv Such aniin- strurnent. 1 understa"d that tiiese istruments remain the property *of. he schools, So, that the chitdren for. I years to corne iiay nmake luse ofr them. Surely, anyone willing anid able to contribute ini any way, %vill la ve reason to feel that lus gener-r osity lias been a splendid investmnett.s Anvone interested inas visit rehiears- Its for verification ()f this Those Mho are willinig to miake such cou-d tributions are. invited to> cal!. the school offces, Wiliiette 1618. School Friend High Praise Is Given to N. T. Xmas Concert By H. B.M. Forsixeenye-ars noÔw the high seol four nlorth shore coilnmuni- ties, 'which we affecti0là .teIl- cal! Sirnply *'New rier," bas Ibeliu -ivilig ns wbat for .wanit of aniother 1,phfrase %Ve miay teri a Christinas musical festival. The latest production gaven was last. Sunday aiterllooin. \Vherein lies 5jccess? It iil k... il of fresh young voices, which in t-be, tradition of New Trier, are not puishedj and forced. For volume, sonciriti-, sweetness, nothing was wanting. As for expression,. attack, shading- wbetber it was thé stat'ely. Bachi "Grant Us. to Do With, Zeal," Cesar Franck's "Psalm 150' or "Halîculi1 Chorus". from Handel's: The Mes- siali," ail of wbich were, fuit, chorus and full orchestra, or some délicate, thing like, the. Burgundian air "Pai-a-Pan"* hseyoun olkN knew, their music. People'who have sung ini large choruses unider Lutkin or Thomas or Stock, easy it is for the huge aggregation to sag or break, in the middle. Finiis bcd choral music of the kind heard Sun- day is not, accidentai; it doesn't, just happen. It meansjoyous co-opera- tion of the singers, with the inde- fatigable energy and skilful clIirectioii Fine Maie VoýiCei 0f the numerous songs for sep arate and cornbined clubs and the boys' octette one coulcl sa ' vinany pleasant things. Worthy of special note was the vocal quality of the male voices-a solid sonority. 'and rqaturity .harcjly 170 be expected of lads in their teens. There were t wo nnîbers whicli gave opportunity for solo work: "The Shepherds' Storv'" by Dickinson, in which individuat parts wvere taken admnirably by Mil- dred Mullen; Arthur Katzel and RicIn- ard Olsen, and Rubinsteins "Serapli- ic Song" with alto solo by Mary Jane Elder and violin obligato by George, Swigart. One imagines that some'of these singers will be heard froni pro- fessionally one of these days. AN for Ir. Swigart (one want to sas' George) he is rapidly reaching to- yards virtuosity. This appreciation m would a'Iot he onInplefe without specific r*efe-rieneto the effective, ac1onipatlirneait and tut- xtremnely creditabte reading by-the. \ew' Trier Higli sehool orchetra cof ,e first movenient of Sclnubert's -,ell-kniow» "Unfinished Synbpioii3." Somcething like seventeéI fome ti f -tI th] 'g Is There are already several saloons in ï117w-ll be' nc-4r4 frth3iln operation in this territory, serving Il- Welf are board 170 carry on ini the qusor 170 aIl corners. sanie unselfish spirit that lias charac- Im4lcations are tliat ive shah! have terized its efforts and the contribu- h»aduplicate of the situation that, tioins of its sponsors in the past. inte ld ilageofCrss Chr istmas is righit upon uts. Food 'Y' ParElC- F 'iay si-r New Yxorkc Where they ,wili patioý in carol singing, to get under sait for Bertnda 170 spend the Christ - one's eMotions. And the whole pro- mas lnolidays. Hfoward, wbo attendsi., duction should be cliaracterized by. Choate .School,', witl meet bis father just one word-2"Finished"1 and they will, join Mrs. Jordlan and NaturallY, iii a choral festival the the girlsàin New York Saturday. I