Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Dec 1933, p. 45

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VeriStv Of rents% ivallia at Fhila. deiphia. He bas hiad extensive ex-j perience in residentia I ar chitecture. and bias taken an ahsorhing iinterest ini the problem of large scale hoilsin. 2ýspecialIy in its relation, to shîil clear- ance and, district rfehbilitation. H-e lias also conducted scientifir investi- gations in the field - of oit stations. liaving. mritten moniograpbs .;on lih Among other ,awards. à f r. Arnocld achieved the distinction of 1wiiing first prize in the national conipetition conducted bv the North Shore Real Estate board last spring. The suhllject of the competition was "The Yard- stick H-ouse." the. ideal averagei Ainerican home, to l)e bhuilt in Kenil- Mr-. Yôst bas been a resiMent (of MI 'Mette for the past fonrteen years. ne is,,a graduate of Noýrtlhwestern, t niversitv and the architectnral school of Ohio State univerý'ity ' From Ohio State lie îa~s amwarded a feltowv- shlip in the Foundationi for Architec- ture and Landscape Architecture .at Take Forest. He hias hieretoforc Ibeetà' cngaged chieflv in offcebiligaf apartnient work and bas- won recoz- niinin the field,, of industrial andii furniture design. 'Mr. Yost bas also inade important contributions to the' eniployment. of copper as a modernv archiitectural materiai. Aow OnIy FOR lYOUR'l OLD :TIRES, ON TUE PURCHASE 0F: THE NEW SUPER OLDFIELD TYPE' LOOK AT THESE PRICE.S day at her home, 627 Abbotsford road. Kenilworth. Mrs. Dubsky was 50 years pld, an d ber bealth had, heen. failing for the past year. She Wvas the wife of Charles DuhskY, wbo) is çcofnnîcted %vith the Crousc-H-inds company, of ('hicago )and Syracuse, N. Y.ý Before lier illies-, forced lier retire- nient Mrs. Dubsky wvas.activc iii Keiuil- %vortli club life. Shc was a'.rMemher id the Kenilwortlî Neighhors. and for- iierly served thi., orgaîiizatioii as corres- pouding secrctary. Shc was al,,() ineniber of tlhc Kenilw\orthi Unfi,î chîîrrlî. 4.5041 I 1' $7.1O $1.77 ss.»3 4.7,50 I $7*55 t $18J $.6 5.00-19 $8.10 $2.02- _____________i was a znczer oz ine< club and the North S' He is survived tw bis 'w toria SuIts>, and by two, John S. > McKce and 1 V. Mrs. Vic- ghters, Mrs. WINNETICA South of Oak St. Phom .Wl....3m0 HUBSARD WOODS Lin" .A".9, sUofcaGg st Ph... Whu.74 $6*08 I

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