Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Dec 1933, p. 44

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"5ql a8lu -L .LVVUAM rw ruvwMs y fteGfes rHoward 7B W Iii elp Girls Enjoy First Fate of Glee Club Family for Christmas Volley Bail Match OnWdesa heiûmbr f teford7 i not take a family gle clb wll aveseaed lier ate fo Thiikgivn,- soweare trying The first ~ voleyball match of the unless. they have memorized the * to do twice as much for Christmas. seaonbewen Hwad udStop caroîs We were supposed toý have We asked Mrs. Stopka. and she gv girs ws ery exîtig. ow rd 's learned y Fia o the play that us a, choice of quite a few families coqure Sol Fs 3 t 1. topis to be giv en, then. Weoe one with three boys, three il E's beat Howard E's, 31 to 26. How- grsadmte n ahr.Nx ard D's trimmed ýStolp D's, 31 f 27. The name of the play is, "The Ra-.grsadwo-e ndfthr Nx we Made out a list of whatwe'should e ýHoward C's trounced StoIp iC', 34ý diant Cross." It is to be given by bring. We are al going tol try to to 19, while: Stolp 1's overwhelmed the eighth grades, but Most of, the bring as much as we can.-john Hal.e, Hoar Bs,~to26 gc club sings, from the balcony. Howard 7B..i There are sixteen boys :in a choir__________ Following this, the first match was who sing in the play.-'Edward johns-;H r' hnet rn have played between -the two schools, toHoadaA there w*ll be only one more in this__________ series which is being staged in volley- H îdYule Chéer; for Fam ilies a bail. LightWeights H l First Thr ar twnyorormea Com on Solp Kep hos coor Cae ractice of Year -familes in nned of help, Mrs. Stopkad flyi'ng.-Helen Mae Meves, Stolp 2f. y. Sas sy ht h ile~ Theligtweght hld hei llstbe glad to distribute the naines of? Students of Arithmetic aktalprcieo h ya ttefmilies to c hurch and school, classes. ' Howard gymnasiumi Saturday, De-If you do:flot have a family whom " Copy Percentage Rules cemfber,16. The coach of the 'lights" you ish to help, pese poeMs Howard 7B is learnling percent .age is "Hap" Gathercoal, and I think he's Stopka either at her home.or t the ini arithmfetic, but flrst we had to a pretty good one. The other'ecoaches sho n h ilb ld-ôgv cop> sotie rutes. Thesc three are* the are Mr. Stone, for the peewees, an~d sggetiandseJacile aWt ile ( Most important. They are as follows: Mr. Davis, for the heavyweights. The Howard 7B. a formula is a shorthand way of boys on the lightweight team weigh_________ stating a rule. The rate percent* i. between 92 and 110 potinds.-BobM1 the number with percent. sign «/ ynHwr A Stolp E-1 Conquers E-2 l The base is the foundation of the in Fast Volley Bail Tilt oui problem and usually comes after the More Doile Needed for Stolp E2 faced defeat in a volley- pre word ý"of."-Julia Staichel, .HoWard Wlet orC ide algm ihE last Thursday. Wc e 'v Pupils in Howard 7B Will Try to Do Better Howard 7B had fewer plaises than eifher of the other seventh grades. When Ôour next report card cornes out, 1 hope we have. better marks than on our flrst report. At the back of the room we have a chart on whiçlh you get a gold star if you' mnale 100 in~ spelling.. I*helieve 1 can see an imprevemenit already.-.-Susie Lyon, Howard%7B. HOLD GIVING Co.NTESTr Howard 7B is hàving a conte st be- tween the boys and the girls to s ee wbicb ' side can bring more food and clothing for the poor. Sn far th' This year the cbildren of the pub- lic soos have brougbt dlils for the Wilrnette poor. We thought we had a lot f doils but there are not haiS enough, 80 we ask the people of W~1meîe t take all their ld dolîs. to ithe ire station. You cati take dolis there even if you have ne chil- dren in schol.-Adelaide Koerien, Howard 7B. TRY COTHIC, LETTERING In Miss Donnelly's room we, are practicing Gotbic letterinig.,,W/e are making Christmnas cards, with this type of architecture on it.' Gothici lettering is a fancy type but is very welj known. It was taken from the1 Goths who first used it. We ail like to print this type .very much.-Bill faemet rnis team twace now, losinig one and winning ne. Almost. every- oeon the tea mcamne out, for there wereeib boys playing on our team. Ltwsa very thrilling game. The final ascore was 31 to 12 ina favor of E1.Jain Wolff, Stolp ic. MAKING TIME LINES *The Howard seventh grades are making time lines. This shows wben the important inventions, discoveries and bistoric events took place. We will make mnany of these time lines. in bigh scbool, so Mrs., Groves,î the social science, teacher, wants to start us early.-Bob DeVinny, Howard 7A. BOYS DEFEAT GIRLS The 7B boys and girls plaved vn1Ile,. for Two Schools On Friday, December 15, at How- ard school and Thursday, December 21, at Stolp school, the annual Christ-: mas, play was given by, the eighth grades. This year the play was- caîl- ed, "The Radiant Cross." It was directed at both. schools by Mis.s Flaskered.* Th e speaking cha- racters are: Johann, a. peasant- boy;* Nina, bis sister;, their mnoth-er and father; the traveler;. Hannah, a neigh- bor, and l-aiiiah's*two cbildren, Peter and Gretel. The boys and girls of Howard lonated the rnoney to buy the ma- ýrials -for ma.king the scener.y. Sonie f the Stolp-eighth graders painted tunder the direction of.-Miss Don- ielly.-Betty Claire' Ellis, Stolp, :hool. [et Lesson in Writing of "Thank You" Letters We wrote "Tbank You". letters in Eiss Perring's room Tbursday, De- ember 7. Tbey were to thank soine- ne who had given us a Cbristmas resent. Miss Perring said she was ivng us this lesson so e ,ve ouldý now how to Write letters of tbanks [ter receiving gïfts for Christmas,. ýe aIl hope te write better, "Thank u" letters this Christmas than w'e d Ia4.L.-Christmas....Lois Whitehead, Intramural Cage Gaâmes to Start After Vacationi Intramural basketball will start at Hloward school right after Christmas. vacation. Dudley C. Stone wIl ar- range -the schedule, for us so that, the teams will be as eveily divided as possibl1 e. There will be A, B, C, D E, and F classes. W/e hoàe to have a very s uccessful .seaso. >o Loe gan, Howard 8A. aft did JiV1fg a Iamîiy. .We are alsc n a happyChi T h e ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _b-l- --a s- - s e n- rt , in th e o ld P a v lik h o m e - The vflybal eaon . almgst stead no turned te business uses, et PUI'ILS WRITE MONOLOGS ever. 1 think ail of* the teams had from where he wil çonduct a general. ppy The seventh grades wrote themes a pretty good season. Our team did practice of Iaw. .Mr. Schaffer- is an ing which are called monologs. That net do se well this year but wé en- eld resident of Cook county and for as. means themes in which on persen joyed it.very much.-Edwin Benson, many yea rs bas practiced Iaw: in the talks.-Marjorie Winkle,. Howard 7B. Howard XC.. loop.

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