4:30 p.m. CUnuaren's. Christmas eve or Christmas. -i' --,miise service.The Christmîas Sunday inorning serv- Invite your friends and xeighbors to !ce wiil begin at 10:45 o'clock. The Christmas Day Servie.s attend ¶his beautiful and significant minister's Christmas mnessage,; "The 6:30 a.m. Flrst service anld sermon. service wlth you!. Great Anniversary," as welI as a Junior 10 a.m. Second service and sermon. Story for the children, will be given at The women of the Frieiîdly circle this service. There wjlI also be lovely. On Sturay, t 930,theSunayinvite ail of the women- of the church Christnias nmusic~ by the. choi rs anrd school wfIli meet to rehearsàe the Chrisat- ,to meet with them Sunday morning at *atet mas Eve program. 9:30 o'clock in the Woman's room, The suit 'for discussion and study wilil The Children's Christmas Evepo-be 1"Consciîence."1 The Seripture refer- Me.bers of the Chutrch school wil grain will be held Sunday afternoon at ence. wili bel fôund ln Acts 26: 2-18. present "Thje Christmnas Story in Paný- 4:30. A fine program has been arranged tomimie and Song'. at the Candlelight by the Sunday sehool., We invite you to The F'rst division will meet Thurs- Vesper Service at 4. o'clock Sunday af t- brng your frienda. daY, December,28, at the. home of. Mrs. ernoon. 'This presentation is under the Cliff<rd Older,1026.bm 9. mwoodavenue, direction of .Mrs. Marguerite, Caikins Ail> who attended our services iast Taylor, of the National Colle ge o0,f Edu- Sunday will surely occupy their favorite A New Year's Eve, service will > be catioFn.' A beautiful musical setting is pDews Sunday and Monday. ]t is very lheld, &inday evening, Decemjber 31. provided, by Dudley Buck's "Conngf sdom that we. enjoy an hour as we The New Year's -Eve communion service the King," sung by theuSenior choir and did til one in which we, listened to *111I be. heid at 9 :310 9'clock hjses-uuartet. the ]Rev. Mr. Gockel 'present another of te of feliowship initsaivho are his fine sermons; and the choir witîi seeking to make the Spirit of Jesui, the klnd a ssistance of Miss Betling, real in the life of today.'The. New Th'ie Sunday, Evening club is -schedul- E sololst, had no amalpart in beautifying Year's Eve festival service wvIll be held ing no program for December Il. onc the service. The theme for the Rev. at 10 :45. There wiil bie a brief addres.- Ž%ew Year's. eve, Dr. Prederîck Shan- Mr. Goýckel's sermon this Sunday wilI by the minister and the choirwili giv-e non, of Central Church, Chicago, will be the "Bn.rintg Bush"'and for the the service a iovely musical setting. &je the speaker. MondaY early morning service, "The P'ive -minutes. before midnight'the church ,Manger of Bethlehem." will be darkened and a beautiful soi adesrieo iehnyni- On account of the holidays, t.here willJ boc aniesevce0ffie udred be nio choir rehearsaîs the week of De- We have often thought that we would ights *1111 welcome e new year. plaitebe 5 Ilke to visit Judea. and climb to the top oatedthssr-c ndIvteyu of those ýhistorichMisé and sit there and frlenidSto share this service as ve, a meditate on th rndu f thie char-,the other- Cheistmas and NeZw Yeais acte of im wosebirth caused the Services' ln thls chuùe.Ecls L ter nt Ietr 0fGreenleaf avenue at Seventh street Iellght to look down lnto the quiet lit- TeC rc ho1mtecSu- Wilmette le city of Bethlehem, wbere in that day morningat 9:30. There .are class4es AHos 0 obhp ~a aw y i~ he in a t le us w s or ai 'g s from the nursery to t'li The' e . David R, K abele, pastor. -o leePing in the manger. What a. sb aduit department. lect for study la, every sleeping infant, 1ihHg cho hatt a n d* the Snnday Servicesf Whteloquent The Hig thy achoory 1Sunday achol......... ... 45 a.m, li tpsahesthyar orYung People's chapter of the ,pwortîî older people. Do they flot remind league will attend the Christffas Evo-. onn osi ...... .m 18 of our Lord's saying: MExcept Ye criMevieorn una eBpinmalsrvhip...............la. ni. N] ecome as little children ye shall ot crlsrie hsSna vening 'andBats lsevc......... u fiter into the Kingdom vlhaenmetg of Heaven"? f hi nu- tedý -10 wlmh a veano m e etin g 0fa nth eirlo wnedu n-l hrn utrn 7.S er viceV [0W mna y a man or orn.n has Iea ned ~ l~~ 3 ~6 a. ni. Christnas m orn njg. 0 pray for their own Boul while teach- TeFinininCb ng their darllng to lispits4 first prayer r. ndly _ ______ - WIII ibid. -- 'Or ýthe.Ir 8Akeh1u,. -1.1- --.--r saK 'u'. we ignr supply. their wants. Cod protects and blesses nA, their guardians. Tt'ply, children are a gift Of God a~nd Parents cannot h,, too tha.nkfuî for thei. fBut how niany Parents neglect their most sacred dtity to their children >y flot briniging theni to their Saviour. Is thli flot a wonder- ful Urne to bring theni? St. John's church welcomes you cordialiy. MetkdistCkurck 11ev. Oscar Thomas Oison, D.D.,. minister Theminister's sermon theme for the Il o'cdock worship service Christmas Sund«2y norning wil be -The Adivent Fact." The music for the morniing -service %îll be as foilows: Organ preude: hrsm. Nit t reeieaf vel- WI p tven er isfoagain - erWIl ..e . à JMesT.enue-aý-;n Next Sunday afternooii at 3 o'clock ater atpobefrmrhMea Jae iitr we will have a '= rd'r . BaptismaUl service anid HwrLkMii., where she at- Ôur we hope that ail those wlio are flot as tne h wedding of her sister, Miss Chrstm~ wrshp srvie wIlyet baptized will,pýresent theniselves at1 Ethel Arnustroîg, to the Rev. ug be hield at> Il 'clock. The ininister wiii that tune. Gwro eebr6 h lohadi speak oin-the theule, -1. the Pulness of peeû6Sl ashd Usi." eivt o ow hpwt Let us beglin our Christmas Day with a ,ii it neds,'and' relatives Ini 'The speciaCrita mucal pro worship at, the, 6 o'clock service. Minnîeapolis. gramn for, the Wor'ship service will be ax My-h----------isma, hespr- foios : ? relude und,"C antqedei,"'of Jesus, go. with yoù and yours, into the. TO SING CAROLS Adan, Miss EaRn shins and New Year, making- you radiating writ- The chidrenl of the Logan school DudeyVeekasntrombonit. Be- ness and workers in His Chue ch. wiIl sing carols around the, Christna citativýe and Choru,. "Theere Were Shep- te ntesho nFia herds" and Glory to God," M sia ) h u c t 0m asc. A yo e w o is i t r Choru.s; Antheni, "hped' lrms Baptist rhrh0i ner-i Ilade M s heBreidbaChrinstmas ested may attend the program, it is So;fng," Beinian-DîckifisoriThe Choir;-imtead oetaeus announced. Offertôry Anthe*,. "Maeh f the 'Wisi REev. George D. Allison. flastor 'Ilsl tIorrow night (F ri d a3 All Parents and friends are invited. First Presb.yterian .New menmbers will be received into. the congregation ai. the service of wor- ship Stunday mrorning, December 24. This wi be the larget assession of flOw Kenilwortk Union Kenllworth avenue and Warwick road Dr. Herbert LÀ. Willett, minister. Sunday, December 24,. Dr. 'Willett'.s subject will be' "The Flrst Centuüry 0;f, Christian History," the last of a series on *'The Beginnings of Christianity.'l The Womien's Gàiild will not mieet -until January 8.. The. Primary ilhaeis ervices as usýual,.at 9 :45 December 24. The Junior and Senior departments will omit their rnorning service. There will be a candle-ilit eic at 4 o'ciock in the church for members' The Kenilworth Young Peoples Sun-ý day Evening club wvlll not mneet' until Janu.try 7. CELEBRATING BIRTHDAy Nancy Parntill Mead,' daughiter of the Fergus Meads, 320 Oxford r.oad, Kenilworth, is. celebrating hier sixth .irthd.ay with- a paIrty ýfor a fcw of lier littie frien.ds on Saturday, De- cember 23.: On Sund.av the -M%,ead family will1 go to Mil-waukee ohv Christmas witb Mr. Mead's mioth er,- lr.atherine Painnili MNead. Suin- .ay cvening they milI drive to janes- il for Christmias> day with. Mrs.. IAT SISTER'S WEDDING IMrs. Clitti 1B. Cochirani of 1605 ,ho bas been in JOOU Crlstmass $Onlg, French-Gevaert "Shepherds' ChrlstinasI Song" ...Austrian F'olk Song-181o Reimann-Dickinson "*Jesu! Thou Dear BabeI Divine-" ...Arr. by Dickinson 'Good King Weincesa" I A Watch-night service wili hi Sunday evenlng, Decemnber 31,e chuirch, beglnning at 10 o'ciock anÈ ing at midnlght. T'he first hour v featured by a Program o'f song strumgental music, readinga, and ré ments. The last hoYu, wilI be a f or t -Mme. -Scout1 -,be sevi J holl £'3!UUnIs and -pres- then. Dr. Alison's I "The Hope of the Mr. and Mrs. Perçy E. Simon, 1012 is rhêatal im Greenwood avenue, wilI have their ,,rreheadsrectin f eIson, Richard, w'ith them 'for the . It is also SeaChita holidays, Richard is a hfurch. Tiers .,yjl fresbman at Washington and: Lee parties durlng thelunivers ity. ti li Fi p. ),tl'lles 011 ,r 28, at ,, 1 f),eloq