this wCCIC, anO with it went the foi- Iowinig letter from Mr. Sclhoen to Presidciit Roosevelt: Sa token of admiration and re- spect for yOUr courageous leadýrýship ini brlnging our co)utryý back to the rodlaIn to prosperity, the wr!ter whO-is a cabinet imaker, takés rt ilvie ii I)re8Iening you ~ihîi cane, wýhich is, made out.of twenty--,i3 differenitP.i!ees -of veneerp, therefore alniost, unbreakable. "WIth ýevery wi,ýh for your continu- ance iii good health and, strength, Reipectfully yours, (Signed) (A. Schoen." F (il-fortv- seveil vears,,Mr.' Schocnl lias been a cab)inet mak-er. Ile started to Iearn the trade at th- e f 4 Atoi iehe worked for F ranz Josef. for mer eiinperor of Austria- lungarv%., Mr. Schoeni came, to the United States in 1906 and lias ived here continuoisly since thliî. During the administration of Pre>- identTaft '.\r. Schoen presented tir the chefexecutive ail inlaid a ir-tighit jhtnmdor which ieý made. Walgreen Drug Store Opens With Gift Sale 'l'lhe aV=re. Drug company willI have the fra openitig this Satur- dayv of its 484th unit, which is located. at 1177-79 UXilmette avenue. Thomas R. Adamis, form erly of Wilmette, marnager of the store, anQuniCeS that there wIll be compiete soda fountain service, an d a complete fine of pre- scriptions, drugs, and cosmetics. At the Satur4aày opening. ail customers %vill r eceive gift boxes. Assistant manager of the store is Walter Doerr; forrnerly of the Kenilworth Phar- NIr. Adams lias been coinnected with retail drug stores on the north shore for iianiy year.s, and- lias had %vide., expriece iimerhanisig.He bas beeni coilnected with Walgreeni's for the past ten years. Money Problem* Will Be Civic League Subjeetý Announicement is made that the next regular meeting of Wilmette Civic league.. ii be hield Frida%, from Dartmouth, to spen i ts noli- day vacation with his. parents. 0o Mrs. Fred Deacon, 351 Cumber- land avenue, Kenilworth, ivas lunch- eon hostess to ber quiltinig club) Friday. *v ., di.l8A] and sister-in G. Perkins,4 -law, Mr. and of Oak Park. [PA 7 NEW CON VENIENCE IN A NEW,.>EAR f 9* Start the New Year right by fixing' up your home with telephone convei- phone employee will gladlyhelp you place your order. ONIZE, OU R A DVERTISERS * n il Id