Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Dec 1933, p. 36

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nimal and Bird Actors Again to Children's Party Thie Wonxan's Club of Wiinett bas tucked another Chiristmas gil into its bagfor cbildren of its mcxi bers Saturday, afternoon. Decembe 30,.:at 2 o'clock at the. club, boust When the question ai-ose7 as to wha foi-m' this gift should take for th, annual holiday party for boys anq girls, the commttee at once electeg to bring back to themi what ha( quite, entranced them, last season Pamahasika's Pets. The Party is the club's present ti childreen of. its members, but, gueste of. the 'children of menibers, wh( must accompany their little host hostess, will becharged a very smal guest fee,. For more than fifty years Pama- hasika's Pets h*as been' America's outstanding bird and animal-show. It bas thrilled the easily bored audien ces of the vaudeville theater, and has tickled the emotional palates ,of hundreds of tbousands of boys and girls in school andl club programs, Crîtics deciare that, these famous Pets are Positiveiy unrivalled in the worid today. Raymond. V. Roberts is ini charge of this show which presenits Austra-: lian cockatoos dancing an old-time waltz; gorgeouns Brazillian macaws strutting their rainbow. plumage; brs doing gymnastic stunts on horizontal bars; canai-y kindergarten- ers piaYing 'See7saw; doing baire * tol1s, playing on the Mer-y-Go- Round, anid other tricks. Little Billy with the buman mind does niathematical problenis pro- poulnded by the audience. He adds, * subtracts, and counts. And the dogs! They lump tbrough hoops, walk on" the i- front legs, mrnîic humans i 1n rnany ways.'perform stunts and give evidence 'of unusual learning. abilitv, it is said. There is, Bozo, the nimon- key., whose "monkey ..shines", are worth going a long way tio see, bis audiences agi-ce. And, the grand finale of the s how, the Batie scene,. where the cockaà- too army comes to the rescue of the ill was re-elected president ofthti North Shore Field Hockey associa- tion at the annual meeting held Wed- niesday evening of last week at the te home of - Mss -Harriet - Len-rtd,-681 t Bryant avenue, Winnetka. A buffet -supper was served to lfifty guests, and ,r during the social hour motion 'pictue eý- of the Mid-West hockey tuornament t which took place in Iowa City in No- ,e vember were shown. Mrs. W. Sanger d Hinchmian ,of Glencoe- assisted wvith d 'the arrangements. Other oficers elected to serve witli Mrs. Thornle include: .M rs. Warneïr Washburn, vice-president.; Miss Mair- garet DeLay, secretary, and Miss sElizabeth Lanctot, treasurer. The preside nts of tbe four clu bs withiti * theassociation this omngy -rare Ito be: Mrs. Lewis Taylor of Wil- mnette,.Inidian Hill cluib;,Miss Phoebe Nelson of Winnetka, wbo is, living *ini Chicago: this winter, Skokie club; Miss Lucy Jane Hedberg of Glencoe, Lake. Shore club, and Miss Geraldine Swift; Town and Country club. Miss. *Mary Lauer of Wilmette, the treas- urer of the Indian Hill club, an-. nounced tentative plans for the or- ganization of a second club in Wil-~ mette. The group will be formed if a suflicient grOup turns out n«xt faîl. The new committee chairmenin clude: Miss Anne Teuscher of Ev- anston, games; Mrs. Hinchman, en-, tertainment; Miss Margot Atkin of Winnetka, publicity; Miss Dorothy Coleman of Evanston, umpires; Miss. Leonard; schools. The selections conxmittee is composed of: Miss Amy Bygrave, Miss May Fogg, Miss Ethel Dixon, and Miss Iris Boulton. The association contemiplates hold- ing its, next meeting in January. F *ne Atts Committee Plans. for Thimble Teda Mrs. 'Frank X. Thale, fine arts ichai-man of the Wonian's Cat.holic Club of Wilmette, entertaincd her comxittce at a tea at her home on Tuesday, December 12. .Programs and activities for the new year were To;uight (Thurisda I)IMiss- Effic lamie.e, ldrnierlVof ihnileite, .a, -whistler of real talent, T«pif comz- plete the quartet 07 Hart/n shore' girls upho zvli give the progrant for thé Christinaç meeting of :the Junior- auxiliary of the Wonan 's. Chib of, w'Vjl,,wti. She 7wilI a'hlistlc thrce. sciections. Miss James, who did solo numnbers- very artistically at the Newv Trier "Stars of the Ether" prograni a f ew months ago, and Who bas appeared 011 other north shore progranis, bas been appearing this fall over KYXV with the two fam-ous doctors, Pr-att and Sher- man. .Mrs. A. E. Klunder. president of the senior club, with the memibers of its executive board, anîd Miss Dorotby Pet- tinger, président of the Juniors of the Woman's Cathoic Club of Wilmette, will be guests.of honor for the.diiner% at 6:45 o'clock, and 'the program i8 R. E. Pattison Kline la to Speak at Woman's Club Leagues to Have Feast of Talent on January 8 The Leagues of Women Votecis of the tbree north. shore villages, \- mette, Kenilworth, and Winnetka, ýae pianning, a ,jointaIl-day meeting on nday, January 8, at the Winnetka Community, House. The meetings 'will beginat 10 -30 ini the morning and will continue during the afternoon, offering, a feast of talent during both mornfing and> af- tAernoonseio. Luncheon will be. served at noon and reservations can. be made through the local leaegue. Note'worthy amiong1 the speakers listed 1is ames Mullenbach, w~ho will- present the latest. aspects of the Na-: tional Labor board and the NRA. It *ilI he totonly the iatest aspects but rather the la.st, minute activities. Mr."Mullenbach lbas beeni the chair- Man of the board of arbitration of the firmn, Hart, 'Schaffner, and Marx for twenty-one years, is a speciai representative on the National Labor board; was an instructor ini the, de- partment of social ethics at the Chii- caoTheological seminary, andi, for a number of years, served as a me1 ni- ber of the Board. of Education of Chicago. Each week the Wii.MtFTe LirE wiii * give an account of the variop s qspeakw- ers .%hlo will appear at tlii,, ail-da v programn and will add points of, in- terest to the ruaders about this i- portant event.. St. Josenhb's Mothers Club to Give Children's P arty The Mother's club of St.- Joseph'- school is giving a Christmias partv for ail cbildren of St. Joseph's school.1 Thursday, December 21. The event is divided into, two'- se ttions, , the fobur lower grades having their party ' froîîî 10 until 12 in the morning, the upper four grades in the afternoon between 1:30 and 3. "Santa Claus will he there," the miothers announce, «"with a gift for each child." The mothers of .icvi asA.y Laie, "n.uplestilslcn; Q, "t rI * will be presented in the Parish bouse e"PftiorFmls of St, Augustine's Episcopal church A. T. Sherman iodge I. O. O. F. Wednesday afternoon, January 3, uin- and the Wilmette Rebekabs, wiil hold * der auspices of the Wornan's guild. a Christmas party for thei- famuies Two performances will be g.1ven, one Saturday, December 23, at 8 o'ciock, at 2:30. the éther at 4. in Odd Pellows hall. Th~e Kappa Alpha T.heta Mother's cluib is baving a luincheon today at the chapter bouse Thiursday, Deceni- ber 21. szcl *wèts uectecoin. 1932. The formai meeting will adjourn at 2 o'clock, this leaving thé afternoon fi-ce for other engagements, but per- mitting those who wisb to, to remain to enjoy informal visiting. with Mrs. Teagle and with one another.'

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