Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Dec 1933, p. 32

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North Shore mnusic patrons will ---____ hear the very famous young violiniist, Marie Jeriiza te Re-Dedicate season is apt to 'attract greater atten- Nathan Milstein, in the second of the Oplera House by ,A ppearing tion than Marioni TalIey, Kansas'farmi Artist-Recital series (that are spon- in "La Tosca" girlwhoastr the crooitadel of *fame sored by -the Winnetka Music club), auditikonathe5.aMdetroueoli f tra and wvhicb will be held Monday eve- 'five widely acclaimed artists new aitiNwonrk1 and Ialcourse fsd 4 ning jauar 15 intheNewTr iertoChicago opera patrons are to pique. public subscniption in Kansas, City' .High school auditorium. The, follow- the iâterest of newly recruited audi- weesesn scuc oos ing is n iterstig acout ii t e eces at the Civic Opera 'bouse w'hen when, onl3" 12. Af ter a retimement'- of career of young Milstein: that 'longdark temple of lyric drama four years, Miss Talley. reappears on Vienna is a proud city musically, reopens the. day after Christmas for teoeai.hrzna ebro pridin isel uon making its oWn a five weeks' 'ýseason,. thanks to the teCiaoGadOea opay decisions, accepting nio other verdict. sponisomsbip of a representative group thigig Ganth , Oera. hCmpsnye ts loyalties, and its ýprejudices are of citizens form'ed' by thé late George.md e erpltndbt p st rictly its own and its charm i its Lyttonr and George Woodr'uff and ex- posde the Rigèroltoan d Charlesp independence . And so when, in thé pertly aided by alLnoe ie-Thoan h ueo ogoi s.pring of 1930, it was announced that toi general of the---new-- enterprise. GrceMoremaes h r irstappa "Nathan Milstein,, twenty-five' year Maria Jeritza is to have the dis-. ance before a' Chicago audience at the old Russian ' violinist, already, famous tinction ýof re-dedicating the -magni- first mnatinçeeof the seaNon Satui'day, in Most. of the capitals of Europe as ficent Wacker Drive houe pearing Decernber 91,' as Mimi' in "La Boherne," well as in North and South America" ini the title ole of "La Trosca." Fur- wit ogoia oof n nte newcomer, C1audjo Frigerio, as Marcello. %vas to make bis Viennese debut, the ther brilliance will be added- to the, Frigerio cornes to Chicago, after three news caused.very liittle excitement or occasion by the introduction of Dino successful seasons at the Metropolitan comment. ýBorgioli, a. Tuscanterwoafr but, like Borgioli, *first ivon attention frorn Americans as an artist in Sani MksDebut in Vienna extenisive .tours. of continental Europerncco veeBiaioGglher On the evening 'of Marcb 27, a po.1 South América and Australia, invaded hinm and armanged a joint recital in Nen- lite audience. composed of musicians, America at its western borders and York with hlmi in order to introduce a sprinkling of cash customers, a'nd or the pas.t ±wo seasons bias 'beei, the Jiante the Eastern publie. idolof ari raniscoopea gors.He Of favorites of iast Civic seasons who the usual assortment of bored critics, ido1ý a rnic pr or-H return, perhaps none will be more wel - gatbered in a small bail. A modest, as been a favorite with LaScala cone than Rosa Raisa, who returns in dark-haired young man, looking littîe ,audiences and sang with Melba at "Aida" on saturday night, Decemiber 30. more than a boy, stepped out on the ber last operatic appearance in ber With Mme.' Ralsa will apl3ear John staeboedtotheflttr f p-native Melbue Pane-Gasser, making bis 'first appear- ptaue. Hed to traied bis viofina'b- chamire. i Ta' "afnce with a nmajor operatic organtzatlon plaue. e t.en aisd hs vilin be Chanle in"Tafter 4himefproducing' and singing U gan to play. It Was like turning on an. Mario Chamlee, heard hiereabouts aerformance of "Trovatore" at -the electric current. The bouse listene in opera only at Raviniia Park, sings Auditorium eead wntga -imilar in dead, tense silence. Then tbe storm for the firs t time ini the Civic Opera tion, ind" a the aortfSttso taia broke. Thiat evening is now bistoric H~ouse on, Wednesday night in "Tra- Dyat the Woto Sa. qnItli in Vienna's musical annals. viata," with Marion Claire and John %e rtists Musc s ýnes" n iena nd heCharles' Thomnas to complete a refuI.- Oth.er new artists -to be hea rd in the -- 1 ois "news"..n Vienna and the - ull-luleu 10mestories of Milstemn's extraordinar-y gifts, waited' for hours in front of bis hotel, dangling con-j tracts at large.fees for Munich ap- pearances the following month. Un- known admùirers sentfoeran gîifts. wr n A Milsiein is Aèccpted Asecond concert was'- announced immediateîy for five days later in tbe great Konzerthaus hall.. The nigbt' of the performance found $1,500 in the house. A en.12 Ï-ý qpera Ouse 'witfl Farrar and Scotti in the same role he sl.ngs 'bere, has many EurQpean ap- Pearances to his credit and sings per- ennially in Los Angeles and San Francisco to packed bouses. Miss Claire,. in re-entering grand opera after ber success in "Bý.itter Sweet, an opeeta, improves on the feat of hem opematic compatriot by switching not 'only fromn grand opera to. light opera but back again. Missj théeAtwater-î<ent 'scholarshilp of 142S and sang tWO seasons with thé Detr~oit CiVic Opera association after study in Italy.; Maria Matyas, born in Hungary but' reared in Chicago, of, Germian par- entage, who is' a inezzo soprano and lias experience in concert: and a sporadicé opera venture; Nonrilani Cordon, basso,. heard *with Fortune Gallo',- forces,. re- cently at the Audtoriumn; Dorothy Her- mnan, also a Gallo novitiate; Marjo rie Mfontello, Evelyýn Ame-ç, Hazel Sanbomn Laurent Novikoff, ballet master of the defunot Insull opera, who has kept bis -%,èJ -J At a nrnrning musical on Decemi- ber 12 at the Fort Wayne W\omian's club Elizabeth Ayres-Kidd of i- iietka gave a lecture-recital on "An- cient Instruments and Music." XWalter A. Hansen, music critic-of the ýNeWs-, Sentiniel in Fort Wayne higlily praised, Mis. Kidd, forher very -fine program. .In his review he wrote:^, "To trace the developmerit of *Music from its. primitive forms ,up to modern an d nodernistic tendencies requires comý prehensive knowledge based on pains- taking research. By. her explanatory remiarks as .Weil as. by hem, ability to playý the many instruments demon- strated Mms.z Kidd showed tliat she possesses an autho.rative graspof lier. Most fascinating material. Fronivari- ous and vamied sources she has gath- emed many absorbingly interesting examples of ancient folk- music." Fol- lowing. is the programi that Ifrs. Kidd gave on that day: String$ The iravanaStî.on: Chine-se folk Song from Java' and, China. The rebab'and Jevanese 'folk; music.- The. rebec and Egyptian folk sonjg.ý African lyre and Congo Boat Song. Ancient Greek kithara and Song in ancielît quartertone scale. Wind: Primitive flutes and ,slep)herdl music Percussion: Rendang and rebnina; primitive rhyth.ms. Bichi and African folk niusýc. A'ngk'longand anclent Berpiia chiant.' Burgundian folksong in ancient Dortan mode. The Piano and '.Modern M1fsic: Pieces sans titr-es. . ý,ThIirenitne allegro allegro nUtr allegretto sostenuto moderato, allegretto andantino "imipêtuoso sketches ...:...* f MEwen Prelude Quasi minuetto Hùm'oreske Jazzberries . .....Gr unberg Fox-trot- Y: Thenie and 01nS Susannah li s~rn ratosbet-een iolin' and x sae. rena ad cceted Y rktheharbor of Rio, the bull-. phony and ~Nathan M îls'tein as one of the eîect. ' fights' of M drd . . b t w ee los . Today Nathan Milstein is Vienna's where else ini the world can he find Christmase darhing. But the famous young fiddler the waltzes and the pretty girls, the Handel co bas repaid the compliment. The city pastries and the new wine, tbe gla- oratorio in 1 of oFranz Schubert and Johann Straus -mor of Vienna? four day's. a quarter of excellent Boromeo, Claudio Frigerio,,Hilda Ohi- Is bas, been 'an animal lin a'nd Giuseppo Cavadore. 'Sunday ent 'for years of tthe club. night, December 31, "Rigoletto" witb,. posed this magnificent Dino Borgioli, John Charles Thomas,ý e short space ôf twenty- Marion TalIey, Hazel Sanbomn, Chase Boromeo and Norm an Cordon.,

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