Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Dec 1933, p. 30

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name ana aua8 a - .s ie r....mi-uuc5-- .- -- Uication nust. reach the edItor by Tueaday noon to Iflmire appearance ln clirrent Issue.. Reaolutlons of condolence, carda of thanica, obitu- aries, notices of entertaInments or otIher affaira where an~ admittance charge la pubiUhed, wIIl be charged at ,regular advertialng ratoN. The .dawn of Christmas is just beyond*. the easterni horizon and wil sÈoon burst over anexpectant and a welcoming world. It is the onie day of the "M rry vear in whichl the, Christmnas" thoughts of% tbe peoples of al lands are centered upon an identical. event, the' eyesof al peoples focused upon an identical scene, the voices of. ail peoples joined in a joyous harmony of gratitude for the most1 won- derful birth the world bas. ever known. Christmnas opens- the annual season of good cbeer. It is the time:for giving o .f gifts, for the vôicing of good' wishes,- for expressions of love or high regard of which we are toa sparing during the bal- ance of the year. It is the day of farnily r eunions, .when sons and daughters fore- gather ýbeneath' the old home roof and gladden the lives of ageing parents whom.. they se, much too seldomi. It is the time wben littie ones become the center of al plans and preparations,. the objects and victirns of mysterious scherning for, their the chininey with the big pack on bis back. or thb«rougli tbe key-hoie in the absence of a cininev, it is likely that the angel upl vonder %%"ill write with a ligbt band in re- ýcording the fact. ,,The Christinas spirit is the niost conta- gious thing ini the world. It can rarelybe escaped. One may bold. aloof for a time, but in tbe end be rmust yield. Hèaps and heaps of doils and toys in show windows .may be resisted; myriads, of trees, brul- their own, or whose cindren have outgrown the mytb of Santa Clauis, let them be re- ,ninded that tbere are now in every cern- rnunityhurudreds of littie boys and girls who will bave'a difficult task'ta keep the, d1o. andI no power on earth cari keep sucb a Sarta Clauis fromn joinin.g in the .glad re.- frain, "Hosannas in the higbest, peace on earth, good will to men." Cornejanuary 3',,the pe ace and quietude ththas reigned more or ltess over- the. country will 1beé rudely broken by the assembliig, of congress. AI-, The Next, ready speculation is rife as Sessin to hat is going to. happen. Will the. boys Who have been ýnosing- around among théir constitu- ents go back with an awvakened senseý of, their responsibilities, or .viIl they continue to run! as a flock of yesrnen and vote any way tbey are told, ',itbout question? In- dicatilons secem. to point to the latter course. There will, of course, be haif hearted and, sporadic attenipts to hait' the, org-y> of .spending that bas continued un- abated silice last March 4. but theyv are' not Iikely to get anywbere. Also, quite a rumpus is forecast over the .money question, whicb, it is char-ed, is retarding recovery and keeping indus- try in a straigbtjacket. It is probable that the net' resit vil be that the President> wilI do as be pleases, seeiniing at this mio- ment to have sufficient support to put through whatever nionetarv program hle lihas in inind. The NRA, AAA. IFWA, CWVA and ôther ingredients of the "aiphabiletical soup" wvill nicet up with some obstacles 'when the ap- propriations bis are considered, but -in the end the President wiil get the money he asks for,. no Matter what the purpose may be.* And the'n,,there xviii be much, di ggitig 1around to find' new methods of t'axation. And whatî taxes they wili be! Thank your iucky star that voti are not a Republican congressman. This is the tini when our nort.h shore ever forin they may be revealed, but who alsa passess the very, buman instinct that is father ta the desire ta shate with others that which is. bath a delight -ta the eye and an inspiration ta the seul. Did: you ever note the pleasure Ile derives front somfe -small toy? if yout haven't, you have rnissed a loi; l'oit do not know the joy Of Christmas. ,Have i'ou eçcr zwatched a inother Bending o'er her baby's bed, .s she whispers, "Merry Christ mas " And strokes his curly headt Did yoiu eVer noté, the Christlike love Revealed for that small boy? . If voit haven't, well, yon've miîssed a. lot, For there's no greater joy On ChriÈstmas. -Olivia Kingsley. YULETID E MOODS REGARDING 1933 The doctors give ýOld' 1933 only, a few more days to live. Already -the historians *are Pre- paring to embalm the, old fellow. But ý1933 is .flot sad as he nears the limbo of lost yvears, for' his finest day is yet to corne. Like a thoroughly buman old man -who bas sinned deeply and lived, nobly,, 1933 is grateful for the few more golden sunsets allotted him. Hé does not spend bis last days withering in -1a rickety bed, but he stands-thon suddenly keels over wvben be 's saturated with sunsets. Even the ghosts become golden in these last days . .. and countless skeletons cease rattling ini faniily closets. for the belis are 'beginning to' ring and the sunsets are becoming red as the heart of a fireplace. Out of the nortb, the soutb, the east and tbe west, rides an old man with wbiskers of tropical luxuriance, a noseý of arctic red, andl a breath laden with a fire thatSen-Sen and chewing gum will not quench. For the robust visitor bas been quaffing the liquor of love for fifty-one weeks, and he is going on a giving spree-the noblest dissipation of ail. The pale featrares of Old 1933 reflect tbié glow of the nèw arrivai . . . but the eyes ~of Old 1933 are young again with a light of thei r own-a light that has been born into every year since a certain starshone, in the east. The Wlood becomes warm: in. 1933' oid veins as he.thinks of. a Monday that will not be blue witb the. burdens. of drudgery and junked hopes a Monday tbat will be"d evoted to giving-not getting. OId .1933 fhinks of this day when hypocrisy, greed, and smallness of spirit slînk away, sud-. denly 'aware of their own rottenness. J-e tbinks of this Monday, when kindness,- generosity and1 rnirth light the whole world with a wonder that tic tTr nrnne n1d M1EMO FOR SANTA CLAUS-Dear Santa: You wiIl notice plenty of stockings hanging from various places early Moiiday morning. But please remember it, isn't washday. You're the man they're waiting for., R. W. N. .1

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