Dut _r :Launch Savings a' in aWilmette*; A Wilmette Cbamber lof, Com-' merce Takes Initiative in Presenting Federal' Plan. At a meeting heldMonday noon i Weeks' dining room the initial steps were:taken to formý in Wilmette a F-ederal Savings and Loan association, which wiIl be under federal super- vision, as a niember of the Federal Home Owvners. Loan -Corporation, although conducted by local officers. in order that the project*might,.be plac ed before the citizens, the \VWil- mette-Chamber of. Commerce assum-, ed responiIbility for calling the initial meeting, which' brought. together a' *representative group of about thirty business,.and. profe,ésional men ýof the village. , The' plan was presented and fully explâined by '0. R. Kreutz who' is field organizer for Illinois and Wis- consin for the Federal Home Loan Barik board, division of Federal Sav- ings and. Loan associations, who will have personal chargé of ~formation and organization of the proposed as-7 sociation, %vhich is in reality, a build- ing and, lban association under 'gov- ernment supervision. Lois. isNegligible Mr. Kreutz sta'ted .that the setup, rules and regulations of the proposed organization are patterned after the miost approved 'building and boan as- sociations of the United States, the mnutual *savings banks of. the Nev Engl.and states,, and the building so- cieties of Énglànd. Hie pointed out that there are no w ini America about 13,000 such associations, with a total investinent of over' -$8,000,000,0w, and eniphasized the 'fact that over' a period of one hund'red ,,ears thie. boss to investors i America and England ~in suh. rganizations had been less nd Loan Unit ýids Home..Own'erI seribel; pays only 50. cents per nionth per share reaching maturitY in approx- imately eleven years. Larger payrnents may be made if deslred, thus t-hor.ten-' ing. the terni. To stirnulate this, type -of jnve stment a bonus of one percent is set aside and given to the in-vestor who makes *prompt paymients and colinpletels the contract.' 2-OptIonaI Savings phare, desigfled particularly, for professloiial.nmen or others whose Incomes, are irregular, thus preventlng the fol)owing of a stated savinigs plan. The subsceriber makes lump .sum paymeflt at perlods conven- lent to him, until the paymeflts tnd ac-. crued dividends pay out. The div'Idends are compounded semi-anflually.. 3ýPrepaid phare. which' is designed for.the investor wYho desires à luimp sumo investint to be left undist.urbed, wlth- out taking divldend's but having theiin credited to bis lnvestmeflt. For example, $500 is invested and reinains untouched until the accrued dividends bring its total value to $1,000. S4-Fýuùl paid income share, for the investor who wlýshes to rnake a lump -umnemtani wlthdraw the di- vidends as they become due. Umiexcelled lhwhnent These investments, is was asserted, are as attractive as the highest type of bonids, with the added feature' that' they will usua'lly ,earn a higber re- turii than other inivestments ,of com- parable safety. Besiçies this, they afford opportun ity ,for the small in- jvestor.to corne i as reà.dily and' with ethe saine degree of saféty and profit as the large investor. The sm-all eaiîîount of 1the investmnent and the ex- tremelv low1 mouthly payments were stréssed as appealing 'particularly to tlios-e with' small incomes., It At the conclu.sion ,of the presenta-, LI tion by Mir. Kreutz a resolution wa.1s d nianimously, passed' that steps, be ataken at once to forni such an or- sganization. and that arrangements be d nade for several public and group- nieetini'q early in Januarv at which I~~~~wI 'b oeeP' J6y WATERWORKS IS' CAMPAJGN ISSUE. CalisUpon.Sitting.Trustees to Stand for Reelection; ýAction,' Unprecedented At the regular Meeting of the Vil- lage board Tuesday night President '~P. ,Dubbs,, in. an action unpre- çedented in the aunaIs of 1legisiative, bodies, called upon Trustees Harry C. Kinne, Joseph Heînzen and S. N. Tideman. to becomne candidates, to succeed tbemselves at the .Village, election next April 17. -The sarne re- q uest was m.tade of Village Clerk Nicholas P. Miller and Village Treas-' urer Harry W. Miller.- I tespotrse to a direct questions each replied that he would be a candidate. Mr. Dubbs advised that Harry W. Miller, who was not present, at the mneeting,' had consented to serve another terin.ý President C. P. Dubbs picked his candidates for Village trustees for m;où'thslisnladvancc .of' tise'electiou îc/en lie asked 'thre sitting, t rus- tees to agai n seck 'office at thec e/cc- lion pie.rt April. T/e request' was made 'in the course of a regufar board meeting Tie'sday of this Cat-i villag9ers to Carol Service The unusual act of the president took form in a letter1 or statement which he read during the course of the officiai board meeting. He re- counted the accomplishinents of the board during the past two years, -gave ful'l credit 'to the outstanding abilities and public spirit of the trustees, as- suring theni that 'their services hadI contributed in great measure to the success which has attended the ef- forts of the administration in mieeting and overcorning the difficuit probleins which the board bas faced ini the past two 'years. The statement also fore- cast that thé waterworks will be the issue stressed by the administration in the coming, campaign. Reférring to the suit of the "Shawnee' Country club against the Village for an in- lunction to prevent the construction to yield return i 4 prcl ut ii will increase, it is estimated, as the volume of the investmfeit 'raises and the cost of administration decreases. Shares wilI be offeréd at $100 each, and these wi11 be issued in' four dif - ferent types, as, follows:- 1-Instglhlielt> Thrlft share, a IQng time savinge plan in ;*]lch the sub- %»u5 I MJCQU a v - .- . . . . I 1- - l Junior Life ........' 4 avenue, w Music ......... 32 Arrange New rie N~w '. were mad( New rierNew&.... * ..26 reation bc Public Forum..... .....48 J. Leach, Recreation .............. 46 George$E. Soci.ty , Pag« ..... 348,39 Johnston, ,Daniel M4 is, secre- 1 Ï7. I L-