EVENING UNTIL -CHRISTMAS FIR ST FLOOR Deri4 batlh sets: bath powder, talcùm and water softener . $1 Perfume bottles, in a splendid assort - mnen t of ail colors... $1 and up Gabhilla's perfurne; Fool- ish Virgin; in a crystal bottie; 1 ounce. $8 No6tillusitra ted: Yardley it es:agodseetion; upward from Our Very ofGi/ t .9sc CHRISTMAS NOTES FROM FIELD'S EVANSTON STORE Why ànot lift the burden of your~ lasit minutei Christaua.i shopping onto the willing shoulders of Field's Evaxiston Store? In every sectin, on every floor, are things that are perfectly grand for Christmas gifts. Cornei for ideas-and finish your Cnristmas sho- ping cn *en ly. ..at FielT'8 vanston Store. Book Section bas been greatly enlarged for Chrisimas-with worlds of new fiètion, biogra- p hytravel and humanities.... and many well-Ioved standard tities i n gift bindings.1 The Book Section is located con- veniently, on the First Floor. 'Pers#na5 shopping From Large Selection Sippers