Simple Grater and Omopper THE IflEAL IITCHEN HELPER A Super Gif: DeÏtomatrate. in Your Home FOSTER NISTLE Oit Barer Servie 418 LINUEN AVE., WILMETTE Phono Wim ttie 278 "Thse Shack for Servece» and Good Cheer BEAUTY SHoPPE Rosa. Oien Bllie Borg 521 Park Dr. Kenilworth; 3532,I Eý LAST MINUTE GIFT, SAVI dNG S Arden's Illusion Powder, Miniature Size .......... The entire production is under the general direction of Leroy Wetzel. The great chorus of six hunidred will .be assembled from aIl of the churches along the north shore, and' will be supplemented with outstanding. stars. Amnong the north shore people who will, have boxes for theconcert lare. Mr. and Mrs. Burt J, Deninan, Mr*. and Mrs., Carbon P., Dubbs of XiI- mette, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bartholo- may, Lo4uis B.. Kuppenheimier,. Mr. and Mrs.' H. W. Thorne. Mr. and Mrs. George G. Thorp, and 11r. and .Mrs. Warren A. Larnson of \Vin- netka, and 'Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee McGowen of Keiiil*orth. CHRISTMAS PAR TY The. Avoca school, located on Ash- laîîd avenue wvest of L.ocuist road, ivill close for the Christinas vacation this. afterîîoon (Tiur's(lay ).,whieinal part v will, be held for the pup)ils. Cnd lias beenï providedj for the chîldreni by -the school ho'-ardl, and tiierc is" a .christnlas trec iii each of the two school rooms. 'lhere is also. to be a grab bag, Mrs. Glen Clinebeli, the. principal announlces. Mrs. . A. on Pflugk, 533 Forest avenue, %wa: i lcîjeon hostess to lier bridge -club Mondav. ' Be SURE to Get Some of Our 5OC* Winîîetka led off with a win wheil Maurice Thomas and *'Jim" Wiggles- %worth dropped Paul Clovis and. "Pete" Sears ini the men's doubles, 15-5, 15411. Kenilworth came hack %vith the coin- bination of WVard.Starrettý and Frank Ketcham te, wa.llopb the Winnetkans, "Jim," Barenbrugge and Maurice Gree- ley, 15-4, 15-3. 'rThe Kenilwvorth pair, Lee Ellis and Paul Clovis, Wrested the third .game f rom the Winnetka team,_ Boyd Anderson anîd "Agate". Martin, 15-7. 9-15, 15-9.. ln the first gaine , f the womfen's doubles, ElJena Ketcham and, Olive Starrett,. of Keiiilworth, 'staged a rally to nip Euuice Martin *and Helen An- derson,ý of Comrnunity.House,:4-15, 18- 16, 15-9. Dorotlhea Whitaker and Ruth Anderson, of Wiânetka, offered a, stiff tussie. before their Keilworth oppo- îîents, Doris Clarke and Lucile Clovis, were ab)le- to win,. 15-10, 12-15, 15-8 'l'ie mixed doubles bristled with exe- citînent, Mr. and -'Mrs. -WaVrd Starreti (À Kenilwortlî defeating Maurice Thomn- as and Rutth Aniderson in the aftert non1sace thiriller, 15-9 , 8-15, 17-16. WVinnetka, represented by Mr. and Mrs. Bovdl Andersoni, retaliated ini the xîext gaine ly trouncing Mr. and Ms rn Ketcham cof Kenilworth, 15-10 , 15 «. jack Bartlett and Eunioe M,11arin rusbed off with another victory, for \Vinnetka by ouitscoring the KenilW orth teami, Mr., and Mrs. > Paul Clovis, .15-3. 15-9. Lec Ellis and Doris. Clarke, of Keîiilworth, in the last gaine of the ~afternoon, lhad a hard time winning the Christinàs Houbigant'a Triple Compacts, $3.50 Value 4 o for...............9 Sharî Tiffanuy Compacts, .75e Congresa Playmn $1.50. Value . Car&a, 69c, .....a for , ..... ...9 Dou tble Packs *$1q)9 SPANISH KANDY KIJPBOARD 924 Spanish Court In No-Mau'ç Land Whitaker., and Dorotnea TAKE SKATING HIKE Sixty-five boys, al mnibers uf thie. Keniiworth Cub, pack, enijoyed ,a:skat-. ing hike last Sattîrday, at, Chippilv Ridge. The b oys~, besides, sk.ating. wenit on an exploration trip aind cooked their. own ixîcal. Several oi them had venison ,,teak cooked over anopen fire. Glenni Anderson broiglit the steak, whiclivas giveni to hini bv IBlanched3 Moguil Peanuts Oc aIL. Eight-4iht )Cm Tr. Qutfits ...... . 53c, 615 DAVIS ST. EVANSTON Il 3 UN LT N'ORE DAYSI Unti Chr ist a ~t~t T MMMBO-