of, Leat ber or Fabric for Daytirne or Night Swanky, leathers, grained or sI.ekly solt... vogue sponso red'velvet m,'uffbag1, with zipà per tops. soft suedes with met ri... and dress bags. of. silk or, brocade ýwith glintfing beaàsi marcasite, jeweled clasps ...... CostumeèJewelr of Which. No, Woman Ever Had Enoughý GroId and siver achieve the spirit of our ancestors- mn old-.fashion.d "h.irloom" types for daytimre .. t night, from gleaming tiare lo, twinkling bracelet, rhinestones play leading earrngs ... rings and clips grow large and wil blacklornbrown wth fobkmed orning. 24 i.$2e batpcek or or e t fcoe nin r 24-itt e se witkh seven pieces ....... .......... .9 Cowhide $uitcases corne in black and brown with shirred1 poçketed inings, in sizes 1,6 to 24' inches. GodAôoïing and sturdy et. ,...$4.95 Esecalyif he traves e4 il adreiaes 'Luggage-Sfreet Floor Christ mas Shoppers Park CovenientIy in -Evaion WIEoLDS-VANSTONI wAiI a 1 ue CHRITMA-SHfOP WITH A CHARGE ACCOUNTI on DvsSr