Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Dec 1933, p. 31

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*Tonight, (Thursday, December 14) there will be a sewing meeting at the home of Mrs. E. H. Vogt, 224-18th street. Layettes are in great, demand and'a large attendance is desired. Dr. Pringle, physician in charge at the 'North Ch cag-ïo-Psychopathic hos- pital, was the speaker,at the, meeting of the unit held Monday evening,, De- cember 11, at the home of -Mrs. E. H. Myrland. Many, interesting facts concerning the. management of the hospitalwere brought out. in bis talk. This hospital, which is devoted to the care of mental and nervous cases, consists. of eight' hospital buildings., There are 1135 patients, Il physicianis and 34 nurses. Some of the patients receive compensations and these funds must be handled by the'hospital mani- agemnent, entaiiig .a great amount, of clerical work-practically a banking systeth. These funds are speut for clothing, cigarettes, recreation, ini fact any item not included under medical care and treatment. Treatments con- sist mainfly in occupational and phy- si cal' therapy, medication being of lttie use in such cases-. Manual and outside wvork have beten found of greater benefit than the crafts, such as rug-weaving, leather work, etc. As a patient improves be is sent froru ward to ward and fiiially is al- lowed to go home, after an examin- ation b.y the -staff, on a trial visit. If it is found that be adjiists bnself to famnily and community life, after ninety days, he is discbarged.. If flot, be is returned to the hospital. The Red Cross formerly rmade a large appropriation for, recreation In stncl hospitals. Siîice that wvas with- crawn about ,t%o' yearsý ago, the gov- erniment furnishies two movies a week, bas installcd a ra(Iio.ahd boughit a few. gaes. 'The hospital is, dependenft upon the American Légion. and Auxý- iliary and similar organizations for any further recreationial progranus. Dr. Pringle stressed the fact thalt niiu. Nine members attended the meet- ing of the Juniors last Saturday at Mrs. F. J. Dowd's home. They voted to sponsor two 'cildren at St. Hed- wig's orpbanage and to help with theI Christmas Party to.be given there by.1 and now nangerous t10the îueaîs and institutionis passed' on to us by our forefathers. lIn observance of Amnericanism, week our Americanismn committee bas distiributed: a thousand fleg codes in the Wilmette scbools, and the Legion THE ONLY I AUTMIRZKD mOOVER SERtVIcE STATIONI ON vtUE NORTH SHORE. 36 ouov m CT. oVANST« to Study During Vacation VacatlinTutoen under ooùr supervision wiIl enable yeur boy (or girl), to matie up 'hie bacti work or prepare for special exainntions,ý wiih the best resuilts. OurMethods :1 ;re Used.by Eastern and Pre>aratér, &chéeIs N.ORTH SHIORE S.CHOOL 0F 'CONCENMTRATIONR (Membher -Secondary. Edacation 'Board)- B. F. Aniderson-Swedelius, PhD., Hieadmàaster 849 EIni St. Winn. 3777 filGEN.P63. U_______________ 58 y1 R s

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