Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Dec 1933, p. 26

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to arrive. Decetnber 11, which, with the company already stationed there. niakes a total of ten companies or approximately' 2,000 men. An educational prograiri for the long winter evenings and days when the weather is 'too iniclement .for out- door work is being.organiz-ed andl ivilI begin functioning as soon as practical after the new companies have been properly quartered iii their barracks. Stresas.Education, Work In the absence of. the chaplain, Capt. Amnedeo, E. Santinii, who wil have charge of the schools for the winter, the work of organization is being carried on by Lie u M. P. Mc- Neely under the. direction of Col. S Owen R. Meredith, commnander of t4e I8th _Forestry. district. Captaiîî Santini is i n the liospi .tal at Fort e Sheridan, having recently undergone a, serious operation. Colonel Meredith is vitally inter- ested. in the eduicational prog-am -and believes it one of the major functions of this. great humanitarian move- Lieut. McNeely reports that valuable co-operation, is being received 'froni the New Trier Township high school autiiorities, as well as from the Clhi- cago board of education and the Chi-, cago Public library, the latter twoQ furnishing text and reference books. R.ady For Winter 1. 1f. Work is stili going on at the XVil- f~ low road section, the boys beingý transported by trucks. Although if thisrp are nianv hours of extra work and out or the relrs wnIl1 e flot really habitable for the months. Winter Wilmette Artists Will Give Recital at Shawnee On Sunday, Deceniber 17, Shawnee Country clu-b will open its series of Sunday musicales with a program by Carleton Kaumeyer and James Mac- Sherry, both of Wilmette.. Mr. Kaumeyer is a vi'olinist of sonme Friday. Eight ofthtese girls,. rve seniors and three juniors, who reacli- ed a total of 500 points in their ath- letic participation received a letter "N," the highest award i the gift of the association, with the 'exception of -the bar pins which are awarded to thé two seniors having the greatest nuni- ber of points at the.close of their last year in school. .The 500-point: or ."Ne" awards Iast Friday went to Virginia .]3rowning,, Alice Holloway,' Virginia Radlin, Helen Sethness and Ruth Solomnon, seniors, and Thalia' Banning, Jean Doerr and Cynthia Walsh, juniors. Each of these. girls, besides receiv- ing her award was . pres.ent.ed with. a rose and was asked té sit on the plat- form. Award "300" Eiublems Three' hundred point emblems were given to the following girls: Louise, Eisenstadt, Venita Mangel, Frances McNulty and, E thel Jane Moe,ý seniors; Ami Bayliss., Eleanor JBu rpee, Julia Carroll, Alfrieda GÇerlach and Martha Huif, juniors, and Natalie Waidner,,sophomore. Miss Elizabeth E:. Packer, dean. of giJrls, presented. the awards. A talk. was givenr by Miss May Fogg, who told of her trip through Europe with' the Ulnited States hockey team. The speakers were introduced. by A lice Holloway, president of the Girls' Ath- letic associationf. -- Esther Flearne is vice-president of the association in chanre of awards. ie to the xolowing girls: Reçeive Nuinerals Seniors: hockey- Florence Walsh, Betty Kultchar and Esther flearne; soccer-Lois Lechner,- Ruth Samuelson and Jacquelinie Preston. Juniors: hockey - Jean 'Cosner, Kath- enflie ledian,,ShWiey McGi1I and Don- othy Smythe; soccer - fldith Herman,- Mary Jane Leéwi9, Nancy. McDonald and Tnudie Schnur. Sophoinores: hockey-Helen Chancel-, Mr. Kaumeyen and Mr. Mac8herry E, tudie... . .. --. ren',d Square &ton othly .Lavis, unriee -rier, it-gg Ketchlani, 4-eraldine Kidd, Mary Stuart McDonatld, Kathlyfl Neeves, Lois Rosen and 'Betty Jane Weld. Helen Hedges :and Swilgart, Trio to Present Concert Winnetka Conxmunity House, wil present Helen Hedges, lyricsoprano, and the Swigart String-Trio in a joint recital Monday evening, janu- ary, 29, in, Matz hall of Community House. The concert will be under the direction of Ru theda L. Pretzel. Miss Hedges,.who is, Mrs. ebr Stoetzel of Glencoe, is.said by critic in this country and abroad, to have pheénomenally, beautiful lyric, and coloratura voice. The Swigart trio,, which lias been stea'dily gaiin ing:.fav- orable, notice during the. past few ycars, is comfposed of Estelle Swigart, 1 cellist, George Swigart, violiaîist, and Pauline ïManchester, pianist. T1he Swigarts are residents of \Wiimette. Miss 'Manchester, who lives at pres- ent in Winnetka, is head of t he mu- sic de part ment',of. Ferry Hall iniLk Forest. Thiere will betickets for reserved seats on sale thiree weeks before :tle concert. Request Is Made for t0 tt i ViiiUVis of [te Uion Leaue club for children's books, ýas wvell as books for boys up to eighteen years of age, to replenishi their club l1-: brarics. ýThe, fo)undation, ope rates two Boys' clubs' for:,the under-privileged boys ini the city of Chicago-one beinig at 524 North Lincoîn. street, and, the other at 2157 West Nineteenth st reet. Story books, dictionaries, encyclo- 'pedias, magazines, or, in fact, any good reading matter suitable for boys' Mrs. Frank Mason, 733 Cummnigs avenue,' Keniiworth, was, luncheon hostess to her sewing club last Mon- day. GOOSLET C LA RET, 1636 ORRINGTON AVE. I E VA NSTON 808 Futi Davis Si. ?ezirk Fount Gifts salbCted Here May Se if icauged A fier Christo clu,

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