Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Dec 1933, p. 17

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.BO)Y scouts. Tlhur->dllY-3 :30 p.. ii.-Cirilbi' Choir re- hearsal. 4. p. m.i-Boys'~ Choir rehearsal. 7:15 p. in.-Senior Choir rehearsal. Friday-3 :45 p. x.-rlScouts. 7:30 p.. m.-Wekeacafila Camp Fire Girls. Saturdayi-9 :30 a.: M.-Cub Pack No. 10:30 a. mn.-Girls' Choirrehearsal. J il. a. m-.-Boyài' Choir rehearsal. Ste A ugustine's Sunday, Decenîber 17, wvlll be the third j Suanday in Advent. There ivili be Holy Commuinion at 8 a. m., Church schools and Bible classes at 9 -.45, and Mril Prayér with sermon at Il a. ni. The final, confirmation clase will be! held Sunday evening at ï >p. ni. in the. church assenibly room at the rear of the Parish House. There wilI.. be, a special baptismal' service Sunday évening, Decemnber 17,1 Y at 8 p. ni. in the church. A. number of aidults and boy-, and, girls will be #1 baptized, nîost of thern preparatory to confirmiat ion on ýthe next Sunday. Any wishi1»g to be baptlzed,; o(r 1aigcu dren to be baptUzed, Sbould notlfy the, rector at once. C'onfirmation will b e ,held in thei church Suiflday, Deceniber 24, at Il a. n.1 when Bishop Stewart, -vi vlit- th,' pari-sh for- confirmiat.ion. ,It is îot Yet too late' for adults whose. naines the rector has flot vet received, to) be CC)I firiied. The rector espjecially asks tha any aduit interested in conffirmation tlol rrange for an intervi ew ýt once. Frank Smith, Veteran Village Employe, Diesu Frank Siniith, 517 Park avenue, died1 suiddenly 'Monday mornilg at the Vil- lage hall. Mr. Sxith had been jan- itor at the Village hall for the past fourteen years ani 'prier te that op- crated a grocery store on Nlaiii, street be~cnWilmnette and Central 'ave- nues H-e wvas 67 years old. Born in > Wihinette, he had spent his entire, lue- imhe here. Surviving him are his ividow", Mr.. Amnelia Smith, two -sons, Arthur, a mieiber of the Wilmnette Fire depart- ment, and LeRoy of Detroit, and a daughiter, Mrs. Jack Siiiith of Coop- ersville, Mich. The Rev. George P. Magili, foriner ALL-WEEK SPEICIALS A & P Markets aLre heving the. biggest sae of, the yceér. Toe dvatage of thie.mnysvn speciass ffered this ýweek. SWEETMEAT Hi SSWIFT'S FOWLý LEG 0F LAMB IONA. St PE s AGED AMERICAN CHEESE Cheese... AMS ~ - osa mOl ROBERTS AND OAKE IRISH STYLE ARMOURS OR HALF SLAB. STAR SL.ICED BACON LB.1/ C Y/2-LB. PKO... Frdiy and Saturday SPECILL LB. lIC * OAm<K LB.13 'hc WI4OLE.13 -Ot iê e e* *. .LB9. 14'/2c 3 CANS 19c .2--ib:27c . .-~. ~- ~ "Rusty", Dobbins and Wallace Ab-I bott of Purdue university are guestsL of the A. G. Philips family, 625 Briert street, Kenilworth.., Chromium tops sent 0e. ýy for ech two packege in Crosby, Minneapolis. Kosto, allflavors .......pkgSc;. e toreç> CHOICE CHUCK ROASTS

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