unit will attend and enjoy the meeting. Dr. Pringle, physician ini charge of .North Cbicago bospital, will speak on methods of treatment. The Juniors will neet at the borne of Mrs. F.. J. Dowd, 1500 Walnut ave- nue, Saturday morning, Decemnber .9. Mrs. Normian Deno,1 ways and me ans, chairman, announces a Bake, sale for Saturday, December 16, at Van Deu- seifs grocery, 1154 Central, avenue. There will be cupcakes, cookies,,cakes, nut bread, coffee cakes and.many other tempting, articles, ail home. cooked, and f or- sale at prices making it worth ,while for, any housewife to include tise sale in, her marketing plans. Thle .week beginning December 8 i to be celebrated as AmericaniSn! Week. The opening event will be a mass meet- ing at Medinab temple, Cass and Ohio streets, Chicago, at 8 o'clock Friday night, December 8. This Meeting wfll be open to the public. Ed Hayes, national commander of the Americani Legion, will be the speaker. Cook County council will bold a card party for the benefit of the Drum and Bugle corps Friday evening, Decem- ber 8, at the WVest End Wornan's club, 37 S. Ashland avenue, Chicago. Tickets may be obtained from Mrs. R. C. Johnson, Wilmette 3175. Thanksgiving day andi week-enU a the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Hutchins, 122 Seventeenth street. Mrs. Lee is Mr. Hutchins' sister. 0o- IJison co.mes nxgniy eomnu ali with a background of expérience de-4 noting a thorougb knowledge of pumping station operation. He is a graduate of the University of Nebraska andholds a inaster's degree in sanitary engineering. from the. University. of Illinois., He was. formerly identified with the state board of healtlî in. the water. laboratory,. the Chicago board of health in water purification division and Cook county, as a- sanitary'engineer. Gerard S. Noerenberg, now chemist at the Highland. Park waterworks, as chemist. L * E.:Youngquist, 211. Fourth street, and George E. Leal, 1719. Walnut. ave- nue. Mr. Oison ,ill begin bis service ut onice, and thé remaining three as so on as the plant is ready for operation. Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Bontecue and their son, George 836 Chestnut ave- nue, returned Sunday f rom Dayton, Ohilo, after speidî1g Than*sgiving witb their son and daughter, Kennetb and Sylvia, who attend Ohio Wes- leyan university. Mrs. Walter Norris of Evanston will entertain ber bridge club at luncheon Friday. Mrs. Judson Large of Wilmette and Mrs. William R. .Stuart and Mrs. Robert Olmnsted, Jr., of Glencoe are miembers. - -- Mrs W. Whitaker Baer,. 2115, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Bachi of Chicago were guests of Mr. and Mirs. Harold P. Lynch at a duck dinnier Wednesday of last week. Guy S. Osborn, 330. Cumitior road, ,'ilim. -o-16 bngo ae Kenilworth,' accompanied by Robent Wlim>ne,12 bndnae Peacock and. Otto Doering of Chi- nue-, left Kenilworth 'Tuesday on a cago, spent the week-end at Crane business:trip to New York and Lake'Shooting club. WVashingtoii, D. C. B, 3EF~V ,e road near Lakce è. The performance o'clock The first demon stration of the Dra- matic club-'of The .Mallinckrodt, un-. der .ý the direction 'of Mrs. Charles Broad, was given to a large assembly of friiends Tuesday, November 28. Th e introductory number was an o rigin al skit comâposed by the - mem- bers: Eulaia, Barker, Elsabelle Fitz- Patrick, Lorraine. Huncke, Mary E. O'Connçll, Louise. Behrendt, Mary- helen Flanagan, Mary Kathleen -Hut- mnacher, Jeanette Schaefer, and their guest, _Alice Meyer. It pr esented an informaI social meeting Of the dra- miatic club, during which they elected their president, and- then. entertained, themiselves and at the same time their audience, with clever dramatic selec-, tions. Then followed a one-act play, "The Rehearsal," by Christopher Morely. [t portrayed a group of côllege stu- dents »in the act of staging a play and rehearsing for the same. Mrs. C. H. Knapp, 1236 Greenwood avenue, leaves tonigh't for Clif ton Springs, N. Y., to visit ber sister, mii.. W. H. Smith, who is seriou.sly - Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mr. and «Mrs. A. W. BE Broadway, will spend the m Lodi, mnd., visiting Mrs. . 4,- A - --rI vtl Mr. and Mrs. August H. W. Mey- ers, 1721 Highland avenue, and their son, David, were entertained last, week-end by Mr. and Mrs. F. Foster at the ,ir home at Scarsdale âear Ar-_ lington Heigbts. 0o Mrs. Ida Netti eman., 123 Fifteenth street, entertained. her daughter, Miss Sylvia Nettleman. of, Chicago, and ber daughter-in-law, M rs. Louis Nettle- man,' Jr., of Maywood, at din ner at ber homne Thanksgiving day. J. W.' McClintoni 1612 Highlan d a venue, is on bis way tothe west coast for a three weeks' business.tnip., He will spend some time in both California and Oregon'. -o- Dr. and Mrs. C. G. Shearon and daughters, Nancy and- Carolyn, 403 Washington avenue, Wilmette, left, Monday nigbt for, a month's visit in California. .Mrs. Ha rriet Shipp, 12 Maple avenue, returnied the first, of ýthis week:from a motor trip t'o Indien- apolis whereshe spent ,Thanksgiving wtb bermother,brother, and sister, Monday to bher home in MoscoQw, P. Lynch, Ohio, following a month's visit ith entertained her cousin, Mrs. D. P. Moreton of Jensen and 431 Laurel avenue. on1 Thanks- -o-- 1Mr, and Mrs. Jesse M. WVatkins, Jr., and daughiter, Katharine,. spent oylston, 220 the. Thanksgiving holiday ini Evans- week-enld in ton .vith Mr. and Mrs. 'Jesse M. Boylston's \Watkins. W1 .,.r. .0 Charles F. Southward, Jr, 206 Qx- versity of Illinois, spent b is Thanks-, ford. road, Kenilworth, entert.ained a gàiving vacation. visiting bis 'parents,' group of young people at àa buffet Mr, and Mrs. R. H. Nason of' 12» supper Sundav. Greenwood avenue. l-l A LIk 4 7 E , ~ ~ ~ lO ~ f - 4 N