ILI FURN. 1 OR 2 ROOM KITCIIENETTE apts. Excellent transp. Adultà. Phone Wiimette 229 or 3263. 93LTN3-ltp 97 FOR RENT-HOUSES 10 rmns., 3 bs., 611. Large.lot.....$140 7 rms, 2 bs., 14.-W. lit., 2 c. g ...... 75 7 rmns, 2 bs.; H. W. ht., 2 C. g ...55 5 rm.j bungalow. H. A. lit., 1 c. g. --. 35 6 rms.,1 b., Hl. A. ht, 1 c. g........135 rm. . giz. porcli. nr. transp.... 40 6rms., nicely furnlshed, ohl.. ....... 50 Other good values, furai. and unfurn. B. H.. BARNETT 526 Center St. Wlflnetka 965 97LTN3-itp. Unusual Renitai Value > VERY ATTRACTIVE WHfITE CLAP- board house, newly decorated. 7 im. 2 baths, gar.* $65. Mrs. Fuller & Wm..Pickard 746 Elm St. Winnietka. 3722 97LTN31-1te HOME AT 1301 ASBURY'AVE., 150 et. Frontage, 5 b)drins., 2 porchies, 3 baths, 011 heat, cil hot water heater, 3 car garage, heated. Immiediate pos- session. $125 per month or w111- sali. Private owner. Write Bl-Il3, Box 40, Wilmette, 111. 97L8-ltp BOUSE, OIL HEAT, GARAGE, REA- sonable, furnished or unfurnished.: Inquire at 219 Fourteeflth St., Wil- mette, evenings, or Sat. and Sun. 97LTN31-ltp FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED 6 r-oui brick bungalow. Attaclied gar. Unusual value. Worth investigating. -Write B-114, Box 40, Wilmette, Ill..ý 971b31-ltb s FOR * tFU HOE UUBS! 7- ROOMS- STUDIO LIVING, ROOÏI, nr. transp. and lake. 2-car gar. 5 nionths. Very 10w vent. Cllinl- netka. 878 or 293, or Majestic 377. Waukegan. 98L,31-tp 11 FOR SAL-NOUS199 IT'S A FACT THrIS ATTRAC. BRICK C OLONIAL must be. sold.. Almost new, large bedrooms, 2, tils ý1bthes,. heated garage attached.* Man.y extras. Fine lot, -near Indian 'Hill. Priced below reproduction coet. Mr. Rink. BAIRD &.WARNER, Inc.: 550 PARK.DRIVE, KENILWORTH1 Kenilworth 4785 Kenilwortlh 5566 lllLTN31-lte -PEEDIXNING ROOM SET, Wà nut, chairs uphol. in blue mol Very reasonabie. Fine condition. Wilmùette 3595. . 12.LTN31 THOR OSCILLA-TOR 4-SHEET SIZE, e23., LATEST TY 3-seet Thr cy.linder washer, phone Greenleaf 4646. 129LTNM DAVENPORT FOR SALE -VE good condition.. $10. . ]hone Wil. 129LTÏ31 mie faflltaif trhe consitCution oJ lut 'orth United States andi the free insti- L--tP tutions wbicb bave- developed under IL-the protection of our constitution .... u fs r t vi bracai EIm ifw r oaodabracai t-Itp for»- of government, wbicb will lead ?KL- to dîctatorship, then we must allow hair. thé people to ý'k»ow the truth, and 1-t, the trutb will. set us fre."' Demon- -strating :that congrtsswomnen as have a sense of humor. YPE,* * -ltp 2365. 1 30 WTD. TO UTY- -SKHOLD. 000DB WANTED - CHILDIS B91) WITH drop side, complete. Mugt be in good condition and reasonable. Winn. 1933. i30LTN3I-ltp 131 FOR BSLE--MISCELLANKOUS AIRPLANE - CURTISS-ROBIN, WITH Challenger engrine, $1,050. RecentlY recovered and enginé in excellent con- dition. A beautiful tliree-piacè cabin aiirplael. Weil k.UQwn a.rçliable cross-country ship. Can be seen at Sky Harbor Alrport 1 Dundee Rd. Phions Northbrook 64. E. S, Staples. 31LTN3O-2tp SECVERAL IMPORTED ENG. STEÈL carving sets, ail sizes; scissor and Il- brary sets in beau. colorsd. leather cases, also finest Eng. steel wood carving and turning tools. New goods. very reas. For description phono> Wimte1825., 13lL31-ltp DOLL HOUSE 5 RMS., COMPLETELY FURNISHIED. Like new. Cail Winnetka 1666. 131LTN31-1tc rnACIÇ, ENGLISH 1CAB BUJGGY, USID *only 1 season. Cost $65. Seli $10. *Sp~ort, fur coat, like new, $8. Cloth coat, $3. Sizes 34 to 36. Phoiîe Wil- mette 4650. 131LTN31-ltp Complete set BOOK 0F .KNOWLEDGE 20 volumes.> Hardly used. Wili oeelifor. $10. WMinnetka 1290. 131LTN31-Ïtl> USED, MO VIE FILMS. 900 FEET, Tarzan or Lurklng Perils, for $1.00, Phone Wilmette 3610. 1J0*1LTN31-lte 132 WTO. TO UY-MiSCELLANEOUli WANTED-BOY'S GOOD) 2ND HAND 28-lu. wheel bicycle. Must be reason- A Chicago. woma n solved the de- pression problem by adding to ber visible supply Of husbands. Being ( selective to a de- gre <'I .'l aving ness, she chose, p one wbor, worked ~, nights and one wbo >worked days.' No infor- ination a s t o when the pa y is expected that prosperity w i 11i have returned by the turne the enterprising, one completes.ý a sentence forbiay Smithesque wisecracks and puna- grams bid fair to supply spelîbinders with plenty of punch in coming po.. lit ical campaigns. "A baloney dollar," "Haîf way between a lenion and an orange is a - grapefruit," "Absent- minded professors playing anagrams with the alphabet soup" and "No sane Iocal official wbo bas hung up an * empty stocking over thîe municipal fireplace is going to shoot Santa Claus just before a bard Christmas" were flot born to die young. AI's cryptic expressions have an irresist- ible appeal, "raddio" or no "raddio." Çrossing the country from coast to « NOTICE TO BIDDERS 7 Sealed bids wlllbe received by the Village Clerk for the Presldent and Village Board of Wilrnstte untîl 8 o'clock p. m. Decemnber 19, 1933, and, mob, overpowers the legally consti- tuted authorities and secures posses- sion of the victitus. The desperate resistance off ered by some of these officiai.s comparable to wbat. one would expect f rom a lion about tO be kicked by a mouse. That defenders Of laW and order sbould b'arbor a de- sire to yield to the demands of the mob is not, of course, suspected. yon about the nortb shore gatbhering up the "laundly" shouldi bring joy to the bearts of the technocra ts.: (Are there, still te.cbnocrats?) He supplies Ib oiepower.for bis tricycle, on wbicb is mounted a buge basket, pay- ing not a cent for gasoline or other fuel. If that isn't 'an exainple of- technocracy personifiéd, what is? Our- affection .for dogs suffered a severe strain last week wben one of the 1,169 whicb regularly forage on our 50-oot estate made off witb our favorite anatomical unit of the Thanksgiving bird, wbicb is that part extending from the gobbling. appara- fus to the, commissary, department. Wben we beard that canine,' under cover. of darkness,. con tentedly crtfncbing the boneswe had antici- pated se much pleasuire in picking,. there was a sudden reversai to the primitive man, the thin scum- of civilization slougbed off and there came the savage urge to kili some- thing-ai1ything-preferably a dog. However, a soft voice admonished, "Now, you can't blarne the dog," and se the marauder stilIl lives. But it's a. long, long trail to next Tbanks- Hollywood now bas a brand new fad. It 's companionate vacations. 'A boy and a girl-oh, -well, you know, wbat a companionate vacation would be in Hollywood. Saturday Federal District Judge Alexander Akerman ruled in a case at Tampa, Fla., that the NRA is un-, HÂVPG OLTEN? LOOJING FOR MOD- ern white Colonial hous wth 5 bed- roomaz, 2 bathsinl Glencoe. Reason- able. GRACE E. GRANTr GLENGBLESGLENCOE. 844 BRIDGE FOR PARENTrS The Kappa .Delta Mothers associa- tion is entertaining the parents of the girls at a bridge party Saturday eve- ning at the sorority bouse at. North- :Western university. Mrs. H. N. Gant- zel of. Wilmette is correspopnding secretary of the *association. igo couple put a. jug of wine ck stove oven to take the of it. The jug exploded and ýd the stove and everybodY W.xUlrrm 32 UiMUvr 731 Itou. P46M.7 Mrs.., Rgobert Q. Law, 321 Kenul-' worth avenue, Kenpilwortb, enter- tained at a family dinner Tbanksgiv- ngday.