ftmtFICican tegUion LVU4saa~4jLliniI scout headquarters in Highland Park. Prospective mernbers are also being invited and reminded that this will be the last chance for a 'boy to join the Paul Bunyaà club and save a dollar for bis next suimmer> Camp -Ma-Ka- Ja-Wan féee. It will be a case of lumberjacks eating. flapjacks', for there'll be al the atmosphere of the, old lumber camp, it -is announced. In addition to the eating,'the boys will1 also en- joy a program. The goal of the Paul Bunyan club is 100 members.by December 15. The Order of the Arrow is, sponsoring the Paul Bunyan club which now num- bers fifty-two' memnbers. Enjoy First P rogramn of Get-T âgether Semes Aproximately, 100 -scoutmasters, cubmasters, skippers, and their wives and sweethearts were planning to at- tend the get-together held Wednes- day night of this week at the Parish House of Christ church, Winnetka. This was the first of a series of four combined training and social pro- grama instituted by the Leadership and Training committee of the Northý Shore Area council. Among the scheduled prograni features Wednesday were songs, games, an address on troop prograM building by jack Arnold, scout ex- The next get-together will J)e lbeld the last Friday of January. N. S. Executive Board- Convenes December 18 the executive. board of the North Shore. Area, council will hold its next. meeting Monday evening, December 18, at scout beadquarters to transact the volume of business which marks the closing of the year. Scout Iead- luke with their scottmaster or some other. adult leader. We have need of such places right now, at a time wben we are emphasizing more than, ever the value to be gained by such trips by scouts and leaders. It: is believed that in thisý North Shore Area council there must be several places of this character., Per-, haps somne club bouse that is, closed for.the winter would be glad, through .t I)board of directors, to ýoff er this service to the scouts. The place n eed flot be large, but. shoUld have accom- modations for at least fifteen boys at a time. Here is a chance for s ome tbought- fuI individual to belp, tremendously during these days when we need to stress more than ever the importance of a- wortbwhile programn for y iouth. Just'cal up headquarters office, tele- phone Highland Park 629, and yield the good information that you are anxious to cooperate. Next Handicraft Class .WilI Meet ini Evanston The next session of the specializa- tion course in bandicraft for scout leaders will be helà in Evanston Tuesday, December 12. Men who bave attended the first two meetings express entbusiasm about the infor- mation given by the faculty members from the National Handicraft and Hobby Service of Chicago. The North Shore Area counéil.. The meetings alternate between Winnetka Community -Fouse- and scout head- quarters ini Evanstoôn.. Wilme te to Have First Court of' Honor Friday Wilmette district's first court of honor for this winter will be lield Fridai, vniny. flcmkb,-r &âtqt church and served t wo ternis as a member of its board of deacons. He had also been a member of Wîlmette lodge No. 253, Royal Arch Masons, and of Wilmette lodge No. 931, A. F. and A.. M. ' For many. years Mr. Darst taught at both- Miami univ ersity, Oxford, Ohio, and Ohio,,Northern , university, Ada, Ohio.. He was born in Meigs. county, Ohio.. -He retïred fifteen years ago. 1Surviving him are his widow, Mrs. Ida E. Darst, a daugbhter, Mrs. Bertha Daïst Stewart of Pensacola,, FIa.,1 and tWo grandchildren, Bar- bara and Robert Stewart. SThe funeral. services were held last Friday afternoon at the F i rst Con- gregational-church, with the Rev. John G. Hindley, minister of that churich, oficiating. Burial toôk place at Memorial Park cemetery. John A. Heinzen Dies; Was Native of Village John A. Heinzen, 29 years old, died last Saturda:y at bis home,î 1515 Washington avenue. Mr. Heinzen was born in Wilmette'and had spent bis entire lifetime here,. He is sur- vived by bis parents,, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Heinzen, two. sisters,. Mrs. Anna C. Magnuson and Mrs. John, Neuses of Wilmette, andi three brothers, Leo of Highland Park and Math and Peter of Wilmette. The funeral services were held Tuesdav woc, Wis., a cousin of Mr., fleinzen, in charge. The Rev., Mr. Etzig was assisted by the Rev. Raymiond Hil- linger of Chicago and the Rev.. Ar- thur Sauer of St. Josephi's cburch. ErnestC.-Divine Dies; Headed eurities Fir-m Funeral services for'Ernest C. Di-ý vine, 745 Maclean avenue, Kenil- worth, who died suddenly Wednes-, day. November' 29, werc held bl"t A native of Chicago, Mr. Harvtey m-as educated ini the public. scboois there. He became business manager of the Popular Electricity magazine in 19 .10, then manager of. the Tech- nical World magazine, and, later western adverti.sing representat ive of the Boston 'American. Mr. Harvey' took the managership of the Exctension magazine, a Catho- lic publicaton, in 1916. This position he -continued to hold until. he joined the. McJunkin agency in.1925.- He was a'past presidenit of: the Catholic Press association and a member of the Chicago Athletic association and the Edgewater Golf club. Surviving him are bis widow, Mrs. Helen Mcjunkin Harvey,: three sons, Thaddeus,, David and 'Jerome, and, four: daughters,- Wilmae, Geradin.e, ,Kathleen and BarbaraL. The funeral services were held- Wedne.sday morning, from the Har- vey residence, 1035 Greenwood ave- nue, to St. Francis Xavier church, where a requiem high mass was su ng. Burial wvas at Calvary cemeterv. Mrs. S, J. Lafferty Dies in Springfiel'd Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Nelson, 621 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, went to Springfield, Ohio, last week with their two sons, Robert ain d Charles William, to attend the. funeral on Monday of Mrs. Nelson's mother, Mrs. S. J. Laf- ferty, who died suddenly of a heart at- îccs were held at Mrs. Laflerty's home and burialI took place at Ferncliffé cemetery in Springfield. Besides the daughter in. Kenilworth,. Mrs. I.afferty is survived by another daugbter, Mrs., Gilbert Sollars, and by twQ sons,, Charles and Clarence Lafferty , ail of Springfield. A graniddaugbter,,Dorothy Nelson of. Kelnilworth, also survives lier. Walter Kaehler Dies registration. Dec emtber 15 is the dead- litie. Leaders .say they are confident that every north shore unit-pack, troop and ship-wilI have its re-regis- tration papers in before Deceinber 15. of Wilmette. Lake Forest, returned Monday after NEW SCOUT DIARIES a six-day Thanksgiving vacation. Scout leaders are notified that Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Chapman, 0 headquartérs have a large supply of 2214 Chestn.ut avenue, and their two Jack Cassin, 326 Oxford road, Ken- the B oy Scout Diariès, 1934 edition, chlidren, spent Thanksgiving with ilworth, returned from the Ujniversity just off the. press. Orders will be Mr. ýChapman'sbrother 'and family, ofIllinois for .Tbanksgjving wîth his accepted now. the EdwardChapmians in, Waukegan. famuly.