FRIDAY and *k eg rresiaen: FreeDelivory LDAY,81'ECIALS 'Pork Loin Rosa .3-3 /i* lbe. av, 21/2e MIlEF Lego Hana, Swift's Preniium.whole or hall lb. 15e Swif t'a Diokfi.Id SAUSABE Liâks..ib.20 -Patties,.17,0 Swife t'Broolklield gs-.. d. 23 w Far Along Is Your Christmas Shopping? Don't MANY GIFT. SUGGESTIONS AWAIT IN. THE MESSAGES Wait!r OF OUR« ýADVERTISERS. About two weeks. remain before Christmas! Not a very long time to. complete ail the things most of us have to do. Here's a, tirne-saving suggestion. In the messages of our advertisers kiddieç. Wise shoppers wilI buy on the, north shore where conifort and satisfaction corne first. The prices? They are no higher than those elsewbere. Why not hop right in and do* your Christmias shopping now? Start toulay I PAGE ONLY SHOPPING DAYS 'tif XMAS:,, PAGE tChrist, 1 C e.. ....... .. * ........... MAIL OUT.OF-TOWN PACKAGES THIS WEEK! eb......... Wfliette State Baik. . 45,over Drug Coe ......- 0 Wilmette 8tatIonery & et shop [y £upboard .......S Wortben's............. HELP AMERICA'S MAILMEN! The Very Finest Ment inone -of -the thing. that must be.perfect in order to suit. you -nothing lei& will do. Lakevieéw QUality Mar- kets alwiys assure you the hih.tgrade in any meat 'you buy.. W. carry ail of Swvift's best grad.d stamnped beef.