Stea'm type .Iectvlc locomo- fliv. wlth i ec- troc light. thre. cars end 1.0 pieces of trac&. TransformerWitfh. spend econtrol. Olher A mericall Flyers , > .o £0ses 'Th eSe ë. Poitry Lm ps LORD'S Fuixt Floor The .pottery base is in wite with a stunnlng parchment shode to harmoaize. Splen- did values. Cift Sporkly Earrings How gl.aming and glittor., ing tfiey are. Set with rhine- stonos they make a Iove&y Stufled Toys SO The. doggie sk.tched is on.eo the. maènycuning . sufF.d loys liny fois -adore. A splendid as- sortment. from New Handbags Unusuaily soomy bags in black or brown. The rough leather makes them espe- cially wearable. N SI 1$1.25 F a m o u s Effanbee dlu with cucldly rubbmr boédy, com- posilion ho*do beautifully dressed. LORD'S Wonder Tc LORDS Wind-proof with xipper fas-. tenings. Brown or gray cor- duroy with warm wool ining. Aý gift for a, boy. SoIv4 Candied Fruits - $S.25 LORD'S FirstPlo Imported French candied fruit: a p ri c o t s stmff.d prunes. pine.pple . . .a delicious assortment. brown. i -white A fegular veloci- pede for children. up to thro.Pas Si 0 1 constructoni- -Srcosd Floor Christmas m Pyrex Casseroles LORD'S Basement Pyrex one and one-haif quart oven proof glass dish with shining chromium plated fra me. .1' . t I Sheer Hosiery 3 p'airs LORD'S First Floor Chiffon or service in a smart vanity box. No wornan con have too many pairs of these as giffu. Prob.lems Boys, Wash suif s M 41. LORD'S Firsi Floor These are nlcefy maode of broadcloth. .In blue. greenm and tan th.y corne in sites 2 t. 6. in Whistling -Kefles- LORD'S Handy quart - and - à - haif s i e. Of aluwinum-light- w.ight. Bird whistles when woter bolk. e J if f y I Motor obes Famoui Larchmont ell-wo.I robes-a- gift for Dccl or M4other. Reversible id a rk plaids and colors . .. 58x68. _______y S ifsCof Table asknGoes Waffle Irons Manicur, Sets LORD'S Third Floor Approved by expâri players. 0f Wood with a amoofih suede top Very.,sturdy., LORD'S- Baoe-ment ln brown and tan canvas with a ipper closing. Grand. for golfers.. LORD'S rt e2cer Basement Fabricoid with fittings of composition.iln brown with ivory (simulatled) aces- sories. with a sati.n IV and sft iLORD'S Pirst Floor in two colors binding. Love- Six. is 70980.. Silver-plated pot. creamer end sugar on tray. The. setf for a gracigus hoose. J m Finit F1007 IlFlannel shirt, trousers, hot, fl aratand gun for somne ýyoaang bandit. Sizes 4 to. 14. %waylnut. Glà àable tray. iful carved solid ss topped remov- Areally stunning Lovoly imporied 4-button lenglt. They corne in black only and are for dress. I4ORDS Bossent Ai six. eleçtrlcwaffie i.ron, kkel plated. Tii. wholb. imily wiIIejo itsglt E. 1' Il lii Il III t - F lannel Robes >1 Scroens I Woolies' Boudoir Chairs SiIk Negligees LORD'S Second Fli Smoking Cabinets, Hof point Irons LORD'S ~ First Floor Cmplote Du Barry set in c ompaàctf envelope case esp.cially smitable for the. tfraveller. I Covers FOUNTAÎN SQUARE. Downtown Evanston Phone J*ilmette 3700 ftor Phone O0rders Enlarged FREE JParking Space in Rear of Store Cati Jane Rodgers for -Perse nal Shopping Service I r Li LI 1 05.9