Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Dec 1933, p. 24

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UJu YOUNLEAN ltlb or Loin ,Eud. Offered at this neniarko hie s8i> e e'1la I prie for Thurday, Friday afl<l Saturday l S GENUINE SPRING. Legor Fine, quality, speciaIIy pu TENDER NATIVE POT IROAST. CTnt frrnyong 161 'YOUNGw ILan whicl i wlI he held tnls year at A-- fs 19fl. enican university, Xash.ington, D. C. -i Mr. Marcus, who was graduated f romi this university this year, was presî- - dent of its stuclent council during his senior, year. The student federation with wvhich he is 'now associated is an organization.representing students. of more than three hundred colleges lA>* and universities wvho are given as- V2sistance ini solviig current campus problemis. The federat.ion lslo aims, riced to stimiulate intellig,,ntý thinking by college students ,on national and in- ternational affairs. 11/20 HENS Choce, PumpTenderHens l.1'2 Fâney Fryinàg or Roanting » FANCY YOUNG NORTHERN ÇHICENSTURKEYS Tender, Young, Special Thur«dmy, ' Phump Chiiekens lb. lj Friday, Saturday, lb.ILsl Large Florida Juicy ORANGES Jumbo, thini skia Oranges, cho ck full of sweet jce, pmced very3d.5C Fresli Churned Creamery BUTTER Fine Quality, Fresi, Churned Butter, delivered to us fresh daily-Priçed 49*A1-M Tri-Ship, Girls' Clubý Busy With Yule Project The Tri-Shp club and the- Girls' club are ýbusy with their annual Co- operative Christmas eterprise-pro- vidirig Christmas cheer for needy families. Many of the, advisor rooms take upon themselves the responsibil-' ~ity of providing food and gifts for a family at Christmaàs time, while others contribute to the gen. eral relief fund. The gifts are taken directly to the persons to whom, they are given. Last year about twenty destitute familles enjoyed Christmas dinners provided by New Trier ad- visor rooms. RADIO CLUB ELECTS At a recent meeting the radio elected Lester Kornblitb presk cluib eight, New 1Trier 1-igri scfooi graci- uates now attendinig Northwestern university at the university's annual honors convocation recently. The students thus honored were Arthur Wel1don, Janie Thomnas, Kath-> erine.'Ellis and Margel SmalI of Wil-ý mette, Paul Gilbert of Kenilworth, Albert ýBows and Paul, Powell of Winnetka and Dorothy Reynolds of Glencoe. 1.Albert Bows, also was awarded, the Beta Gamma Sigma scholarship for bis scholastic record, and Kath- erine Ellis rcceived the P hi Beta scholarship in1 music. A scholarship prize, given to six mien andsix wvom- en, who rank highest in scholarship for the freshman.year, was presented to Paul Gilbert. Chess Club to Conduet Elituination Tournament The New Trier chess club plans to start its regular eliiniation tourna- nment as sooai as a membership total of 32 is reached, J. C., Schumachier, facuity sponsor of the c'lub),.said1 this- week. On -Monday the club hiad la membership'of 29. A round robini touirnamnent is already u j der way. In' the elimination tourniament a student, losing flot more thian two mnatches will bave an opportunity to particl- pate in a consolation touirnament. The chess club meets on tbe second and fourth Tuesdays of each mionth. Its officersare: Jane Johnson, presi- denc; Park Brown, vice-president, and mîe Johnson, are arn Fr, &a. 3qs8I'i"pca"*boxe$ FANCY CAPE COD FRESH KALAMAZOO Vvanberries ,Celery Hearts, Criap and 2 bn.9c 2 îbs. 1 9c Tender 2.9 ~ u~uw iI DO3UINO OR c & R-Pure cane ernment amateur, regulations. .iThe club meets 'on the second and fourth, Wednesdays of each mnonth. A series of demonstrations of transmitting, receiving and amplifyiing circuits will, *be given at forthcoming, Meetings. J. R. S.mith and C. ,H. Jones are the. faculty sponsors o f the club. OMIT CLUB MEETING Because of rehlearsals for the an- * tuifli hristnias cnce~rt on udv ,taumn i,5jayer. 3 CAMPUS EUITOR Jane Yost. eW Trier graduate whio is now a junior in the College of Liberal Arts atNorthwestern uni- versîty, basm been appointed,.camhpus editor of the student directory -of thé un iiversity. Miss Yost :is a daugbter of -'\I. and Mfrs. Lloyd Yost, 1016 Greeniwood aveniue, Wilrnette. She is' a. miember of Gamma Phi Beta sor- ority. - cu.bua ..m. wcK ti rnauanw an. WJ i venIue, V.niUiwortn,,iy.lin1.1meî luncheon for eight in. celebration of ber Evanston hospital convalescing from a birthday. . serious operationm 0o- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Taylor, Jr., 431 Ernest H. Fleisclunann,,of Kenil- Essex road, Kenilworth, entertained Worth left Sunrday ona business trip eightguests at tea îast Sunday eévening. to Cincéinnati. uiig

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