to- inquire about his health, as he had been ill. Mr. Jacobson, a native of Denmark, is, however, ntaturalized American citizen. Daniel -Snydacker, 1340 Chestnut ave-ý nue , is at homie recuperating f rom -an operation for appendicitis. P R:ES E NTING BERNIE'S ELECTRICAL We off er you- SERVICE ,-a. thorough, knowledge of electrical repair. --leven years' experiçu.ce on the North Shore. -successful Christmas electrical decora- . dons, interior and exterior. -f acilities for rapid service. -a sincere desire to do good work for you. JOHNSON ette Avenue BUD MAY Wiltnette 2369 Romieli Photý' St. Francis Xavier Suirm-»ileg feam wo» the Cafholic Youth organisa- tioW' Cbiok- counfy sWitnminsg mlccl hich look place recenfly af St. Leo's I-figh school in i Chicago. Tire feant is pic fured here, with ils captain Bill Krippes seated' in thec a'» er, and ifs inemibers, fro>» left to right, Ted, flou ghton. Charles (G7u'ck) Kent, Roi, Mc Càlt, Don tMMTaIIy, BiRutRscehhi, John Brons, Bill (Ozcwie) O'Donncl,* Jack Coyne, Thoinas Ken&t, and Dan Coyne-. Çapt ain Bill Krippes won two iiedals, faking first place in the 40 and 50-jard -tci.hes. The leai woiz flic relay even;t, and each of itss meni- bers zvon a mnedail. Dan Coviu' adde'd t the. teami's victories by placing sec- ond in the dfring conlesf. 7The ieamt's zicto ries were diie ta the fine" coaching of Earl Kearns and thle Rcî,. Johr J, Keenan, assistant a( St. Prancts Xa7ier church. GIVEN SURPRISE PARTY Would Invoke 4-Mile Thirty friends of joseph Schildge iur a n hr of 103 akeaveue gve in-; a At a meeting held ini the Evanston surprise party Iast Sunday eveîiing. 1 ,, 1111i f v;AtrT) ienh r with personatity Here are cards'that have indi. viduality and distinction. e Mrs. E - john *Hicks, 241 Meirose avenue, Kenilworth, is entertaining at luncheon today (Thursday) in honor of Mrs. K. Crossett of Geneseo, N. Y., who is. visiting her daugliter and faniily,, the George Kingsleys -of 529 Cùimnor road, Kenilw orth. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. M. Situ )ns, 338 enitere- ines of in pre-eighteenth amendment days in enforcing the law against liquor salesý %within four miles of Northwestern university. The meeting was calleci to.order by Mayor Charles Bartlett4. lambert Kaspers was made chairman. An interesting feature of the four mile limiit law, which was effective before. prohibition, it was said',,is that, THE PUBLIC 19 COI)IALLY INVITSD TO ATTEND THE CHUECH SERVICES AND> VIuIrT TREADING BOOM and CoN.. for oaIy 3&c OPPOSýQITE -VI LLAG E HALL1 Umm à un m mminu 0 Vý LM ETTE 1 -las - 1 ". 1 1 ý' W, W- . qw lm - Li , Leqw- àbil