Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Dec 1933, p. 8

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CentràlfWliette Avenues Phones: Wilmiette 28-29 BEAUTY CREATIONS by a MASTER COSMETICIAN .. NEW and MODERN as Tomorrow CARA NOME A CARA NOME Compact id Refis Combination A blue and afaiver gift box contain- Caressingly soft Cari Nome Face 'iag the. beautitul Cira Nome double Powder and a quarter ounce bottle Êompact wt rouge and powder re-I Cari Nome Pert ure - with the. MleA de' IAlicae .fra.. AN.._ en s Set '11% > A , Men's cording to the vvilmette omUav ers association. 'Now is the time, the association states, to fil in the coupon2(see last week's issue). By this Friday ight at the latest. the coupon must be in >the bands' of T. 'C., Kniep. secretarY- treasurer, Wilmette Home Ownei s association, 410 Mapte. avenue. WVil- mette. III., so that lie can get the protests to. the,.Coutity buildinlg by Saturclay noon, December.9, the deaàd- line finally granted.by Counlt% Judge ILdnund K. Jarecki. "Under the; law. any further ex- tension ili be absolutely impossible," Judge jarecki says, "because the térmn of the County cour t expires on Sat- urday,." Mr. Kniep. points ..ont that only thos5e ývho file protests vi1l participate in any reduction, that is granted by judge Jarecki. I N RECITAL S ATURDAY Dolores Dressel of \Vilmette and Dorothy WVieland of Keniilworthi, two young piano pupils of Edith Ray Young, ill be soloists at the regular monthiy teachers' piano meeting of the Eleanor club of Chicago, this Saturday evening, at 7 o'clock. There is no admission charge, and anyone who is interested is wel- conied, it is stated. PEARSON'S MAI91ET be a sellout. The doors willI lie opeit at 7 :30. curtain at 8 :15. The' program bas been arranged and will be directed by AI Rice of the "Maple City Four," who bas drawn front prominent radio stations an ar- ray of talent that, assures Wilmette the finest and best performance, ever presented on a programn of this kind. AI's owît cronies of the popular quar- tette, Pat, Art and. Fritz, will be, there, of, course, and good old "Uncle Ezra, ' known and . loved by al rad io fans, will also be there inpesn chock full of W'isecracks, homely fun and good nature. -"The MWestertiers,", identifie& individually as' Mut «Mabie, Larry Wellingt'on. "Dot". Massey. Alan 'Massey and Velma Louise Mas- ses', mill contribute the choicest nuutt- , bers from their extensive reperfoire. Titis group neyer, fails to delighit their audientces. The. famnotus colored baritone, Johît l3urdette, whose golden voice bias thrille.d anid enthralled uncounited thousanids, will appear iii reniditions of bis most popular selectiois. If you have neyer beard.bint sing -Ol' Mant River," in wbich lie èxcelsi,-do., not miss thiis opportunity, say 5ponl- Sors. Sinice winiiiig the Chicagola nd Music Festival vocal contest iin 1929., this colored protege lias advaniced far., in the musical world. Ail tîte performners, of course, ap- pear iii personi, takinig time off fronti regular radio enigagements to hielp the Wilm.ette Eastern Star chiapter ini tis benefit performance. Clifford E. Ives Will Head Chapter WVilmette chapter No., 253,. RoNyal- Arcli Masonsý, will liold a public in]- stallation of its, new O'fficers,,'fuesday niighit, December12 at 8 o'clock, ut the \Vilmette M%,asoic temple, 1010 Central avenue. Ail Masons and their faiies and f rîends have beeîî invited to at- tend. The itew officers, whio were elected. at a ineetinig of the clhapter 'r'itesday $Z-40 Foi' Case sell uooke. Maurias van Waadyck,, R. van Reichochoten, andM. van Maaulder of Rotterdam, Holland, were recent guests of Mr, and Mrs. ,Earle. L. Hart of 1211 Ashland. avenue. i

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