Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Nov 1933, p. 34

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lilrary. RtreshmTents were servec in the dining roorn with tea and coffee served by lics. Herbert Mulford of Wilmette, Mrs. William Freudenreich and Mrs. Charles Ware of Keniiwortlh, and Mrs. Denman, altern-ating. Trhe proceeds, which- arrounted to about $135, ail went to the. Park Ridge School for Girls. Five of the girls. from the high school department assistçd with serving at tea time. More than aà hundred guests werc present tbrotigbout the afternooii. Cook- ies, cakes, and candy were al for sale, andà these delicacies did not 1 st longi Most attractive. potted. flowers and plants, were. very popular . with the guests, many of whom went -home with one of the purchases, under their armis. On the walls along thebail of the second floor bung the exquisite quilts of Mrs. Charles. D. Ewer of Wilmette, quilts of niany patternis and colors, Flowers worked into 'various designs and patterns, one could see,.were Mrs. Ewer's favorite -composition. Two large plain ~quilt-s with unusually fine quilting received a great deal of at- tention 'froni the guests, who stood be- fore tbemn in rapt attention. In ail the bedrooms there were the loveliest of silk coverlets, bedspreads, and pil- lows. in ail different shades-pinks, blues, greens, and pastels. These were displayed by Miss Mary Ann Harpole of Louisville, Ky. The ball room wvas transformed into a picture gallery with art prints, en- gravings,- monotypes, reproductions of old. paintings, and Christmas cards im- ported froni Lonon-ail froni the col- lection of Mrs. Jeannette T. Phillips, of Chicago. Mrs. Phillips is herself an artist, having studied at the Chi- cago Art. institute and tbe Sorbonne. in Paris. She gave an interesting talk about, ber pictures.. *There wasalso a lecture on quilts- their history and bow tbey are made- by.'Mrs. Franik> L. Richardson, presi- dent of the Colonial Coverlet -Guild of Aînerica. SupperLE .LA. andU wrs. Il son, Burton, o Evelyn and B Thanksgiving di and Mrs. lrodt Pardee.s.. e i "Mis s Ielci FFultopt iil( b4,intro- duced by her p. arentis, Mr. and Mers. ,Frank D. Futltoni at a te& tlzey a-re. giving at their hoine, 884 Hill mail, Winnetka- Saturday alternoon, Deceniber 2ý,,from 4.uitif 7 Twenty debutantes will be ber - as- sistants. They are the Misses Lucy Har- rison, Barbara Ann Sargent, Ethel Dixon, Helen Dawes, Barbara Shaf- fer, Barbara Lawrence, Mary K.' Dowvns, Jeanette Scbreiner, Theima. Jensen, Elsa Kocks, Marjorie Street,' Gretchen Onderdonk, Pauline Seipp, Eleanor Janney, Charlotte Hubbart, Marion Newcomet, Frances Canfield, Virginia Thatcher, Anne Palmer, and Betty Alexander. Meeting oid friends upon th at occa- sion will be. Mrs. Lawrence BeBout, the former -Marion Fulton, who, with lier busband has corne on f rom their bomne ini Loudenville, Ohio, for, the debut tea; and Mrs. Fulton's niece, Mrs. George Snyder of Evaniston, The clebutante's broth-er, Edmiond Fulton, also bas returnçd, to bhis home f rom Montreal to be present at the reception. That.evening Miss Fulton will take. ber assistants and t-beir escorts to din- ner in the French room of the Congress botel. Later in the evening they wiii attend thie International bal l the Goid rooni adjoining, the festive bail given by the boards of Northwestern U niver.. 'n -eça5Lc01 Nat1Ons, -pecial Facts about the World Court, Inter- national Labor, U. S. and War Debts, U. S. Co-operation with the League of Nations," and pamphlets fromn the Lyttôn Report on Manchuria. Miss Anne Whitmack will sugge St upon the request of readers,> other illuminating reading 'along the lunes of, study which the league is follow-" Sewing Friday W'IlI Aid Chîecago, Woman'.s Sheter The next philanthropy sevigý day oc curs at the Womaii's Clubh of-WXiI- -Mette Friday of this week with sewing« Conimencing at 10 and luncheon-served at nooôn.- The Chicago Womfan 's Shel- ter is the beneficiary. Mrs. Christine, M. Kuppinger is *the luncheon speaker, telling of the work of theorganization ,she serves,.a. free Protestant home for stranded women and children. Mrs. Walter J. Gough is sewing chairman and Mrs. Hubert Holdoway is i charge of the luncheôn. Ail women ni Wil- mette are invited to participate in these phiianthropic sewing days. HoId Open House Mr. and Mrs. Harold 0O. Barnes, 98 Indiain Hill road, Winnetka, held open bouse on Saturday evening,' November 25, in honor of six guests here for the Michigan-Northwestern football game. They had supper, dancing, and games, about sixty be- ing present. New Welf are -Head and ee, at Seeley On Monday Mrs. Frank W. Cher-' of tbe ry, 704 Rogers avenue, Kenilworth, enter.tained ber sewin<-' club. the fant S/te i until T&CwLy'electea 1'residen, Iilworth cefiter of t/he 7el are Society of Chic 11 fot be inducted intoo ýe /lrsi of .hzuaryl. *anriouncement madle tis week. The society bas for its prime pur- pose the advancement of education- al work in the mountains of Ken- tucky and bas contributed miany' thousands, of dollars toward this causeý. Fromù the proceeds of their benefit party the niembers hope, to supplement 'materialIly their regular contribution-,to tbe work. A large committeie is already busy witb the arrangements uùnder general1 cbairmanship of Mrs. Preston H. Williams, Sr. Mrs. Avery is serving. as. vice-chairman, and others on the commnittee are Mrs. Charles Colmes- nil,, president of ýthe so,.ciety, Mrs. .Vance C. Roberts, Mrs. J. H. Wells, Mrs. Charles BÉ. Nelson, Mrs. Beix- ton Baker, *Mrs. W. M. -Franklin, Mrs. E.. L. Inihoif, Mrs. J. W. Leathers- and Mrs. A. G. Hillen. Mrs. Wells bas special charge of the sale of tickets and is ready to suppl3r tbem to anyone communicat- ing with ber at 611 Clark street, Ev- anston, or by telephoning University 6096. Plans, for the affair were furtber discussed at a meeting of the board Iast Tbursday at Mrs. Williams' homne in Evanston. B.rownson Circle Has> Next Pro gram Monda g Brownson circle will . old its regular meeting on Monday, December 4.9 The study class at 1 o'clock .will1 be con- dutdby Mrs. Oliver T. C ody of the literatyre departmeiit. Mrs, Jamues O'Callagban will give one of ber own literary works. The business meeting. at 2 o'clock will be f oliowed by a pro- gram. Ney M. McMinn,' professor of 'Eng- lisb at Northwestern uliiversitywill lec-ý ture on "Trends of Modern American: Literature." Vi.olin selections willhe renderçd by.Oswald Cook., Hostesses for the day are Mrs. J. W~ Hogan, Mrs. E. N. Agnew, Mrs. J. F. Kernan, and Mrs. E. J. Fletcher-. ?r Twenty-four friends surprised Mr.. i, and Mrs. John Boylston of 1302 )f Chestnut avenue on their 'forty-fifth t- wedding anniversary Saturday, with 0. a bridge dinner, The Boylstons wilI eentertain sixteen guests at a family Tbanksgiving, dinntr.. .1

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