Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Nov 1933, p. 30

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xor mhe xaiy, tniends or home.- The House Beautiful sponsoned by the Woman's Aid society under the chairmianship' of Mrs. Willard Thay- er, 121 Robsart road, Kenilworth, will open its ýdôon at 10 in the monning Wednesday, Decembeïr 6. Plans which are fully.completed forecast aý great success with eveny division of the society taking an active part., First division will. have its pantny * stocked with homeniade delicacies such as'cakes, cookies, pies, 'and can-' dies which, will.be the equal of any culinany, expert. .In additionthe willbe a iibnary and tea noom ma n- aged by-imembers of this division. Second division will h ave a beauti- fuI display of. exquisite lingerie,. bou-. doir funnishings, excellent hune of bath room linens, and a fine selection * of nien's ties. The. aroma of popcorif and peani.uts will lead to the kitchen where Third division will. maintain aa popeoriu and peaniut stand. Household appliances for' the kitchen, linéns, aprons, china and many othen useful articles which wilI simplify the wonk and mnake kitchen tasks a thrilling adventure, wiil be offered forsale. Fourth 'division, throughi the couir- tesy of 'a Chicago firm, wiil furnish the living room with outstanding and *distinctive furnitu re; also lovely gifts which ivill add to the attractiveness of any roonm, will be .offered for sale,. In addition to Grandmother's Attic, wiiere mainv a hDru<i ;xr - ,.. n . conrinous mvies "at a very small sumn. On Wednesday evening at 8:15, they wilI sponsor a play which will bc presented by the younger set of the church. On Thursday after- noon, a Popularity Baby contest xiii be. held with_,any baby, up to 2 years of'age béiiiir. eligible. . Here the tiny tots will expect their' friends to repre- sent thern for the popularity of' ihe baby v ili bc decided by the nuniber of votes cast. A' fortune teller wiIi bec busy during the, progress of the fair where anv- Mrs. Gabe S. Wegener of 360'Keni- ilworth avenue, Kenilwonth, enter- tained her bridge club at breakfast Monday. Mrs. Midcleton Smith 'of Lake Forest was a guest. tormerly ot Wilmette. The wedding took place in the' CoIwell Memoriai chapel if Wesley. Methodist church of Aurora, with the Rev. Ralph Pierce reading' the service; The. bride, wvho is the daughiter of Mr. and Mrs. William Henry Fitch, was attended by, two of her North- western Alpha, Phi sorority, sisters, Mrs.. Justin W. Dart (foarmerly - Miss Ruth Walgreen) and Mrs. Wendell1 Locke,. (formerly. Miss Virginia Clark- -soni) who served as matrons ocf honor. The hridegroomn was attended by Justin W.,:Dart.' Among the, ushers were Wendell Locke, and two of Mr. Cul- ver's, Sigma Nu fraternity brothers, William S.' Idler and Fred G. Lund- berg, both of Wilmette. After the wedding service there xvas a reception at the ýhome of the bride's p arents. Mr. and Mrs. Culver ieftý im- meédiateiv for- their honeynioon ,trip to, the Pacific coast, where they will visit Mr. Culver's parents, 'the Gord on. Cul- vers of A.itaden, Cal., and 'u fe cently of $imwood avenue, Wiim'ette.*. Under the guiding hand of Mrs. Willard Thayer' of 121 Robsart road, Kenilworth, the Won's Aid sociey of the Wil mette Par- is/i Met hodist EPiscopal church will open ifs annual House Beau- tifll i ifs Coil,î,»u,&jtvl house Wed- n'sda, Tlzursdav. and Friday of n exl zwcek. Articles for the Christ- ,nias shopper, lupwheons,, tea, din- ners and' entertainmient zvlli be found zvit/sin ifs, doors during its' three-day se ssion. Young S et Plan Dance for Young Set Dec. 1 A dance for young. people and ar- ragdby young people is in store for members of St.. Franicis Xavier's par- ish Friday night of this week. ,Al young' boys and girls, young men and womnein, ,and of the young marnied set are invited to attend the event, a gala one in. the' Thaiiksgiving season, one' which wiil be a reun ion for' school- cember .5, 1 o'clock an Juniors Are on Comm»Itte'e for Subscription Dance The ways and means committee of the Woman's club of Wilmette is sponsoring the first of two in- formai dances for juniors at the ciubhouse Saturday evening, De- cember 9. Mrs. J. W. Fisher, Jr., is chairman of the cornmittee, As- sisting her are Mrs. David Hill' Mrs. Nelson Joyce, Mrs. W. F. Uorsting, Mrs. Lowell Snorf, Mrs. H?. C. Toeppen, and Mrs. George Williamis.1 juniors wili assist with the informaI -subscription dance the ways and meanis. conimittee is sponsoring. They are tlo be Virginia Snorf, jean Audrey Reh- feid, Jane Horsting, .Ann Bayliff, Phyllis Richardsonf, Joan Guthridge, 1jean Fisher, Annamarie Booz, Mary Waidnei, Helen. Condit, Helen Young, Eleanon' Williams, Lois Wolf, Lowell Snorf, Howard Rice, Donald Toeppen, Lionel Toeppen, r-Jim Burnili, George Cook, Bob Rih. Edin Meh l i.k A dditi onal Society News on Pages 33, 34, 35 Isabel and Miss Marion* Uordon's *apa rtmient at 1430 Lake Shore drive. Besides the Misses Cordon, the grou1p included Mrs. }Ioratio Rogers, Mrs. A. lunes Mackenzie, and Mrs. Arthur, W. Rogers, of Evanston, Miss Bar- bara Graî, Miss Bobette Boysen, Miss Barbara Eldridge, Miss jean Hymian, and Miss Jane. Boyce.ý The international bail is given in 'honor of ail the consuls of foreigul nations who are in -Chicago, and. to further honor them, it is planned, that the flags, shields, and embiens' of their countries will decorate the Gold room of, the, Congress, where the bail] takes place., The aff air is given, for the Northwestern Univer- sity settl.ement, and 'is. sponsored- by ,ail its. boards. At 9 o'clock a line will form, and, the guest s 'xviii be introduced to the consuls, thirty-eight, of whomn havé sent ini their acceptances. Dancing to'Hal, Stokes' orchiestra. cffiusidered amonge the' very best in the cjty, a floor show, .with a ballet, solo dancing, and singing, and bridge, for which facilities will bé provided, formù the evening's entertainment. Serving on. thei committeje planning the:affair are Mrs. Herman Friestedt, Mrs; James Offieid, Mrs. Ernst. von; Ammon, Mrs. Norman Weste 1rhold. Robert Pearson, Mrs. Arthurý Rav- mond, and Harold -Bannes. Lingerie Show to Berneuit Kenilworth Welf are Center The Kenilworth center of the In- fant Welfare* Society of Chicago is, presenting a lingerie show on Wed-. nesday, December 6, at 'Il o'clock in the. morniing, at' the. home of Mrs. Roy Osgood, 423 Essex. road, Kenil-. worth. Garments 'e«xhfibited will be on sale, the Keniilwovrth 'cetiter -<le- riving, ben efit from the proceeds. Those who wili model will be, Mrs. Ro.bert Osgood, Mrs. William Jenks,, Mvrs. Paul Russeil, Nona Jane Hand- work, Mrs. Walter Glass, M.\rs. John McDoweil, and Mrs. Weiland Hintz- *peter.. Mrs. Edmund B'urke and Mr's VWflL will be servèd until 10 o'ciock. wiil continue until 12:30. ments have been made for thc of bridge and keno, in add dancing,

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