) 87l ,We 'Found a'Mo ral In the "6Three.,Littie Pigs" for, both ADVERTLSER.S and SHOPPERS, This business called tihe NRA 'Ha.ç brought us sneite; and f e'. ings, gay. And prohibitiôn's, fate demise. Has put a glivt into our e'yes. We chuckle d when 'w e saw thepicture, "Three: Little Pigs. Turning it over. in our minds we began tc wonder if it did not have a moral which could. be applied to our business. We de- buy as much as poss iblei abe"big bad wolf." And again we thought of pigs" Who weekly enteri north -shore with their me iquite a. formid-' 1:our ....for more than 20 yearsý the HOME PAPER of the co»ýmuftit'/' BY MAIL $2.00 PER YEAR 40 er ek el