and tne frst games on the round robin schedules will be played next week. * Members of the recreation staff Who are in charge of the leagues an- nounce . that the comnpetition. is keener in both .the* A, Bp C, and North Shore leagues this vear.- In. the latter *league, especially, the, team members have been those who can furnish worthwbile competition to the. champions of last year: The best bas- ketball players on the North Shore have been recruited for this league and, according to the Recreation' leaders, thé games will'be guaranteed to be interesting enough to warrant -the:entrance fee for spectators. This is the only league for which: admis- Sion fees are charged and. Director of Recreation,, Daniel M. Davis, an- nounces that ,these .fees have. been considerably lowered from last.year *to meet the exigencies of the times. EnteFour teamas H1offmann Florists have entered four teanis in the Recreation Board league this year and hope to excel their record* of last year when they emerged with two championships, a tie for the third, ahid a fourth placeý ini the fourth. They have entered teanis this year in the volley bal league for men, the "A", "B", and North Shorq Basketball leagules. Th'Ie Young People's Club of St. Joseph's church rank second in the number of tearns entered in the various leag- ues, having entered a teani in the men's volley - ball league, the "B" Basketball, legaue for mien and in the girls' basketball league. Schedules of the various -leagues folloW. These may he obtained by communicating with. the Recreation office,' 914 Central avenue, where either Mr. Davis or some niember of, bis. staff- will iurnish a ny iniiorma- tion desired. The schedules: Ail games played at Howýard nastun,. MWdnesday,Dcebr gym- i *tljv .111. "Ilib ub&C*5 . L VI. vs. Brownies. Stolp gymnasium. 7:30 p.n. Men's volleyball. Bap- tist vs.' Methodist. Hloward gym- nasium. 7:30 p.m. Men's volleyball. Y. P.. C. vs. Howard P. T. A. Howard gym- nasium. .8:15 p. mn. Girls' bas ketball. Y. P. C. vs. C. D). A. Stolp gymnnasium. 8:30 p.m. M'en's volleyball. Seddon vs. HoffnWann Florists.Hoadg - 7 p. mn. Men's bagketball. "B" league. St. Francis vs.. Y. P. C. Howard gymnasium. 8, p'.n. Men's, basketball. "B" league. Hornets vs. Winbergs. How- ard gymnasîum. 9, P. M. Men's 'basketball. "B" league. Hoffmann Florists vs. Wil- mette 'Confectionery. Howard gym- nastum. W.du.sday, December 6 7 p. m. Meri's 'basketball. "A" league. C. S. vs. Methodists. How- ard gymnaslum. 7P. am. Men's basketball. "C" league. Teams announced later. Stolp gymnasium. 8 p. m. Men's basketball. "A" league. State Bank vs. Hoffmann Florists. Howard gymnasium. 8 p. m. Men's' basketba1l. "éC" league.. Teams ànnounced later. Stolp gymnasium. 0 p.m. Men's basketball. "ýA" league. Wihnette Battery vs. Mas- ters. Howard gymnasium. Thuraday, D.enaber 7 7 p. m. Girls' basketball. "B" league.ý TNT vs. XYZ. Howard gymnasium. 7,p. an. Girls' basketball. "B" league. Weenies vs. Snookies. Howard gym- nasium. 8 P. am. Ladies' gymnasium class. Howard school- auditorium. Juni( and Brownie teams are tied for the * first place in the roster, each of the three having conie out vjctorious i ail tilts to date. Aill games of the girls' "A" league are played at the Stolp gymnasiunr. A Junior league "B" is being orga- nized which will nieet at the Howard gymnasium at 7 o'clock on Thursday evenings., This league. will begin, its scheduled gamnes -December 7. Fol- lowing are, the resuits of, the games: played in, the "A" league during the first two weeks:: Week eof Noveuber 1 IPoIywo#gles (6) Y. P. C. (29) B. Bezdek M. Kummer E.-Plnkowski D. Kummer P. Sbea .E.LPhillhps M. Pearson V. Monohan 9. Keil C. Antonio B. Kreusch D. Riggle, refere £17~ s T~A in E. Paterson, A. lEinger 1. 'Christiansen J. Serimageour D. Vollman M. Ièauer 'D. R Porters (19) E. Berndtson V. Jobhnson A. Stempel C. Didier M. Green E. Keenor' biggle, re'fere ID. Riggie, referee Brownies (32) 1. Christiansen B. Paterson A. Edinger M. Lauer J1. Serimageour Di. Volliman D ige V. Jo.hnson M. Pearson F. Toscani S. Keil M. fleMarto B,.Toscant. A. Kristoff Anine komen Agnes Komen F. Toiscaniý C. Kristoff. E. Zopp E. Ehrier Noveniber 20 Polywoggles (8) M. Peârson P. Shea. E. Pinkowskl K. Pearson oG, Johnsonl B. Bezdek referee Porters (49) C. D. A. (14) E. Berndtson -F. Schmidtz V. Johnson B. Schaefer *A. Nord NI. Bruchhauwe' A. StempelM Me.yer C. Didier ' f.Stetncoe M. Creen M. Schmidt E.Harléiff M. Schneider, .F.Schwall D. Riggle.: referee Y. P. C. (2 4) Kudas (23) M. Kummer ..A Kristoff D,. Kuimmer Anne Komen E. Phillips Agne>s Konien V. Monahan F. Tosean! M. Kreusch C. Rristoft C. Antonio R Tôscani M. De Marco 'E. 'Zopp, E. Ehrler1 D. Figgle,. refere-é Johnsn~u, who J uiivu Irrs ana sec- ond in the Big Ten scoring last year, gives some idea of the job facing the' Wildcat mentor. This pair -led the Purpie cagers to a Big Ten titie in 1930 and a tie for the championship last year. Last season, Reiff -set a neW, Western Conferenc e. scorin g record of 168 points while bis teammate Johnson trailed in second place w'ith 109 points. Four lettermen will be available for this year's, team. They are the co- captains, Don Brewer, forward, and Nelson. Culver,. guard; Ed Manske., guard, and Milton. Rosenfeld, for- ward. The first three, were regulars last year, whi.le Rosenfeld got in enough as a reserve to win bis letter. The problean con fronting Coach Lonborg at the present time is de- veloping a center. Lyle Fisher, a reserve last year, and Irwin Kopecky.. and Vern Anderson, sophômores who are menibers of the football team, ar'e the leadig candidates. Out of this trio mhust also came a for- ward to take over Reiff's position: 1933-34 ScheduaIe *Dec. 4-Bradley at Evanstoni Dec. 9-Notre Dame at South .Bend Dec. 12-Marquette at MilNaukee Dec. 16-Plttsburgh at Evanston Dec. 21-Nebraska at Evanston Dec. 30-Notre Dame at Evanston Jan. 6-lowa at Iowa Jan. 8-Minnesota at Evanston Jan. 13-Ohio -at Columbus Jan. 15-Mic1Igan at Evanston Jan. 20-Illinois at Chanwaign Jan. 22-Ohlo at Evanston Jan. 27-Minnesota at Minneaplis F~eb. 5-Wabash at Evanston Feb. 10-Chicago at Evanston Feb. 12-Iowa at Evanston Feb. 19-Ilinols. at Evanston Feb. 2 6-Michigan at Ann Arbor, ar 3-hilcago at Ciao MOTOR HERE FOR GAME Robert McNeil Burns, , 614 Es-' sex road, Kenilworth,. motored home froan Ann' Arbor last Friday, bring- ing two friends, Harry 'Pillinger, froan Muskegon, Mich., and Cari Sullivan, from Milwaukee. They re- turned on 'Sunday, Mr. and, Mrs.. Burns driving with theni to spend a couple, of days' in Port Huron. Bob %vil!. be home again for Thanksgiving. 9f 1. nL-H10r Tue 7 p. m.-Horn tionery. SP. m- ' bergs vs. Wi.Imette Con-'7 p. m.-St. Fr'ancisa vs. Wilm-ette Con- November 27- fectionery. 7:30 P. m.-Hoffmann rlOrists vs. How- 'C. vs. Hoffmann Florists. 8 p. m.-Y. P. C. va. Hornets. ard P. T. A. nets va. St. Francis. 9 p. m.-Wlnbergs va. Hoffmann Florists. Baptlst vs. Y. P. C. sday, Detefiïer 19- Tuesify, Jantary 14 8,30 P. m.-Seddon va. Methodistý nets vs. WlImette Confec- 7Z P. m.-Y. P. C. va. Wllmette Con-' December 4- fectionery. 7 :30 p.-m.-Baptist va. Methodlst. F r qL n c la vs. Hofftmann 8 p. mn.-$t. Francia vs. Winbergs. Y. P. C. vs. Howard P. T. A., Flrst;9 p. m.-Hornets vÈ. Hoffmann Florants. 8:30 pm.--Seddon vs. Hoffmnanns. February 5- 7:30 p. m.-Method1st vs. Y. P. Hoffmann Florlsts vi 8:30 p. m.-Seddon vs. Howard Flebruary 12- 7:30 p. mp.-Howard P. T. ýA. vs Hoffmann Florlsts odist. 8 :30 p. m.--Seddon vs. Y.ý P. C C. s. Baptist, [P. T. A. s.Baptist. vs. Meth- .1 1.1